Compared with the previous attitude, the sect member's tone softened a lot.

It was mainly because of Chen Peng's performance just now that the sect members agreed with him a lot.

If it wasn't for what he said just now, in the eyes of everyone, Chen Peng was nothing but a son of a gentry who was born in a gentry who relied on the shadow of his family to achieve this step.

"That's right, Lord Zhonglang Jiang is right, three thousand cavalry is not enough to win, but it can give the enemy a fatal blow at a critical moment!"

Chen Peng transferred the brush in his hand from the location of their camp to a river next to Yecheng.


Chen Peng, who looked up at the crowd, smiled mysteriously, and landed his pen on Hengshui.

"It's spring now, there is a lot of rain, and this place is low-lying. If our army pretends to be defeated, it will lead the enemy army here, and build a dam upstream in advance, and dig the dam when the enemy army arrives here!"

Chen Peng spread out his hands and made an explosive gesture.

Hearing Chen Peng's words, Lu Zhi, including the clan members and the surrounding generals' eyes widened instantly.

This works!

If the enemy takes the bait, as long as the upstream dike is dug up, it will be a flooded army.

Can he win without a single pawn.

"How did you come up with this plan?" Lu Zhi looked at Chen Peng.

Chen Peng smiled slightly, glanced at Gongsun Zan in the crowd, and then said humbly, "Teacher, I deliberately wandered around for two days on the way here, just to observe the surrounding terrain, so I discovered this place."

Lu Zhi frowned and looked at Gongsun Zan.

Then he turned to look at Chen Peng and said, "That's why you delayed your trip? Then why didn't you explain when you came?"

Chen Peng secretly rejoiced that Lu Zhi did not object to calling him a teacher, and then bowed his hands and said respectfully: "I know that the teacher is upright, if it's just a misunderstanding, he will definitely solve it, if I explain it at the time, the teacher will think that I am arrogant. "

"So I didn't explain it!"

Lu Zhi looked at Cheng Chenpeng and was very satisfied.

Why wasn't he himself?

If he was proficient in the way of smoothness, he would have already entered the center of the court over the years.

It's just that he doesn't want to join forces with those people.

"Not bad!"

Lu Zhi praised Chen Peng.

Gongsun Zan, who was glared at him, widened his eyes, as if his eyes were about to breathe fire.

Chen Peng obviously went to the Zhen family in Zhongshan.

Now that you say that, it has become a spy on the terrain behind enemy lines?

On the other hand, Liu Bei, who was beside Gongsun Zan, had a deeper understanding of Chen Peng.

Yingchuan Chen Peng is well-deserved!

Liu Bei is now more and more convinced that the death of Guo Xun and Liu Wei must be inseparable from Chen Peng's calculations.

And the reason why he calculated Guo Xun and Liu Wei was to make his father Chen Xin the prefect of Youzhou!

But if all this is true.

That also illustrates another problem from the other side.

That is, this Chen Peng is really too terrifying.

All these plots could not have been planned in a day or two.

I'm afraid this has been planned for a long time.

Think before you act, plan before you act, one strike will kill you!

At this moment, Liu Bei deeply believed that if Chen Peng hadn't died prematurely, he would definitely be able to soar into the sky. Such a person is too scary.

And many generals in the camp, including the generals of Huan Zhonglang, who opposed Chen Peng at the beginning, were also persuaded by Chen Peng.

The chances of this plan being successful are too high.

And if it succeeds, then everyone here will be the hero.

In this environment, Chen Peng quickly became the core.

Lu Zhi and others began to further improve all this under the strategy proposed by Chen Peng.

After sunset, the plan to defeat the enemy has been decided, and the next step is to implement the left-back step!


Chapter 059: The decisive battle of Zhang Jiao, the flooded three armies! (New book for flowers [5/5])

Chapter 059: The decisive battle of Zhang Jiao, the flooded three armies! (New book for flowers [5/5])

Chen Peng's official position is Changshui Sima.

But execution is indeed the responsibility of Captain Changshui.

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