"Your Majesty! Lu Zhi and Zhu Jun were the governors appointed by Your Majesty, but they sent troops without authorization instead of rescuing Governor Ding. This is treason and they should be executed!" Zhang Rang stood out of the queue and knelt down to speak.

The eunuch party officials behind him echoed: "Yes, Your Majesty, such a serious crime cannot be forgiven lightly!"

Liu Hong frowned and looked at Lu Zhi and Zhu Jun on the side, with a hint of hesitation in his eyes.

At this time, the military officers headed by General He Jin also stood up and spoke out to save Lu Zhi and Zhu Jun.

He Jin bowed and said: "Your Majesty, Lu Zhi and Zhu Jun are both good generals of the country. There are reasons why they failed to defeat the Yellow Turban Army this time. Please look into it!"

Other military officers also echoed: "Yes, Your Majesty, although they did not join our faction, they are both military officers. Please be lenient with them."

Liu Hong looked at the situation in front of him and hesitated.

At this time, the officials of the neutral faction stood up, saluted the emperor and said: "Your Majesty, I think that Generals Lu Zhi and Zhu Jun are both loyal and good generals. They failed to defeat the Yellow Turban Army this time. Maybe it was a mistake in tactics, but they are not guilty of death. Moreover, now is the time to use people. If we kill them, wouldn't it be self-destruction?"

Liu Hong listened to Yuan Shao's words and nodded slightly to show his agreement. But he looked at Zhang Rang and others again, and seemed a little embarrassed.

Seeing Liu Hong wavering, Zhang Rang hurriedly said, "Your Majesty, Lu Zhi and Zhu Jun are generals who disobeyed the imperial order. This is a serious crime! If they are not punished, how can we convince the people?" His voice was sharp and rapid, with a hint of anxiety and tension.

Liu Hong frowned and fell into deep thought. He was hesitant. On the one hand, he knew about the loyalty of Lu Zhi and Zhu Jun, but on the other hand, Zhang Rang's words made sense.

At this time, Yuan Kui stood up and echoed: "Your Majesty, what Zhang Changshi said is very true. As generals, Lu Zhi and Zhu Jun should absolutely obey your majesty's orders. Their disobedience to the imperial order this time not only undermines the majesty of the court, but is also likely to lead to defeat in the war. Such a serious crime must be severely punished to rectify military discipline."

Zhang Rang continued to incite emotions: "Your Majesty, the crimes of Lu Zhi and Zhu Jun are unforgivable. They dared to disobey your will and disregard the safety of the country. If they are not severely punished, how can we maintain the authority of the emperor and stabilize the morale of the army?"

Yuan Kui also took the opportunity to add a knife: "Your Majesty, the current situation is turbulent and people are in panic. If this matter cannot be dealt with decisively, I am afraid that more people will follow suit. By then, where is the prestige of the court?"

The emperor's face became more and more solemn, and he realized the seriousness of the problem. If this matter is not handled properly, it may cause greater chaos.

So, he decided to follow the advice of Zhang Rang and Yuan Kui and severely punish Lu Zhi and Zhu Jun.

Zhang Rang and Yuan Kui looked at each other and smiled triumphantly. They had successfully persuaded Liu Hong, and now they only needed to wait for the fate of Lu Zhi and Zhu Jun to be decided.

However, at this time, He Jin stood up again, and united with neutral officials to protect Lu Zhi and Zhu Jun.

He Jin retorted: "Your Majesty, Lu Zhi and Zhu Jun are both loyal people. They were just negligent for a moment, and did not intend to disobey the imperial order. I beg Your Majesty to show some leniency and give them a chance to make meritorious contributions."

Everyone was talking and expressing their opinions, and the court was noisy, as if a pot had exploded.

Some people spoke fiercely, even accusing each other, and quarrels came one after another.

And even worse, they were so excited that they couldn't control themselves and actually started fighting.

These people usually pretentious and learned the six arts of a gentleman, but at this moment they showed their fierce and cruel side without concealing it.

Their fists and feet met with each other, full of strength and ferocity, and every punch and kick carried a deadly threat.

The atmosphere in the court became increasingly tense, as if a storm was about to come.

Finally, Liu Hong sighed and said, "Forget it, let's discuss this matter at the next grand court meeting. I'm tired!"

Although Zhang Rang and others looked unwilling, they knew that it was not appropriate to say anything more at this moment, so they could only leave secretly with gnashing teeth.

They secretly swore in their hearts that they must find a way to overthrow Lu Zhi and Zhu Jun at the next grand court meeting, and they must not let them have any chance to escape punishment.

A fierce court dispute was temporarily calmed down, and everyone dispersed.

However, the struggle between the major factions in the court did not stop, but intensified.

Especially the eunuchs and the aristocratic families, they were dissatisfied with Lu Zhi and Zhu Jun, and wanted to take the opportunity to put them to death.

The neutral faction and the military officers firmly stood on the side of Lu Zhi and Zhu Jun. They knew that both of them were loyal and honest people. It would be unfair to punish them for a small mistake.

So, the two factions decided to unite.Come and discuss together how to protect Lu Zhi and Zhu Jun.

At the same time, the eunuchs and the aristocratic families were secretly colluding and plotting how to deal with Lu Zhi and Zhu Jun.

They all agreed that only by severely punishing the two could they safeguard their own interests.

Moreover, they also planned to use this opportunity to replace the positions of Jizhou Governor and Qingzhou Governor with their own confidants, so as to further expand their sphere of influence.

For a time, the situation in Luoyang City was changing, and the forces of all parties were fighting openly and secretly, and the atmosphere was extremely tense.


Lu Zhi and Zhu Jun, who were in Jizhou, had already known what happened in Luoyang. Lu Zhi and Zhu Jun were talking with a sad face.

Lu Zhi sighed, "Alas, I didn't expect that our loyalty would end up like this. Now that Dong Zhuo is in power, the ministers in the court are also panicking. I don't know what to do!"

Zhu Jun comforted him, "Brother Zigan, don't worry. As long as we stick to our original intentions, I believe that the emperor will understand our painstaking efforts. Although the situation is turbulent now, we can't lose confidence because of this."

Lu Zhi nodded and said, "If the Yellow Turban Army continues to act recklessly, I'm afraid that the people of the world will suffer."

Zhu Jun frowned, thought for a moment and said, "Brother Zigan is right. The Yellow Turban Army is in chaos. The country has been plunged into crisis. If we don't find a way to quell this unrest as soon as possible, the consequences will be disastrous. "

The two were silent for a while, and Lu Zhi suddenly raised his head and said with a firm look: "We should put the country first and save the people from the water and fire at all costs. Even if we go through fire and water, we must defend the Han Dynasty."

Zhu Jun echoed: "Brother Zigan is right. We should work together to fight against the Yellow Turban Army. I believe that as long as we unite, we will be able to overcome difficulties and restore the peace and prosperity of the Han Dynasty."

In this turbulent era, all forces are doing whatever it takes for their own interests.

However, there are also some people who always stick to justice and conscience and are not shaken by the outside world.

They firmly believe that only in this way can the crumbling Han Dynasty be saved.

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