I thought that the other general would give a direct answer, but I didn't expect that the other general was still a strong-blooded person.

"Damn Han people, do you think I will tell you? It's going to be death anyway, so why do I have to tell you? You Han people will one day be killed by the Jin people!"

Seeing that the other party was so stubborn, Liu Feng didn't expect the other party to tell him any information. He just said coldly:"Kill!"

After finishing speaking, Liu Feng turned around and walked to the place where he was stationed.

He only heard a burst of screams from behind, and the other general just received the lunch.

"Everyone obeyed the order, searched all around, and found all the places where the opponent was originally stationed."

As soon as he finished speaking, the rest of the army began to spread out in all directions, centering on the location where the war had just occurred, and searching in a radius of five miles.

An hour later, they successfully found the location where the opponent had previously been stationed. The location is about four miles to the northwest.

After hearing the news, Liu Feng immediately led a large group of troops to move there and arrived at the destination.

Most of them suddenly discovered it not long after searching here. There was a letter written about an order for the advance force. It clearly stated the target of the advance force's original attack and the subsequent itinerary.

After remembering all this information in his mind, Liu Feng Immediately send people to notify the local armies in these places and let them prepare.

Since the other party has targeted these places and failed this time, then other troops will definitely be sent out. It is just a matter of time.

In the end The best thing would be for Liu Feng to successfully defeat the opponent before the opponent finds out that the previous troops have been eliminated, but this possibility is relatively small.

After taking care of the advance troops, Liu Feng decided to lead the road team to move forward. March forward and march towards the deepest part of the enemy's army.

At the same time, Liu Feng also asked five thousand elite cavalry to outflank him from the other direction.

Although it is not yet known where the opponent's general military camp is, through what he just saw, It can be judged from the letter that the general direction is basically the same.

The elite cavalry was directly divided into five parts, marching in the same general direction, and at the same time it was divided into five smaller directions, with equal distances slightly farther, and each part was divided into For two small parts.

In this way, in the same general direction, there are ten small directions that can be searched continuously to ensure that the opponent's general military camp is found to the greatest extent possible.

And as long as one party finds it, then it can Contact your teammates immediately. Because everyone is moving in the same general direction, it takes relatively less time to rush there at this time. On

Liu Feng's side, he led the troops and kept moving forward.

The farther he went to the Kingdom of Jin Going forward from where the palace is, the road here becomes more and more difficult.

I originally thought it would take a long time to meet the second group of people from the other side, but I never expected that when I passed through the dense forest for a day, I suddenly found the front Something was wrong.

When the security personnel at the front came back to report, Liu Feng suddenly remembered a sentence he had seen in the envelope before. The other party was preparing to attack a city in the east.

And the current direction actually corresponded to The place where the city is located.

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