It is the kind that starts in three years in future generations!

Lu Lingqi is only [-] years old, but she is [-] meters tall and has a supermodel figure.

, The character is self-improving, aggressive and domineering, which makes people naturally ignore age.

Xiahou calyx-

Rice four or five.

In the twenty-first century.

I'm afraid I'm still in middle school!

Girls tend to develop earlier.

Xia Houying is also very talented.

At the age of thirteen or fourteen, she developed most ordinary women, twenty-three or four years old.

unattainable scale.

With a cute and timid, almost palm-sized melon face, - Shuang Xiaolugu is clear

Eyes are really unusual!

Cao Xu has been silent.

[Xiahou Yuan is worried +300! ]

[Xiahouying nervous +500! ]

[Cao Cao doubts +300! ]

Isn't Ziqiu not interested in this type?

Xia Houce is very confident in this slave girl, but as the saying goes, radishes and vegetables have their own love.

It's hard to say whether his physical fitness will be successful, so he is a little worried at the moment: so add

One sentence!

"Ziqiu: Don't look at Ying'er, she is very well-behaved and sensible, and she is also very diligent.

Xiahouying clenched her fists.

Heart thumped.

She is naturally timid but not stupid.

On the contrary, Xia Houying has a much higher IQ than her peers.

She has clearly realized that what is in front of her now may be the only one in her life--

This opportunity, if I miss it, I am afraid that I will regret it, so I muster up the courage to say:

"Ying'er Ying'er is very capable!"

Cao Cao frowned.

He was about to say something.

Cao Xu nodded and said: "Ying'er looks cute and lovable, General Xiahou is willing, and Ziqiu will

Thanks in advance.

[Xiahouying joy +500! ]

[Successful takeover! Get 30 points! ]

Xia Houying, 50 years old, friendliness [-] (close), hobbies: food, painting, medicine


Ha ha.

Cao Xu is not stupid.

The best loli delivered to your door.

Is it still possible to return it?

Looking at Xiahou Yuan's face, he has to accept it.


Are you really thirteen?

It is not unusual for a woman to give birth to a child at the age of thirteen or fourteen in ancient times.

But for Cao Xu, it is really too young to start three years!

Xiahou Yuan was overjoyed.

Xiahou Ying0 was winked.

She hurriedly stepped forward and saluted respectfully, "Ying'er pays respects to her husband!"

Cao Cao smiled and stroked his beard: "Ying'er, you are lucky to marry Ziqiu.

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