"General Hui, the Huns are huge, with no less than [-] horses and at least half of their cavalry!"

"Fifty thousand horses!"

All the generals under Zhang He's command changed expressions.

They only have [-] people, while the other side has a full [-]! And they have almost no cavalry, but the Huns have [-]-[-] cavalry! , it's just a second-line army.

"Who is the enemy"

Zhang He didn't change his face, and then asked.

"It's the righteous king of the Xiongnu who went to be humble!"


Zhang He nodded, thought for a while, and said, "Okay, I already know, you should go down to cultivate first."

"Yes, General!"

The messenger left slowly amid the uproar, and as soon as he left, the generals in the camp immediately.


"The Huns have an army of [-] people, and they are leading them. They are so powerful that we are afraid that it will be difficult for us to deal with them!"

"Yes, General, there are so many Huns, I think it's better for our army to retreat to Shangdang!"

"General, Shangdang City is strong enough to defend against the Huns, why should we fight against the Huns?"

"General Liu, this is inappropriate. The Huns have always been brutal. If we can't stop them at Jieshan and let them enter Shangdang, then the people of Shangdang will be ruined."

"General, in order to protect the people from suffering, the last general is willing to lead the vanguard and fight against the Huns!"

Zhang He watched the people in the hall quarreling constantly, his eyes kept rolling, and he stayed on everyone's body for a few breaths.

"General, the lord ordered our army to stick to the party, we should still take the lord's military order as the top priority, and safety is the most important thing!"


The generals looked at each other in dismay, although the general who supported the decisive battle with the Huns did not agree with the general's words.

But they could not ignore the lord's military orders.

After all, their mission this time is to stick to the party, to ensure that the state is not lost, and to rashly fight in the field, if they win, it will be fine.

If they lose and lose the party, they will all be guilty of capital punishment! "Yes, the lord ordered me to wait for the party."

"However, the current situation is not suitable for holding on."

Zhang He said firmly.

Two days ago, Liu Yi sent information to Zhang He.

Cao Cao may use Hanoi to threaten Shangdang with the south.

Liu Yi also said that in this battle, let him act with the camera, and he doesn't have to stick to military orders.

After all, Liu Yi also knew that if Cao Cao and the Huns joined forces, the force would probably exceed [-].

Moreover, Cao Cao's army is not... the kind of barbarians of the Xiongnu, well-equipped, and the siege equipment is also very powerful.

If you stick to the party, I am afraid you may not be able to hold it.

Because of this, Zhang He wanted to cut off the weak enemy of the Xiongnu first, so as to deal with the strong enemy of Cao Cao with all his strength.

Zhang Hehuan waited for the generals, and did not say anything about the attack of Cao Cao.

This news is only known to him now, and this is also to stabilize the morale of the army, so that the soldiers will not be afraid before the battle.

"Generals may wish to think about whether the lord ordered me to guard Bingzhou just to ensure that Bingzhou is not lost."

"The general means..."

Zhang He's words instantly aroused the thoughts of the generals, who lowered their heads and guessed Liu Yi's intentions.

"Everyone has been guarding the party for a long time. Look at how I'm in the party compared to two years ago."

"My lord has been exempted from all kinds of extortionate and miscellaneous taxes, and suppressed the squires. Today, the people of Shangdang have a clean face and a stable life. Compared with two years ago, it can be described as a paradise on earth."

"Yeah, even though the country of Yan only occupies half of the land in Bingzhou, in the past two years, there have been as many as [-] people who have migrated to Shangdang and other counties!"

"Hidden households come out of the mountains, people come from all over the world, and I am in harmony with the people's livelihood in the state, comparable to the time of Emperor Wu."

The answers from everyone made Zhang He nodded with satisfaction, this was exactly what he wanted to hear.

.................Please customize, fully order! ...... ...................━━━━ Chapter 0176


"Life is ruined, and the people are miserable."

"People's livelihood is destroyed, vitality is greatly damaged!"

"If the iron hoofs of the Huns step into my Shangdang, I am afraid that the situation of Xihe and the east of the river being invaded by the Huns a few years ago will be repeated, and there will be no people in the hundreds of miles!"

"Since that's the case, all of you An dare to lie and stick to the party!"

Zhang He's words were loud and loud, causing every general to look at each other in dismay, and no one dared to speak out and defend the state.

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