Zhang Fu naturally also learned about the things in the court.

"My Lord, I just received the intelligence in the court. Now it has been completely divided into two camps. One is the aristocratic family and the eunuch party. They want to severely punish Lu Zhi and Zhu Jun."

"The other camp is the military officers and the neutral faction. They want to protect Lu Zhi and Zhu Jun. Now they are arguing endlessly, and the Han Emperor Liu Hong is also hesitant." Jia Xu reported as soon as he got the news.

Zhang Fu nodded. He had known this would happen a long time ago. After all, Lu Zhi and Zhu Jun were thorns in his eyes and flesh. He would not be happy until they were removed! As for those neutral factions and military officers, although there are some troubles, they are not unsolvable.

"My Lord, how should we deal with it?" Jia Xu asked.

"Don't worry about them, let them fight." Zhang Fu waved his hand and said, "We just need to do our own thing."

Zhang Fu knew very well that no matter who the court sent to attack him, it could not change the fact that the Yellow Turban Army was rising. And he has other plans that can easily defeat the imperial army.

"My lord is right. We are strong enough now. We don't need to worry about the threat from the imperial court." Jia Xu agreed.

"Well, continue to pay attention to the developments in the court. If there are any changes, report to me in time." Zhang Fu ordered.

"Yes!" Jia Xu replied.

But it doesn't matter to me. Anyway, it doesn't matter who the imperial court sends. It won't affect my plan at all, so Zhang Fu doesn't care.

Even if Cao Cao, Yuan Shao, Yuan Shu and other future princes come together to besiege me, they can only return in defeat. It is basically impossible for them to have any impact on me and the Yellow Turban Army.

Xu Da stood up and bowed, saying, "My Lord, I think we can build momentum for the Yellow Turban Army now. The total amount of money seized from the confiscation of property and extermination of clans in Bingzhou is tens of millions, and the grain and grass are still being counted."

"If the Lord is willing to take out some of the money to hold a martial arts competition, it will certainly be able to attract many heroes to join!"

After Xu Da finished speaking, the generals present nodded in agreement, because in their opinion, this matter has all benefits and no harm, so naturally there is no objection.

"I second the motion!" Li Cunxiao, Yang Zaixing, Huang Chao, Gao Chong and other generals echoed in unison.

In their opinion, this matter is definitely a good thing, which can recruit many good players for the army, so that the combat effectiveness of the Yellow Turban Army will become stronger.

At that time, the army of the Han Dynasty will be even less of an opponent, and it can be easily controlled.

"My Lord, Jia thinks that all this money can be used to build momentum!" Guo Jia said with bright eyes.

"Use all these tens of millions of money to build momentum and issue rewards? Isn't it a bit risky to do so?" Liu Xie frowned and asked.

"Don't worry, my lord. I am confident that doing so will yield unexpected gains. There must be brave men under a heavy reward, so as long as the money is in place, we will definitely get the talents that my lord wants!" Guo Jia answered firmly.

He had long known from his bad people that although there were many wanderers and green forest heroes, there were only a few who were really doing well and not lacking money, and even less than 10%.

Most people lived in poverty and were eager to change the status quo.

Therefore, Guo Jia firmly believed that as long as he gave enough money as bait, he could attract these people.

And once they came here, with the lord's personality charm and great ambitions, he would be able to recruit them all and make them his right-hand men.

Thinking of this, Guo Jia's eyes flashed with excitement, as if he had seen a beautiful future.

Zhang Fu nodded, with a smile on his face: "In that case, I will take out some more money to replenish the funds to 50 million yuan, and leave this matter to Feng Xiao and Wen He, you two!" His tone was firm and decisive, as if he was full of confidence in this decision.

"Yes, Lord!" Jia Xu and Guo Jia immediately answered in unison.

The two of them looked at each other, their eyes flashing with excitement.

This is a huge opportunity and an important test.

They knew that they had a heavy responsibility, but they also believed that they could do the job.

After hearing this, everyone began to talk about it. Some people looked happy, thinking that this was a rare opportunity for them to show their talents; others frowned, worried that there might be problems.

But in any case, everyone understood the importance of this plan and its impact on future development.

Amid the noise, Zhang Fu smiled at everyone, thinking about the next move in his heart.

He knew that if he wanted toTo achieve this goal, the joint efforts of all parties are needed.

He looks forward to seeing everyone can give full play to their talents and contribute to this plan.

At the same time, he also hopes to cultivate more capable and responsible talents through this opportunity to lay a solid foundation for future development.

Zhang Fu smiled and said: "Since you are discussing so intensely, why don't you have a competition first? After all, you will definitely not be able to participate in the martial arts competition at that time, otherwise fairness cannot be guaranteed."

