Chen Peng saluted respectfully.

"Lu Zhonglang!"

Guan Yu also bowed his hands in salute.


Zhang Fei glared at Lu Zhi and snorted.

This means that Chen Peng also had Guan Yu to suppress Zhang Fei, otherwise, Zhang Fei's character would definitely be cursing.

After all, the relationship between Lu Zhi and Gongsun Zan is not shallow.

"The third brother is rude!"

Chen Peng turned his head and glared at Zhang Fei.

"Yun Qing, it's okay.


Lu Zhi hurriedly waved his hand from the side: "This is because the teacher has wronged the discipline and it almost caused a catastrophe, and there is no excuse for the teacher.


Chen Peng stepped forward quickly: "What did the teacher say, how can I blame you for this?"

"Dragon gave birth to nine sons and the nine sons are all different, not to mention that Gongsun Zan and Liu Bei are only the teacher's students and not the disciples. You can't blame the teacher for this, and you can only blame the disciples for being too sharp and making others jealous. This calamity!"

"But fortunately, the disciple and the elder brother are excellent in martial arts.


Chen Peng said humbly, "This should be the disciple's fault.


Of course Lu Zhi knew that Chen Peng said this to ease his heart.

And if he was arguing, it would be hypocritical, so he wasn't arguing.

And what Chen Peng said also makes sense.

Lu Zhi nodded and said, "Yun Qing has a saying that makes some sense. With Yun Qing's current age, such a contribution is indeed a bit of an edge, and Yun Qing needs to grasp this by himself.


Chen Peng understood in his heart.

"Don't worry, teacher, this disciple is clear!"

"If you have Yunqing's words, you will be relieved for the teacher. This time, I will take the credit and report the evil deeds of Gongsun Zan and Liu Bei together for the teacher's association, so that the court wants them!"

Lu Zhi said.

Gongsun Zan and Liu Bei are both heroic.

Although Chen Peng was ahead step by step at this time, he was still a little afraid of the two, so it was best to kill him with a stick, so he did not reject Lu Zhi.

And then he has to completely complete the dungeon mission of the Yellow Turban Army, and see what rewards!

Chapter 065, Attributes skyrocketed, strength greatly increased (please order first, customize! [2/10])

Chapter 065, The attributes are violent, and the strength is greatly increased. Please make the first order and customize it! [2] Early the next morning, the various armies began to clean up the battlefield.

Everything that was lost in the treasury of Yecheng was difficult to search in the chaotic army, so it had to be left alone.

And Chen Peng is nestled in his own camp and can't take a step.

At this time in the prison of the camp.

The two brothers, Zhang Jiao and Zhang Liang, who were captured alive, were tied together with cloth balls stuffed in their mouths.

Chen Peng looked at the two brothers alone.

At this time, Zhang Jiao seemed to be ten years older than yesterday.

"Why do you say you are...rebellious"

Chen Peng looked at Zhang Jiao and said, "You honestly preach your way of peace, even if you don't rebel, it's not the same as the emperor's life, what's the point of it, why bother... Alas"

What Chen Peng said is true.

With the scale of Zhang Jiao's Taiping Road, even if he didn't rebel, he really lived the same life as an emperor.

With his status, he wants anything without money, power, beauty and everything.

It's a pity, I'm obsessed, no, it shouldn't be said to be obsessed, it should be said to be obsessed with the way of some people.

Zhang Jiao had already been abandoned when Emperor Ling untied the party's shackles.

There was no scholar to give him advice, and the Yellow Turban uprising that seemed to correspond to the world actually did not have a unified command.

They will soon withdraw from the stage of history.

At this time, Zhang Jiao, who knew where his defeat was, also looked at Chen Peng with a remorseful look.

Chen Peng stepped forward and pulled out the cloth ball that was stuck in Zhang Jiao and Zhang Liang's mouth, so that the two could talk.

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