Cao Cao's mind is always a hidden danger.

Cao Xu intends to help Cao Cao cure this problem.

Although no matter how prepared this era is, the medical conditions cannot be compared with those of later generations, but there are genius doctors like Hua Tuo, who come out every thousand years, as well as a variety of antibiotics in the system mall.

The success rate is great!

Even if the surgery is an accident and the brain tissue is injured.

Cao Xu can also use the "Life Potion" rewarded by the system and the diluted version of the "Healing Potion" to make repairs, which are immediate and absolutely reliable.

In short.

If you are sick, you must be cured.

It is not enough to avoid or be afraid of medicine.

Cao Xu brought the housekeeper Cao Fu over.

Let Cao Fu come to assist Hua Tuo and supervise the hospital, and the matter is settled.

Once this hospital is built, not only will Lao Cao's illness be cured, but it will also bring in a lot of income!

of course.

not only that.

the most important is.

You can gain a lot of word of mouth and prestige.

In the future, the sanitary conditions of Cao Wei will rise, and the casualty rate of soldiers will plummet.

It is of great significance.

It is not as simple as ordinary healing and saving people.


(ps: These two days are transitional plots, and the writing can’t be done quickly, so it is difficult to add more updates, so the author is not too embarrassed to ask for flowers, but the plot has been sorted out later, and the speed will definitely increase gradually.)

Chapter 1 Before the Conquest of Wancheng (5/[-])


After dinner.

Lu Lingqi is addicted to gambling.

She proposed to play poker again.

Lost to Cao Xu two days ago.

What if there is no gambling capital?

Cao Xu saw that she wanted to play so much.

As a result, he sat at the card table with high fighting spirit, and finally left the field like a funeral.

Lu Lingqi not only did not exchange the owed gambling debts.

This silly roe deer is a good gambler.

The level is terrible.

Just feel good about yourself.

I thought I was the reincarnation of a god of gamblers.

Go on like this.

Sooner or later, she will lose all her five hundred lifetimes.

Lu Lingqi walked into Cao Xu's room with a large wooden basin filled with hot water. She saw Cao Xu sitting at the table, arranging tomorrow's study plan for Diaochan, while Diaochan was quietly reviewing with a book.

She put the tub in front of her.

"Hey, starting today, I'll help you wash your feet!"

"But you have to count all the debts."

[Lu Lingqi is depressed +! 】

Diaochan was surprised.

This arrogant, arrogant girl.

How can you do such a thing as helping people wash their feet?What a rarity!

[Lu Lingqi is angry +! 】

[Lu Lingqi is depressed +! 】

[Lu Lingqi is happy +! 】

"The feet have been washed."

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