It was beyond everyone's expectations, even Lu Zhi's own expectations.

They won this epic victory with an absolutely inferior force.

The cavalry who went to Luoyang to report their merits galloped like a fly, and Chen Peng took advantage of this short interval to go to Zhongshan.

Just as the so-called "Little Bie" wins the newlyweds, after tasting the sweetness last time, Chen Peng naturally couldn't forget Zhen Jiang's water-like body.

Therefore, after everything in Yecheng was reported, he entrusted his subordinates to Guan Yu and Zhang Fei, and Chen Peng asked Lu Zhi to leave and went straight to Zhongshan.

If it was before this battle, Lu Zhi would never have let Chen Peng leave like this.

But now Lu Zhi has no reason not to let Chen Peng go to Jizhou. The battle is basically over.

All that's left is.... to clear up the small yellow turban army.

Lu Zhi's eight 8th battalion captains, except... Chen Peng, all attacked. This is the time to take credit, and no one wants to miss it.

And Chen Peng, who has absolute top skills, doesn't need to get a piece of the pie. . . .

A few days later, an urgent battle report of [-] li arrived at Luoyang City from Jizhou.

At this time, the atmosphere above the courthouse in Luoyang City was even more solemn than before Lu Zhi sent troops.

Liu Hong, who had been ignoring government affairs all day, didn't even feel in the mood to spend a lot of time.

The reason is, of course, that the two armies of Huangpu Song and Zhu Jun lost in Runan, Yingchuan.

And the court had to send a large army to support the two.

In front of the city gate of Luoyang City, a cavalryman with a flag behind him ran fast! "Jizhou [-] miles urgently report! Get out of the way!"

"Jizhou [-] li expedited battle report! Get out of the way!"

The cavalry on the horse shouted loudly while beating the horse.

The cavalry on duty at the gate of the city quickly dispersed the surrounding crowd to make way for the cavalry.

Liu Hong, who was above the court, was listening with a dark face to the report of the general He Jin below.

There was a sudden sound of rapid footsteps and trembling voices outside the hall.

"Reciting Your Majesty, Jizhou [-] li expedited military report!"

Xiao Huangmen said with a trembling voice.

Hearing Xiao Huangmen's voice, the people around were stunned for a moment, and then their hearts sank.

But when they saw the bamboo slips book in Xiao Huangmen's hands tied with three red ribbons, everyone was stunned again.

It's not a battle report of defeat, but a good news! Xiao Huangmen knelt on the ground, holding the bamboo slips in both hands and raised them high: "Your Majesty, Jizhou [-] li has rushed to send the military report, victory, great victory!"

Sitting on the chair, Liu Hong, who was even darkened, was stunned for a moment.

"Come on, let me take a look at it!"

The ecstatic Liu Hong stood up anxiously.

The general He Jin, who was scolded by Liu Hong a second ago and couldn't raise his head, hurried forward and took the battle report from Xiao Huangmen.

This time He Jin was much faster than Yuan Wei.

Holding the battle report, He Jin took two steps forward and came directly under the steps of Liu Honglong's chair.

Zhong Chang Attendant Zhang Rang walked down the stairs and took the battle report from He Jin, then quickly returned to Liu Hong's side.

After putting down the bamboo slip, Zhang Rang untied the red ribbon tied on the bamboo slip.

Breaking five, Liu Hong, who was not welcome, did not wait for Zhang Rang to unfold the bamboo slip and reached out to take it.

With one glance and three lines, the expression on Liu Hong's face became more and more happy.

"Good, good, good, great!"

Excited Liu Hong said four 44 words with a face, and his face turned from black to red.

"Great victory, great victory!"

Liu Hong's hands were shaking with excitement.

Since Zhang Jiao's rebellion, he has not been able to sleep because of whether he eats well or not.

He even wondered if he was sick.

But after reading this battle report, Liu Hong felt instantly relieved.

Everyone in His Highness looked at Liu Hong with expectant eyes.

Everyone is guessing who won the battle.

Is it Lu Zhi from Jizhou or another county or another person like Yingchuan Chen's father and son "The first corner of the Yellow Turban Thief has been executed!"

Liu Hong raised the bamboo slip in his hand and said loudly! "Ah!"

His Highness suddenly burst into exclamations of exclamation.

Zhang Jiao... dead to read the underlined version of the novel, please download Fei Lu's novel

Chapter 066, Chen Peng's name is resounding all over the world (for the first order, custom [3/10])

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