If my guess was correct, the group of people I met now must be the ones preparing to attack that city.

When he thought of this, Liu Feng immediately ordered his troops to spread out in the dense forest. Don't make the target particularly obvious. After spreading out, they can observe from all directions.

After everyone dispersed, Liu Feng was left standing alone in the dense forest, looking particularly conspicuous.

Pretending to be a passerby passing by, and even pretending to be a blind man, holding an irregular piece of wood in his hand, he kept banging around, pretending to be decent.

Liu Feng's acting ability is still very strong. With just these few actions, he has successfully confused the other party.

Although the other party was somewhat wary when seeing Liu Feng at first, he was still successfully deceived after staying for a while.

When the other party thought that Liu Feng was just a blind man who passed by here by mistake, he came over to help him. However, when he took a closer look, he suddenly discovered that the man in front of him was a Han. He instantly knew that something was wrong!

But it was too late now. Even if they reacted quickly, they had already fallen into the trap.

Many people suddenly appeared around the dense forest, directly surrounding the opponent. Waiting for Liu Feng's order, he immediately surrounded and suppressed everyone. Except for the opponent's generals, everyone else was killed.

Liu Feng came to the opponent's general. At this moment, the opponent had been controlled and could only kneel on the ground to straighten his back.

"You Han people are so cunning, you actually take advantage of our sympathy to do this kind of thing"

"You Jin people want to kill us when you see the Han people. Don’t you know how many of our compatriots you have massacred? This is just what we give back to you!"

"What's the use of talking nonsense? If you want to be killed or beheaded, please do as you please. If I beg for mercy, I am definitely not a man!"

"Killing you is for sure, but you must first tell me where your main army is, otherwise I will slowly torture you to death!"

Liu Feng will never let go of any opportunity to get the other party's information.

It's just that the other party seems to be more stubborn than imagined and won't tell at all. No matter how many times he asks, he still keeps silent.

In such a situation Next, if Liu Feng kills the opponent now, it is impossible to leave anyone alive.

After killing the opponent, he will continue to lead the troops forward. However, because he has already met the opponent's team here, he needs to be extra careful during the next march. Pay attention.

It would be troublesome if all the large forces were together, and they would be easily discovered by the other party, forming a big target.

In order to prevent such a thing from happening, Liu Feng decided to let the large forces move forward separately first, so as to ensure that Try not to be discovered as much as possible, and at the same time keep moving forward while ensuring safety.

I don’t know how long they have been moving forward, but the troops passed through this dense forest and encountered a river. On the other side of the river, far away Looking over, you can see a few people grazing over there.

At this glance, you can tell that they are Jin people. From this look, they should have entered the other side's country, but so far they have not found the other side's army stationed here. So I was a little unsure for a while.

Liu Feng didn't see any doubts, and this was the biggest doubt.

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