You must know that the Huns did not carry food and grass on the expedition, and they all looted on the spot, burned the city, and slaughtered the people.

If the Huns were allowed to join the Shangdang, and the remaining half of the land in Bingzhou would not be able to recover in ten years.

"The generals obey!"

"The end is here!"

"The Xiongnu barbarians, their hearts will not die if they kill me, and they violate our borders today. Our army must let these barbarians know how powerful my Han family is!"

"The commander-in-chief!"

"Zhang Yang!"

"The end is here!"

"You lead [-] cavalry to the north of Jieshan to face the Huns. In this battle, you can only be defeated but not victorious. Lead the Huns into the mouth of Jie Valley, and I will annihilate these [-] Huns here!"

"The commander-in-chief!"


Zhang He pulled out...the long sword, the long sword immediately.

Let out a roar of dragons.


Zhang He suddenly slashed at the corner of the table with his sword, and the corner of the table was cut off.

"If you don't destroy the Huns, Zhang He's body will be like this!"

Zhang He's eyes were burning with fighting spirit. Ever since he was transferred to Shangdang to defend Bingzhou, he thought of fighting the Xiongnu! To the north of Jieshan, the plateau covered with yellow sand was very flat, and the war horses neighed... ......, the horse's hooves kicked up a cloud of dust.

"Danlou, look at this Shangdang land, how is it compared to Xihe?"

Gobei holds a horse whip and points to the endless land, where you can still see the wheat that has just been sown, spit out new buds.

The noble Danlou, who was wearing bronze noble armor, smiled lightly and said, "The water and grass along the river are lush and can support a lot of cattle and horses, but it is a pity that there are too many barren land outside the river."

"Hahaha, there is such a river, dirt!"

"The hinterland of Bingzhou is full of mountains and waters, and it can raise a lot of cattle and sheep. If we occupied this land.... The tribes of the Xiongnu would have hundreds of thousands of men!"

"Yuan Shao promised us that if he defeated Liu Yi, he would send Shangdang County to the Huns, Danlou, do you think Yuan Shao would fulfill his promise?"

"King Youxian is joking, no one can take back the land occupied by my Huns. Isn't this half a prefecture in the west of Bingzhou already owned by my Huns?"

Dan Lou showed a sly look.

He was a Xiongnu who came out of Fengling County School, and unlike ordinary Huns, he learned the knowledge of the Han people.

He knew how to govern the land, and he also knew how to govern the Han people.

This point is different from Qubei, and it is precisely because of this that Qubei relies heavily on his talents.

In the past ten years, the strength of the Xiongnu tribes has greatly expanded. They took advantage of the Yellow Turban Rebellion to invade Xihe and Hedong counties.

The result was that the Han court ceded the Xihe to the Xiongnu in exchange for their policy of resignation.

Xihe, Shuofang, half of Shangjun, and half of Bingzhou's land have fallen into the hands of the Xiongnu! This greatly increased the strength of the Xiongnu, and also made their ambitions continue to expand.

"Hahaha, you are right, but this king's eyes don't just see Shangdang County."

"King Youxian means..."

"This king wants the entire Bingzhou!"

Qubei's eyes narrowed, and what was hidden under his eyes was the future of the Xiongnu and the fertile land! He saw the cattle and sheep pastures all over the mountains and fields, the Huns who were growing up, and the whole land of China crawling towards him.

They once killed a governor of Bingzhou, and now is the best time to embezzle the entire Bingzhou! "Yuan Shao told us that there are only more than [-] troops in the entire Bingzhou, and they are not elites of the state of Yan."

"Yuan Shao wants to use a Shangdang in exchange for my Huns to relieve him, but this is far from enough...!"

"I, the Huns, will send troops, and these fifty thousand are just vanguards."

"The entire Bingzhou must be under the rule of the Huns!"

Seeing the scorching eyes go down, Dan Lou pursed his lips and smiled.

If Qubei can really achieve this feat, I am afraid that he will be able to succeed the next Shanyu.

At that time, his Danlou will be... the prime minister! "In the past, my classmates all regarded entering the court as an official, but I have already been prepared for the prime minister."

Danlou became happier in his heart, and became more and more coveted for the land in Bingzhou.

He and Go Humble have their own minds.

The yellow sand was suddenly swept up by the strong wind, and after the sand and dust receded, Danlou suddenly saw an extra cavalry in the distance.

"This is... the cavalry of the Han people"

"Hmph, even thousands of cavalrymen dare to challenge my Huns!"

Go humbly.

Even the twelve checkpoints of the Han people were wiped out, and thousands of Han troops were wiped out.

Now that he saw that there was an army looking for death, he naturally paid less attention to it.

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