in fact.

He could see Lu Lingqi's thoughts.

That's how little girls are, too reserved, too shy, and too embarrassed.

After a moment.

Cao Xu's muscles and bones are relaxed.

He nodded with satisfaction: "Yes, two times, so far today, the debt you owe has been reduced by one."

Lu Lingqi said: "Let you bastard be proud for a while, I, Lu Lingqi, will get back the game sooner or later, hum!"

The husband is indeed a gentleman.

Cao Xu suddenly thought of something: "By the way, there is one thing, but I forgot to inform my wife today that my husband will go to a distant place in a few days, and go to Wancheng with the army."

"Go to Wancheng?!"

Diao Chan was taken aback.

Wasn't Wancheng occupied by the enemy?

What are you doing in that kind of enemy area, husband?

When he told Diaochan about the matter, Diaochan fell into silence immediately, but only entangled the other's hands and feet, becoming more forceful, as if he was afraid that the other party would fly away.

[Diaochan is worried +! 】

Cao Xu caressed his smooth back: "Five days in the shortest time, ten days in the long run, the husband will come back, don't you have confidence in the husband? Don't worry, Zhang Xiu is a mob, and it's hard for me to deal with him."

"The concubine believes in her husband, but just thinking of not seeing her for a long time, the concubine only feels empty in her heart."

Diaochan is very affectionate.

She kept her posture low.

She does everything in her power and means to please and please the people in front of her.

to this end.

There is no bottom line.

Not even with dignity.

No matter how dangerous this man's career is, she will give her full support and follow him in life and death. She must not become an obstacle, but only help him.

[Diaochan is worried +! 】

【Diaochan is apprehensive +! 】

Diao Chan did not express her emotions.

Two days later.

Cao Cao summoned Cao Xu.

Action against Wancheng.

Now it's time to officially start.


Chapter 2 Zhang Xiu Must Die (5/[-])

Cao's army was assembled.

The main commander, Xiahou Dun, and the second commanders, Cao Xu and Zhang Liao, sent a total of [-] elite troops.

Before setting off, Cao Cao instructed: "Ziqiu is on his first expedition. If things go wrong, he must protect himself, and he must not be brave."

Cao Xu spit out: "The spread of such depressing words may damage the morale of the three armies!"

"The three armies combined are not as important as Ziqiu!"

Cao Cao said confidently: "In short, remember, be careful in everything!"


Cao Mengde's performance at the moment.

Where does he look like a cold-blooded hero?

It is more like a loving father who sends his child away for the first time.

A command.

The three armies set off.

Cao Cao stood on the outskirts of the city and watched the army go away. Since Chen Liu raised his army, he has never been so worried as at this moment, but thinking that the troops in Wancheng are not strong, the reason why Wancheng is difficult to fight is because the city is strong.

This time.

Cao Xu went out with the army.

Its purpose and mission is not to capture the city.

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