Chapter 066, Chen Pengzhi is resounding all over the world, asking for the first order, custom [3] "The first corner of the Yellow Turban Thief has been executed!"

Liu Hong raised the bamboo slip in his hand and said excitedly! Scared! The ministers below the hall suddenly burst into exclamations.

The leader of the Yellow Turban Army, self-proclaimed... General Tiangong, omnipotent, it is said that he can cure all kinds of diseases, but it is Zhang Jiao who is a goddess.... Died "The thief Zhang Jiao, his brother Zhang Liang, and Zhang Bao are all three. After being executed, 3 Yellow Turbans in Jizhou were beheaded, [-] were taken prisoner, and the rest were defeated!"

Liu Hong handed the bamboo slip in his hand to Zhang Rang, the permanent attendant.

"Read and listen to all the ministers, and let all the ministers rejoice with me.


Liu Hong sat down happily.

General He Jin above the hall, as well as Taifu Yuan Wei, Chen Ji, Chen Chen and others all raised their ears and looked at the bamboo slips in Zhang Rang's hands expectantly.

And when Zhang Rang saw the gradually uploaded content, in addition to being shocked, he was also deeply worried.

Because Zhang Rang gradually saw a name that was familiar and made their eunuch power very uneasy.

Yingchuan...Chen Peng! Zhang Rang raised his head and glanced at Chen Ji and Chen Qing who were standing in the middle.

This scene was sharply captured by Taifu Yuan Hui.

Yuan Wei's heart was also startled.

Could it be related to the Chen family again? I have to say that an old fox like Yuan Wei is still sharp, and he can see the key to the matter at a glance.

"At the beginning of April, Lu Zhi, the general of Beizhong Lang, was ordered to lead the troops to the front of Jizhou.


"At that time, Zhang Jiao, the head of the Yellow Turban thief, led an army of [-] people to besiege Yecheng. When the Great Han Heavenly Army arrived, Zhang Jiao gave up the siege and turned to attack the city. Our army threatened Zhang Jiao's army on the flank.


"Of course, Changshui Sima Chenpeng was not afraid of danger, went deep behind enemy lines to find out the terrain, and decided to use Hengshui to flood the three armies.


"Five days later, everything was ready, the two armies faced each other, our army pretended to be defeated, and led the [-] elite thieves led by Zhang Jiao and Zhang Bao to the ambush location to dig a dike.


"Then the three armies will be flooded!"

When reading this, Zhang Rang stopped and looked at Chen Ji and Chen Chen.

When they heard Chen Peng's name, both Chen Ji and Chen Chen's faces were filled with joy.

"I didn't expect the fourth brother to have such an outstanding son.


Chen Ji said with a sigh.

Before that, the symbol of the third generation of the Chen family was Chen Qun, the son of Chen Ji.

Now Chen Peng seems to have the intention of wanting latecomers to come first.

There were already many people in the hall looking at Chen Ji and Chen Chen with envious eyes.

Yuan Wei lightly twisted the half-white beard on his chin, with a smile on his face and thoughtful thoughts.

And General He Jin's face was not very good-looking.

Huangpu Song, Lu Zhi, and Zhu Jun were all under his jurisdiction.

But this time, Huangpu Song and Zhu Jun were blocked from fighting and were defeated by the Yellow Turbans.

I thought Jizhou Lu Zhi could pull back a game.

But looking at the battle report presented, it seems that the credit has nothing to do with Lu Zhi.

Therefore, He Jin was quite unhappy in his heart, but it was difficult to express it at this time.

"Keep reading!"

Liu Hong said happily.

Zhang Rang nodded and continued to read: "After the three armies were flooded, Changshui Sima Chen Peng took the lead in fighting bravely, beheading the enemy chief Zhang Bao, and defeated Zhang Jiao.


"Zhang Jiao led the remnants of the army and fled towards Guangzong.


"In order not to prepare the Yellow Turban thieves, the entire army immediately attacked the [-] Yellow Turban thieves led by Zhang Liang in Yecheng.


"After a big battle, Chen Peng captured the enemy chief Zhang Liang again, and defeated the Yellow Turban army in one fell swoop!"

It's Chen Peng again! There was an exclamation above the hall.

Chen Ji and Chen Chen's faces were also full of surprises.

This is shocking enough, but the shock is still: the back.

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