"Yes, Young Master Chen is polite."

"Everyone is working for the court, it's serious!"

Although Lu Zhi, who was sitting on the table, did not have a good first impression of Chen Peng, he had to admit that this young Chen Peng knew how to be a human being.

"Let's hear it." Lu Zhi waved his hand!


Chapter 056, Battle!Only one battle! (New book for flowers [2/5])

Chapter 056, Battle!Only one battle! (New book for flowers [2/5])

Standing in the center of the crowd, Chen Peng was dressed in black armor. Although he was not burly, his tall and straight figure did not look weak.

Although he was only a scholar, the scholars during the Eastern Han Dynasty learned the six arts, bowing, horse riding, and archery were all compulsory courses.

And Chen Peng, who was standing in the middle of the crowd, was not at all stage frightened.

"I'd like to see what he can say."

"Let a new army attack the Yellow Turbans who are now in high morale? I'm afraid it would be equivalent to suicide!" Gongsun Zan said in a low voice.

Liu Bei also looked at Chen Peng, and he also wanted to know how Chen Peng could convince everyone.

After slightly bowing his hands to Lu Zhi, Chen Peng said:

"Actually, before I came here, when I didn't hear the battle report of the left middle general and the right middle general, Chen Peng thought the same as everyone!" Chen Peng said.


Lu Zhi raised his eyebrows.

Chen Peng's first sentence immediately attracted Lu Zhi's interest.

Originally thought that Chen Peng was suspected of grandstanding, he instantly became serious.

"If it weren't for the defeat of the left middle general and the right middle general, Chen Peng and everyone have the same idea, avoiding the fight without fighting, waiting for the court reinforcements and then fighting together is the best choice."


Chen Peng looked at the crowd and said, "But now there is still an unknown war in Runan and Yingchuan, and since we already know the news, I believe Zhang Jiao will know it soon."

"Think about it, everyone. If Zhang Jiao learned that the two armies of the imperial court had suffered setbacks, and we were alone, would he miss such an opportunity?"

"Or, if you were Zhang Jiao, would you miss this opportunity?"

After Chen Peng finished speaking, he waited for everyone's response.

The generals sitting around shook their heads one by one.

Unless it is a fool, no one will miss this excellent fighter.

Lu Zhi also gradually aroused his thoughts on Chen Peng's words.

"Even so, our army is a new army, and the Yellow Turban army has a total of [-]. How can we fight?" The clan member asked Chen Peng with a frown.

Chen Peng turned around and said with a grim smile from the sect: "The edge of the blade has to fight, and if you don't win, you will die!"

"In fact, there is no way out in front of us." Chen Peng said, spreading his hands.

Do you have to fight with the edge of the knife?Invincible or dead?

Lu Zhi had a thoughtful look on his face, and the expression on his face gradually became serious and serious.

"If we don't fight, even if we are not defeated, we can't escape the court's scolding." Chen Peng's eyes glanced at everyone:

"Are you willing to wait to avoid fighting and be chased and defeated by the court and be held accountable by the court, or are you willing to fight to the death for a big credit?"

"Avoid, be chased and scattered, and the court will be held accountable!"

"War, fight for the vitality of Yi County, and make an unparalleled achievement!"

"How to choose, I think you already have the answer in your heart! Chen Peng is not afraid, are the generals afraid?" Chen Peng looked at the crowd and asked.

"Afraid? Why be afraid! We're not afraid!"

"Yes, the big deal is death, and a big scar is lost on the head! After more than ten years, I am a good man again!"

"Zhan, I fought with them, but the fame and fame will be taken immediately!"

"Yes, Zhan, we are also afraid that a group of thieves will fail!"

Lu Zhi looked at the crowd in surprise.

From the eyes of everyone, he saw the flaming fighting intent.

He wanted to propose a war just now, but he could see that morale was unavailable, and even if it was a war, he would definitely lose.

But now, he actually saw the burning and rising fighting spirit from everyone.

Turning to Chen Peng, Lu Zhi was surprised.

Could it be that Chen Peng is not what Gongsun Zan said?

Or maybe he misunderstood Chen Peng?

Contrary to Lu Zhi, at this time Gongsun Zan felt even more uncomfortable in his heart.

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