"What are these wines?"

"These are beers."

Cao Xu will definitely not be stingy when he brings wine to Cao Cao.

These wines are all white wine and beer exchanged with system points, which are put into the wine jar and beer respectively.

It was brought from the barrel. Compared with the drinks of this era, the drinks provided by Cao Xu

The quality is leading the era of 08.

[Cao Cao is satisfied +100! ]

[Cao Cao is happy +100! ]

So many good wines!

The cost is probably not low!

Ziqiu is indeed filial!

Cao Cao is a wine lover.

He later wrote: Du Kang is the only one who can solve the worries.

The difference between the Dukang wine that Cao Cao loves and these wines is not small.


"You come in first.

Cao Cao asked his servants to continue their work.

He took Cao Xu into a living room.

Cao Xu was a little confused: "Father has something to say?"

Cao Cao laughed: "It's not a bad thing, Ziqiu is young and talented.

, but check

There are too few concubines, slaves and maids, and it’s a bit overwhelming for a father. Today I will introduce you to another one.

relatives. "

talking room.

Cao Cao clapped his hands.

Xiahou Yuan walked in immediately.

Followed by a pure and petite girl.

Xia Houge took a peek.

Immediately he bowed his head shyly.

He squeezed his dress nervously with both hands.

From the neck to the roots of the ears are red, looking very cute and cute.

Cao Xu asked in surprise, "This is?"

Xia Houyuan introduced: "Xiahou Ying, the daughter of the last servant, has lost both her parents and has no one to rely on.

If the son doesn't dislike it, he might as well bring Ying'er into the mansion.

Don't seek fame: it's good to have someone to take care of.

[ding dong! ]

[Please choose whether to marry Xiahouying? (Yes/No)]

The system prompt appears again.

Cao Xu couldn't help feeling very surprised.

What is the judgment of the system docking disk?

At present, it seems that it is obviously not limited to other people's wives.

As long as there is no father or mother, or is abandoned, has no support, and is sent to the front, it counts?

if so.

this range.

That's also broad enough.

Cao Xu carefully looked at Xiahouying.

I have to say, as a soul of the [-]st century, let him take over such a person in front of him.

Girl, I really feel a little guilty in my heart!

Why so

Xiahouying was only thirteen or fourteen years old.

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