There are not many surgeons with such super-experienced experience in the entire history of China. If he is gone, the loss will be great.

"The grace of teaching and solving puzzles!"

"Hua Tuo is unforgettable!"

Hua Tuo knelt down to Cao Xu.

Many problems have plagued them for decades.

At this moment, I solved it in an instant, and found an answer that was enough to justify it.

No exaggeration to say.

Hua Tuo regarded Cao Xu as his mentor.

So I directly thanked Cao Xu as a teacher.

If Cao Xu hadn't explained his confusion, he felt that he would never have known the fundamental pathology of wound purulent infection!

This is very deadly in the field of surgery. Every time a person is operated on, it is a gamble!

Cao Xu is not humble either.

It was a great atmosphere to accept the week.

"This thing is a priceless treasure... I am truly ashamed of it!"

The words say so.

He was obsessed with microscopes.

I almost kicked my wife away and cuddled it to sleep at night.

Cao Xu said: "Hua Shenyi has countless living people and noble medical ethics. This thing can be of greater value when it is in your hands. You are welcome. Besides, it is not given to you for nothing. The younger generation still needs to ask the genius doctor for help."

"Young master, speak up!"

"I plan to open a hospital and invite Hua Shenyi to be the director."


"The hospital is the place where teaching, science and research are integrated. Hua Shenyi travels around the world. Although it is worthy of respect, the number of people who can be treated is very limited. If there is a hospital, it can not only treat patients from all over the world, but also teach Disciple, you can still write books and research, communicate with many colleagues, and jointly promote the progress of Chinese medicine, isn’t it better than traveling doctors?”

Hua Tuo was very moved.

He's getting old and can't walk a bit.

Such a rich man, giving money, land, and people to build a hospital for him, can continue to save people, and can concentrate on research, no matter how you look at it, it is a great thing!

Hua Tuo bowed again: "I would like to worship the young master as a teacher, and I will obey the orders from now on."

Really apprentice ah?

Cao Xu hesitated:

"It seems inappropriate for Hua Shenyi to hang a pot to help the world and to worship the younger generation as a teacher."

Hua Tuo didn't hesitate: "The teacher is on-demand for the old man, and he recreates it with kindness. The master is the teacher, and the old man is willing."

That being the case.

Cao Xu also had nothing to say.

Hua Tuo has a very good reputation among the people.

This is a teacher.

It's a great benefit.

Hua Tuo is a rare old Chinese medicine practitioner who is good at surgery.

Then, this advantage must be preserved and promoted!

Cao Xu told Hua Tuo about the pathogenic pathology of viruses and bacteria, as well as the classification of some common bacteria, "If Doctor Hua wants to continue to perform laparotomy and craniotomy, our hospital must build a hospital. A completely sterile operating room with all tools sterilized."

Disinfection is not difficult.

Alcohol will do.

Cao Xu has invented distillation technology.

His brewery produces high-purity alcohol.

[Hua Tuo is excited +! 】

【Hua Tuo Surprise+! 】

【Diaochan is surprised +! 】

[Lu Lingqi admires +! 】

Hua Tuo was very excited after hearing the common sense of germs.

He is more interested in opening hospitals and performing surgeries.

He only felt that with a formal sterile operating room, the success rate of belly planing and craniotomy would skyrocket. It could not only study and improve medicine, but also save countless terminally ill people.

Cao Xu was very satisfied to see him like this.

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