In the blink of an eye, a month passed, because the Goguryeo royal family was afraid that Liu Feng would consume their army in batches, so they never sent troops to Bone City again.

Liu Feng was also happy and quiet, and in a month’s time, he completely trained 50,000 Goguryeo soldiers into slaves who only knew how to obey orders.

Since the training was about to end, Liu Feng had already written a letter to Guo Jia, who was defending Liaodong, asking Guo Jia to send 5,000 Xiangping defenders into Goguryeo to help defend the bone city.

Soon, five thousand defenders arrived at Bone City and reported to Liu Feng.

With these five thousand Xiangping army to handle the bone city, Liu Feng could safely attack deep into Goguryeo.

Before marching, Liu Feng specially called the general of the Xiangping defenders to explain the importance of guarding Bone City.

And told him that the only task of the 5,000-strong army was to guard the bone city and take care of the Goguryeo women in the ancient city.

Because all the adult men in Bone City were trained as slaves by Liu Feng, they went out with the army, and the old people in the city had no ability to resist, so only women needed to focus on defense.

At the same time, Liu Feng specially explained that if someone came to attack the city, he would directly drive Goguryeo women to help defend the city.

If you think about how Han women were treated in the past during foreign invasions, you will not have any compassion for letting Goguryeo women defend the city.

After the explanation, Liu Feng took 50,000 Goguryeo slaves as the vanguard and marched into Goguryeo.

The first target is Haicheng.

Haecheng is located northeast of Bone Castle and was the base of one of the nobles of Goguryeo.

For Haicheng, Liu Feng, Dian Wei, as well as Long Wuxian and Red Blood Dragon Rider were all very familiar.

A few months ago, when Liu Feng led the 3,000 Dragon City Iron Horse to attack Goguryeo and kill the Goguryeo king, it was the city lord of Haicheng who intercepted Liu Feng’s retreat in the rear.

At that time, Liu Feng led the Three Thousand Dragon City Iron Horse outside Haicheng to fight fiercely with the army of the Haicheng City Lord.

And finally with the five-turn skill “Dragon Soul Annihilation”, he bombarded and killed thousands of heavy infantry in Haicheng, and slaughtered tens of thousands of troops in Haicheng under the two-sided attack with the dragon warriors led by Dian Wei.

Now thinking back to the battle that day, whether it was Dian Wei or Liu Feng, he still felt hearty.

At this time, because of the death of the King of Goguryeo, the original lord of Haecheng City, as a Goguryeo nobleman, had also gone to the Goguryeo royal city to compete for the throne of the King of Goguryeo.

After learning that the 50,000 Goguryeo army that captured the bone city was destroyed, the city lord of Haecheng, who was in the Goguryeo royal city, guessed that if the Han army attacked next, the first battle must be in Haecheng.

Therefore, he had already ordered the Haicheng defenders to concentrate all the forces of the tribes near Haicheng in Haicheng in order to resist the attack of the Han army.

Today, there are 80,000 troops in Haicheng, and the strength is strong.

They had the advantage of numbers, and the advantage of defending the city occupied the geographical advantage, so they were not afraid to face the 50,000 Goguryeo slaves who came to attack the city.

Even they always believed that although the 50,000 Goguryeo army under the city had surrendered to the Han army, they were former colleagues with themselves after all, and there would not be too fierce battles.

However, the 50,000 vanguard troops, who had become slaves, did not care about this, and after arriving in Haicheng, they launched a strong attack.

The defenders of Haicheng, who did not have the slightest psychological preparation, were blinded the moment the battle began.

They did not expect that their former comrades-in-arms would be so fierce to themselves.

The crazy energy that is not afraid of death, I don’t know, I thought that the defenders of Haicheng did something angry to them, and people couldn’t help but feel terrified in their hearts when they saw it.

An army of 50,000 slaves attacked Haicheng at any cost.

From the moment the battle began, the shouting and killing did not stop.

The Haecheng defenders on the city wall saw that since the other party had completely betrayed Goguryeo, they no longer had a benevolent heart, and ordered the Haecheng defenders to release arrows.

“Raise the shield.”

I don’t know who roared, and then the very loose formation of the fifty thousand slave army quickly closed in tens of seconds.

Raise the shield in your hand high to defend against the rain of arrows in the sky.

Soon the slave army reached the bottom of Haicheng City, threw the rope ladder on the city wall, and began to climb towards the city wall.

A trace of coldness flashed in the eyes of the Haicheng Shou General, and he said in a deep voice: “The gravel rolling wood is ready, show me the smash, and you must not let a traitor climb up.” ”

After a month of training, the 50,000 slave army climbed the rope ladder with very sharp hands and feet, and some people could flexibly dodge gravel, of course, the larger rolling log was not easy to hide.

After the Goguryeo slave in front was hit, he fell down with a scream and fell into a meatloaf, while the Goguryeo slave in the back followed, but it didn’t take long for him to be smashed down, and it went on repeatedly.

Suddenly, dozens of fireballs flew out from the city towers.

The Goguryeo slave, who was affected by the fire oil, let out a bitter scream and ran around the battlefield, but before he ran two steps, he was chased by the Goguryeo slave on the side, and used sand to extinguish the flame on his body.

The current siege method of the slave army is the most typical death attack.

This method of siege does not count casualties at all, so the losses in siege battles are also the largest.

And the defenders of Haicheng did not have a good time facing such a strong attack.

As soon as there is little slack, enemies will climb the walls and engage in fierce white-knuckle battles.

Coupled with the rear slave army and archers shooting, the casualties of the defenders of Haicheng were also very huge.

The casualties on both sides were extremely heavy, and corpses were piled up outside the city, blocking the city gates, accumulating into mountains, and blood stained the ground and walls.

The so-called mountains of corpses and rivers of blood are like this.

But even so, the slave pioneer did not retreat in the slightest.

As for Liu Feng and the others watching the battle from the rear, they would not have any soft-heartedness.

The soldiers under Liu Feng all lived in Liaodong since they were children, and they had experienced countless foreign invasions since they were children.

Every time there was an invasion of foreign races, the grain and money in various places were looted, and the Han people were slashed and killed.

Those who are killed die like that, but those who live have no food and money, and can only live more painfully.

In order to survive, even the bark and grass roots have become delicious, and sometimes they even have to grab food with wild dogs.

There was really nothing to eat, and the people who almost collapsed even changed their children.

It was precisely because of this experience that whether it was the Dragon Warrior or the Red Blood Dragon Rider, and the other two troops, they couldn’t wait to kill all the alien races.

The Goguryeo people in front of them are killing each other, and in their eyes, they are also so relieved.

And the Goguryeo slaves who attacked the city did not think so much in their hearts.

After all, the Han army was watching from the rear, advancing, but dead.

And to retreat, but life is better than death.

They would rather die under the swords of their former colleagues than face the demons from the Great Han.

Facing the crazy attack of the 50,000 slave army, the defenders of Haicheng felt afraid and puzzled.

Each of them was very puzzled in their hearts, if in the face of the attack of the Great Han Army, these slave armies were also so crazy, how could the Great Han Army break through the Bone City so easily?

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