.................Please order, fully order! ................................ ...... Kanwu "Hahaha, don't worry, although the Han army is well-equipped, the martial arts of my Huns are not just blowing out. The mere thousands of cavalry are not worth mentioning."

Gobei took a closer look at the cavalry of the Yan army, and knew that no reinforcements would continue to arrive.

This number of people is less than one-tenth and 10% of his own, although the exact number cannot be determined.

But just at a glance, you can be sure that the Han army cavalry will not exceed [-].

"Huham, Cri."

"The end is here!"

"You two lead the cavalry of the headquarters to destroy this Han army cavalry for me!"

"The commander-in-chief!"

These two Huns were leaders of large tribes, and they belonged to the court of the righteous king, each with [-] cavalry.

Of course, Qubei attached great importance to this Han army cavalry, so it sent [-] cavalry to fight.

"Hun and barbarians, violate my borders, kill!"


Seeing the Xiongnu cavalry marching out, the two thousand cavalry led by Zhang Yang quickly charged.

The charging cavalry was like a torrent, the rumbling rumble shook the ground to dust, and the spears shone amazingly in the sunlight.

The blade of the spear is sharp enough to penetrate armor.

For the rudimentary Xiongnu cavalry, even if the number of them is large, the Yan army cavalry is not afraid at all.


The distance of a charge, the two torrents suddenly collided, and it was earth-shattering.

With a flick of Zhang Yang's spear, he knocked a Xiongnu cavalry off his war horse, and the horse's hooves rolled over immediately.

Trample this Hun cavalry into flesh.

The Xiongnu cavalry did not have Gaoqiao saddles and stirrups, but the Yan army cavalry had already been equipped with these saddles.

One face-to-face, [-] to [-] people, the Huns' casualties were even higher than the Yan army! In a short period of time, the Huns suffered thousands of casualties, while the Yan army only suffered about [-] casualties.

However, as the close-quarters battle continued, the Yan army cavalry, who were at an absolute disadvantage, immediately.

fell into a struggle.

Zhang Yang stabbed a Xiongnu cavalry to death with one shot, but he also had several wounds on his body.

"Damn, there are too many Huns, withdraw!"


"Get out!"

Zhang Yang swept away with one shot, knocked two flying, and led the cavalry to flee immediately.

With the pursuit of the Huns, there were many corpses on the battlefield, and the cavalry of the Yan army successfully retreated.

"What an elite soldier!"

Danlou sighed in admiration, ten thousand against two thousand, the loss of one's side was twice that of the other side!

It's just that their troops are too small to stop the [-] army! "Pursue, chase quickly! Don't let them go, the whole army chases!"

Gobei knew the threat of this elite cavalry, and just wanted to completely annihilate them here, and immediately drove the whole army to chase after this cavalry.

"Dan Lou, you lead our infantry and follow behind."

Gobei instructed Danlou, and with a whip of the horse, he rushed up quickly.


Looking at the figure of Qubei charging away, Danlou couldn't help frowning.

"Although the combat of this cavalry is impeccable, the timing of their appearance is a little too strange."

Danlou wanted to persuade Qubei not to attack with the whole army, but just as he was about to speak, he could only see the dust raised by Qubei's war horse.

"The whole army marches quickly, keep up with King Youxian!"

Dan Lou immediately ordered the infantry to run faster.

He always felt that this cavalry was strange.

At the northwest corner of Jieshan, Zhang He was standing on the top of the mountain, watching the cavalry rolling in in the distance.

In front of him is a canyon.

This canyon is quite wide, not very narrow, but the peaks on both sides are very high, which is a natural location for ambush.

"General! The kerosene has been arranged!"

"Well, let the archers prepare their rockets and wait for the order."

"Yes, General!"

Zhang He quietly watched the enemy troops enter the urn.

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