This time, Lu Zhi stood up himself and took down the map behind him.

Holding the map, Lu Zhi walked to Chen Peng.

"Whether it's a misunderstanding or other reasons, it's this general's fault. This general will admit that if you really have a plan to break the Yellow Turban thieves, this general will be the first to write to the court to give you credit!" Lu Zhi frankly said to Chen Peng.

Chen Peng responded with a smile: "Lu Zhonglang is joking. The boy admired Zhonglang a long time ago, but he never met him. Now that he can meet and be taught by Zhonglang, the boy is fortunate for three lifetimes. If Zhonglang does not dislike it, The boy wants to worship Zhonglang as a teacher, and he is sure to take him in!"

Chen Peng's words shocked everyone in the account.

Many people understood what Lu Zhi said to Chen Peng just now.

There must be some misunderstanding between the two before.

Lu Zhi frankly admitted his previous mistakes.

Chen Peng, on the other hand, looked like he was being taught with an open mind, and he definitely worshipped Lu Zhi as his teacher.

This is equivalent to taking the initiative to give Lu Zhi a step down.

In fact, the matter of worshipping Lu Zhi as a teacher was not a whim of Chen Peng.

But it was already on the agenda before he came back.

Lu Zhi's influence is very broad, no matter in the future or now, Lu Zhi is the backbone of the big man, and he will definitely enter the Luoyang Chaotang after this battle.

Yingchuan Chen's name is certainly useful, but if there is a teacher like Lu Zhi who ranks third, it will be even more perfect.

Chen Peng's actions exceeded Lu Zhi's expectations, and also exceeded everyone's expectations.

"Haha, it looks like Mr. Zhonglang is going to accept his apprentice today!"

"Yeah, today's talk will definitely become a good story in the future."

"That's right, we should jointly witness for Chen Peng and Lord Zhonglang!"

There was laughter in the tent.

"Are you serious?" Lu Zhi looked at Chen Peng.

"The kid doesn't dare to lie, it's just a little abrupt, please don't blame Mr. Zhonglang." Chen Peng said humbly.

It has to be said that today Lu Zhi has never had a disciple.

As for Gongsun Zan and Liu Bei, they can only be regarded as students.

Not a disciple.

To tell the truth, Chen Peng in front of him was quite satisfied.

But that's not enough.

"It's not impossible for me to accept you as a disciple, but there are conditions!"

Lu Zhi looked at Chen Peng and said, "If your plan succeeds in defeating the Yellow Turbans this time, then I will accept you as a disciple."

Chen Peng was instantly overjoyed.

"A word is settled!"


Chapter 058, Yingchuan Chen Peng, well-deserved reputation! (New book for flowers [4/5])

Chapter 058, Yingchuan Chen Peng, well-deserved reputation! (New book for flowers [4/5])

"Pen come, ink come!"

Chen Peng took the push from Lu Zhi's hand, and then spread it directly on a desk.

Many generals gathered around.

Gongsun Zan also quickly got up and walked over.

Although Chen Peng does not care about it.

But he also wanted to hear how Chen Peng wanted to inspire everyone.

On the bookcase, Chen Peng, who was surrounded by the crowd, took a brush and dipped it in some ink.

"Now we are here, about thirty miles away from Ye City surrounded by Zhang Jiao."

"And Zhang Jiao's camp is here. It is roughly estimated that there are [-] people, but among those who can really fight, I guess only about [-]. This is where Zhang Jiao's real elite lies."

"As long as this elite is defeated, then there is nothing left to fear!"

Chen Peng's thinking was quick and his words were clear: "And our trump card should be the three thousand cavalry in our hands."

Speaking of which, Chen Peng looked at Lu Zhi.

Lu Zhi nodded and agreed with Chen Peng's statement.

In the open plains, the power that three thousand cavalry can exert is quite astonishing.

But this is not enough to be the key to victory, after all, Zhang Jiao has a large number of men.

If the cavalry is caught in the sea of ​​people, it may be destroyed in one fell swoop.

"Although there are [-] elite cavalry, but it is not enough to win." Huan Zhonglang general guard said.

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