Just kidding, no one in this era can beat Li Cunxiao, Gao Chong, Yang Zaixing and other fierce generals. If they participate, wouldn't it be an inside story?

Hearing this, all the generals were a little moved, but no one dared to respond directly.

Li Cunxiao took the lead and said: "My lord, I think this is a good move, and we also want to see the gap between each other."

Gao Chong and Yang Zaixing looked at each other and said in unison: "I second the proposal."

Other generals also echoed and expressed their willingness to participate in this competition.

Seeing this, Zhang Fu smiled and nodded, saying, "Okay, that's it. You can arrange the time and place for the competition. But be careful not to hurt anyone."

"Thank you, lord!" All the generals, led by Li Cunxiao, received the order excitedly.

After the generals left, Zhang Fu secretly sighed in his heart: "These generals are all outstanding. With their help, why worry about not achieving great things?"

He believed that after this competition, the generals would work harder to practice, improve their strength, and prepare for future battles.

As the lord, he must also constantly improve his abilities and lead everyone to glory.

"But the first place must be Li Cunxiao, the second is Gao Chong, and the third is Yang Zaixing. The others will be up to them."

Now Zhang Dingbian is not in Bingzhou, so the ranking of the internal competition will basically not change.


After everyone left, Zhang Fu returned to his yard, then picked up the Axe of Creation and began to swing it.

He held the axe handle tightly with both hands, feeling the weight and texture of the axe, as if he had merged with it.

Every swing was accompanied by great strength and determination, and his eyes were focused and firm.

"Hey!" He whispered, and the axe in his hand instantly cut through the air, making a sharp whistling sound.

His movements were smooth and natural, like flowing clouds and water, without any pause or hesitation.

He thought to himself: "This Kaitian Axe is really powerful. I must master its use. Only in this way can I exert the greatest power in battle."

He took a deep breath and continued to swing the axe. Every movement was carefully designed to do the best.

As time went on, his movements became more and more skilled and faster.

The axe drew beautiful arcs in the air, bringing gusts of wind.

His body gradually adapted to this high-intensity training, his muscles were tense, and sweat flowed down his forehead.

However, he did not mean to stop and rest.

He knew that if he wanted to become a truly strong man, he had to constantly challenge his limits.

He gritted his teeth and continued to persevere.

"Ha!" He shouted again, and his momentum became even stronger.

The axe in his hand was like a living thing, flexible and changeable, sometimes chopping, sometimes sweeping, and sometimes piercing.

His pace also changed accordingly, sometimes moving forward, sometimes retreating, and sometimes turning sideways, defusing the enemy's attacks one by one.

At this moment, he seemed to have forgotten everything around him and devoted himself to this dialogue with the divine axe.

He felt an unprecedented pleasure, which was the pursuit of power and the desire for self-transcendence.

Finally, when the last bit of strength was exhausted, he slowly put down the axe and gasped.

But his eyes flashed with excitement, because he knew that he had taken another step forward.

He believed that as long as he worked hard, one day he would become a real number one in the world.

Although he had almost used up all his strength, Zhang Fu did not plan to rest. He knew that he needed to continuously improve his strength to cope with future challenges.

So he took out the Xuanyuan Sword from his arms. This ancient and mysterious sword flashed a faint light, as if telling him its story.

Zhang Fu held the hilt tightly, feeling the power coming from the sword. He took a deep breath, dragged his tired body and began to swing the Xuanyuan Sword.

Every swing was accompanied by a sharp sword energy, and the surrounding air was also stirred up.

His movements became faster and faster, and his swordsmanship was as smooth and natural as flowing clouds and water.

In this process, Zhang Fu seemed to have entered a state of selflessness.

He was fully absorbed in the swordsmanship and became one with the sword. His breathing gradually stabilized and his fatigue gradually disappeared.

His eyes became firm and sharp, revealing a courageous momentum.

As time went by, Zhang Fu's swordsmanship became more and more exquisite, and each sword contained endless power.

His figure danced in the moonlight, like a lonely warrior, showing amazing swordsmanship skills.

"Hah!" Zhang Fu shouted and used the last swordsmanship.

I saw the Xuanyuan Sword in his hand burst into a dazzling light, and a powerful sword energy whistled forward, instantly splitting a huge rock in the distance into two halves.

"How powerful!" Zhang Fu, who was standing aside, looked at the scene in front of him in surprise and couldn't help but exclaimed.

He knew that he had successfully mastered this swordsmanship.

Next, as long as he kept practicing, he could take his strength to a higher level.

"Huh!" Finally, Zhang Fu lay on the ground to rest. This was his first time practicing like this, and it felt uncomfortable, but Zhang Fu knew the effect was very good.

As long as he persisted, he would definitely become stronger and stronger, so Zhang Fu also swore in his heart that he would never slack off.

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