in the system.

No thermal weapons, electronic equipment, mobile equipment, high-end items.

So if you want to come up with mobile phones, TV sets, airplanes, and cannons, don't think about it.


Life department store.

Most have.

This portable microscope.

It's actually an entry-level microscope.

Generally, later generations are enlightenment toys bought for children.

This kind of little enlightenment toy of later generations is enough to subvert the medical concept of this era.

For Hua Tuo, a Chinese genius doctor and a surgeon.

This gift from Cao Xu.

too heavy!

It's priceless!

Is a priceless treasure!

It is enough to shatter some three views and refresh the understanding of medicine!


Chapter 5 Accept a Doctor as an Apprentice (5/[-])

The three experienced microscopes one after another.

[Hua Tuo is shocked +! 】

【Diaochan is shocked +! 】

[Lu Lingqi is shocked +! 】

They were the first to observe the microscopic world in this era.

Optical microscope.

Its construction is very simple.

Europe can be made in the sixteenth century.

It is nothing more than the superposition of three or two magnifying glasses.

Its magnification limit is three to five thousand times, which cannot be compared with the electron microscopes in professional laboratories, which are often magnified one million times, but it is enough to see cells, bacteria, and barely distinguish structures.

Diao Chan said after calming down:

"Husband, I understand!"

"Our skin, our blood, and our viscera are made up of hundreds of millions of small lives!"

"When there is a wound, the small life outside takes advantage of it, and these harmful life will multiply in the body, destroy its own life, and finally cause sores, pus, and fever."

"If you eat unclean things, harmful little lives will also take advantage of it and eventually cause us to get sick."

Cao Xu was surprised: "Mrs. Diaochan, you are really smart!"

[Diaochan is ashamed +! 】

【Diaochan is happy +! 】

[Lu Lingqi is shocked +! 】

[Hua Tuo is shocked +! 】

"very scary!"

"There are so many little bugs around us!"

Lu Lingqi shuddered.

This day is not afraid of women.

After understanding the truth of being surrounded by bugs.

She suddenly felt that her three views collapsed and her face became a little pale.

Lu Lingqi had a hard time accepting this fact, but seeing is believing.

Through the microscope, she did see bacteria and cells, so she had to believe it.

most excited

It is Hua Tuo!

Cao Xu was worried that the little old man should not get too excited, and he would burp before he could breathe.

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