"You let us go, as long as you want, we can give it to you!"

Zhang Liang was the first to open his mouth and said anxiously at Chen Peng: "We can give you money, countless money!"

Chen Peng did not agree, he kept looking at Zhang Jiao with a remorseful face.

"Shouldn't I regret listening to the slander...hey..."

Zhang Jiao sighed deeply.

The corner of Chen Peng's mouth rose slightly: "Maybe we can make a deal!"

Zhang Jiao raised his head and looked at Chen Peng: "What is the deal?"

"Tell me who is instigating you to rebel, and I'll give you a treat and not let you suffer in Luoyang City!"

Chen Peng said.

Zhang Jiao's pupils shrank suddenly.

"Let me go, let me go and let my elder brother tell you!"

When Zhang Liang on the side heard that he still had a chance to survive, he hurriedly interjected.

Chen Peng frowned, picked up the cloth ball and blocked Zhang Liang's mouth.

Zhang Liang shouted loudly.

However, Zhang Jiao kept staring at Chen Peng.

"Since I'm going to die, why should I tell you not to think that I don't know, [-]% of the people who know this are nobles, and you are the same. Before you die, you still want to use me to fight."

Chen Peng saw Zhang Jiao looking at him with hatred in his eyes and knew that Zhang Jiao would not say anything.

Chen Peng shrugged: "Well, since you don't want to say it, I won't embarrass you. For the sake of you being a man, I won't send you to Luoyang to be tortured, and I will end it here. you.


Having said that, Chen Peng pulled out the saber around his waist and came behind Zhang Liang and Zhang Jiao.

Zhang Liang struggled hard, while Zhang Jiao lowered his head as if appointed.

Facing Zhang Liang's back neck, Chen Peng raised the sword in his hand.


The blade fell, and Zhang Liang's head fell to the ground.


The electronic synth sounded.

The system prompts: "Congratulations to the host, Hu Huangpu Song, for beheading Zhang Liang, and getting the Domination Plus 0.



The system prompts: "Congratulations to the host for completing the mission [Dungeon of the Yellow Turbans] for killing the Duke General Zhang Liang, completing the mission and gaining 30%, and obtaining the building [Fighting Soldiers Battalion]!"

[Berzy Soldier Battalion]: After placement, berserkers can be recruited. Each berserker believes in the host and possesses extraordinary combat power.

The Berserker with a double axe has a combat power of up to 40, and it takes twelve hours to recruit.

"It's time to send you on your way!"

Chen Peng came behind Zhang Jiao with a knife covered in blood.

Zhang Jiao lowered his head and closed his eyes without saying a word.

Holding up the long sword in his hand, Chen Peng personally ended the era of the Yellow Turbans.

The blade slashed, and Zhang Jiao's head fell to the ground.


The system prompts: "Host Tongxi has completed the mission [Dungeon of the Yellow Turbans] to kill Zhang Jiao, the general of the Duke of Heaven, and completed 60% of the dungeon quest. The quest of the [Dungeon of the Yellow Turbans] is currently 100% completed, and you will get a spree of attribute enhancement. One building card and one skill card.


【Attribute Pack】: After opening, you will get a comprehensive attribute reminder 20.

[Building Card]: After using it, you will get a building immediately.

[Skill Card]: After using it, you will get a skill immediately.


What a great reward.

Chen Peng was overjoyed.

Not to mention building cards and skill cards, just a comprehensive reminder of 20 attributes is very powerful.

"System, use the attribute package first!"

Chen Peng rubbed his hands in anticipation.


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