Although the defenders of Haicheng had 80,000 people, which was 30,000 more than the slave army of Bone City, the slave army was not afraid of death.

In their eyes, only by fighting hard to kill the enemy can they survive.

Only by fighting hard to kill the enemy can the wife and children and parents in Bone City survive.

So everyone burst out with combat power beyond their limits.

They all have a belief in their hearts, that is, if you cut me, as long as I don’t die, I will definitely cut you twice.

This life-for-life style of fighting made the Haicheng defenders miserable.

Such a strong pressure makes Haicheng in danger.

When the news of the strong attack on Haecheng reached the Goguryeo royal city, the lord of Haicheng immediately couldn’t sit still.

After all, although he was in the Goguryeo King City at this time, Haicheng was his base camp and his strength to compete for the Goguryeo King.

Once Haicheng fell, he became the commander of the light rod without the support of the city.

Not to mention competing for the king of Goguryeo, it is a problem to continue to be his noble leader.

Therefore, after hearing the scout’s report, the city lord of Haicheng immediately sent tens of thousands of troops he brought out to Haicheng to support.

Tens of thousands of troops descended from the Goguryeo royal city along the river just to rescue Haecheng.

However, the situation that Goguryeo royal city would send troops to support Haicheng had long been guessed by Liu Feng.

Before departure, he sent scouts to closely monitor the movements of the Goguryeo royal city, and reported any situation immediately.

Therefore, as soon as these tens of thousands of troops of the Haicheng City Lord were dispatched, they were looked at by the scouts for a hundred years, and quickly passed on the letter to Liu Feng.

Liu Feng received the scout’s report and set up an ambush in a forest northeast of Haicheng.

He asked Dian Wei Da to hide in the woods with three thousand dragon pawns, and when the reinforcements sent by the lord of Haicheng City passed, he would kill them and strangle them.

For Liu Feng’s order, although Dian Wei readily agreed and ordered Long Wuxian to go to the ambush, he still did not understand it in his heart.

So he couldn’t help but ask, “Master, your orders must be resolutely carried out.

But I still don’t understand it.

You said that there are many roads to Haecheng between the Goguryeo royal city and the city, how did you determine that the Goguryeo reinforcements would take this road? ”

Liu Feng saw that Dian Wei, who originally only knew how to eat and kill enemies, also pondered the art of war, and immediately felt very relieved.

So he hurriedly explained to Dian Wei: “The reason why there is an ambush in the forest northeast of Haicheng is because this place is full of peaks and hills.

Therefore, it is suitable for ambush and hiding.

In addition, the city lord of Haicheng was worried that his lair would be breached, and he must be anxious to come to help this time.

Therefore, in order to be able to reach the battlefield quickly, there must be a large number of cavalry among the reinforcements he sent.

Cavalry is not suitable for mountain roads, so the mountain forest you ambushed is the only way to pass between the Goguryeo royal city and Haecheng.

And ambush here, because in the woods, the speed of the Goguryeo cavalry is difficult to lift, so it is most appropriate for you to lead the dragon warriors to ambush here. ”

Dian Wei listened to Liu Feng’s explanation, nodded slowly, and then walked thoughtfully to the ambush site.

Looking at Dian Wei’s appearance at this time, Liu Feng couldn’t help but shake his head and smile bitterly, and said to Tai Shici: “I don’t know if Evil Lai can understand the reason.” ”

Tai Shici listened to Liu Feng’s words, and also said with a smile: “General Dian is just straightforward and honest, too lazy to use his brain, in fact, he is not stupid in his heart, the lord explained to him so specifically, presumably he must be able to understand the reason.” ”

Dian Wei kept thinking about Liu Feng’s words on the way to the ambush.

Originally, he thought that with his own force, there was not much that could not be done.

Later, he entered the Hall of Transfer, possessed the skills of martial generals, and his strength was improved, and he was even more unwilling to use his brains.

Originally, according to his ideas, there was no need for any stratagem to deal with a foreign race like Goguryeo, as long as he could kill them all with the double halberd in his hand.

However, after seeing Liu Feng’s battle strategy, he found that his way was too much worse than Liu Feng’s method.

Although with his own force, as well as the strong combat power of the dragon warriors, he was also able to defeat the previous Goguryeo coalition army.

At the same time, it can also conquer the city of Haicheng.

However, he knew very well that even if he could defeat the 50,000 coalition army of Goguryeo, he would definitely not want to run away without letting anyone run away like this.

At the same time, there may also be many casualties among the dragon warriors.

Therefore, he finally figured out that although many things can be solved by force, there must be a better way.

That’s why he asked Liu Feng how to determine where the reinforcements for the Goguryeo royal city came from.

Sure enough, it didn’t take long for the Haicheng City Lord’s reinforcements to enter the ambush circle of the dragon warriors.

Seeing that the Goguryeo reinforcements really took the path of the ambush of Long Wupai, Dian Wei admired Liu Feng’s mind to the extreme.

At the same time, he no longer hesitated, and immediately ordered, all the dragon warriors began to pick up strong crossbows, and Goguryeo reinforcements to shoot.

The crossbow arrow in the hand of the dragon warrior was shot with a strong crossbow of twelve stones, and its power far exceeded that of other crossbows of this era.

Even the hardest armor can shoot through.

Not to mention barbarian places like Goguryeo, soldiers wear nothing more than leather armor sewn from animal skins.

Therefore, every crossbow arrow shot by the dragon was enough to penetrate two or three Goguryeo soldiers.

In addition, this place is a forest, and it is difficult to lift the speed of the Goguryeo cavalry here, and it is even more difficult to turn around, facing the strong crossbow fire of the dragon warriors, and the casualties were heavy in an instant.

Moreover, they wanted to take out their bows and arrows to return fire, but the distance between the two sides was too far away, and the bows and arrows fired by the Goguryeo soldiers could not reach even half the distance between the two sides.

The terrifying range of the dragon warriors made Goguryeo’s archers fearful.

By the time the dragons had shot all the crossbow arrows, the tens of thousands of Goguryeo troops had already lost more than half.

And the remaining soldiers saw that the enemy’s crossbow arrows were all used up, and only thought that they were finally freed.

They thought that the crossbowmen had no bows and arrows, and were completely lambs to be slaughtered, so they all roared and rushed towards the dragon pawn.

However, when they arrived in front of them, when the short soldiers met, they were horrified to find that the melee combat ability of the dragon warrior was more terrifying than the crossbow arrow.

The dragon warriors were covered with five layers of heavy armor, and the bows and arrows fired by the Goguryeo soldiers could not penetrate their defenses at all.

At the same time, the weight of the armor greatly increased their resistance to the impact of cavalry.

Coupled with the spear made of pure steel in his hand, whether it is cavalry or infantry, they will only be slaughtered in the face of them.

And Dianwei, as the commander of the dragon martial arts, wielded a double halberd, like killing a god, rushed to kill in tens of thousands of Goguryeo troops, and there was no one general.

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