Ignore people's attention and say hello.

At most it's just a smile and a nod.

Soon I walked into the shop with the plaque of "Rare Pavilion".

Seeing the figure disappear.

The crowd was disappointed for a while.

It is indeed rare to see such a superb person.

of course.

Not without.

It is said to be in Xuchang Market.

There are two great beauties haunting.

One of them was Mrs. Zou, who had just walked into the shop.

The other is the legendary Mrs. Diaochan who manages behind the scenes of Wangyuelou.

It is said.

The latter is beautiful.

Even better than Madam Zou.

She is like a high fairy.

It can make those who are fortunate enough to meet her not want to eat or drink.

But compared to Mrs. Zou, who is good at hype and famous.

Mrs. Diaochan is completely the other extreme, extremely low-key, reclusive, seldom in people

Before making a public appearance, more people only ask about their name and do not know who they are: so they are not down-to-earth, people

The anger is not as high as that of Madam Zou.

The lady walked into the shop.

A trace of contempt and disdain flashed in his eyes.

During this period of time, she used a lot of methods to deliberately hype herself and make herself into the market.

Inside, almost everyone knows it, but this is not to attract bees and butterflies.

Mrs. Zou is a collection of contradictions.

Nowadays, the demand is obviously fierce, but the vision is very high, from Wancheng to Xuchang

These days.Really aroused strong interest, there was only one person so far, and this person was

It is the champion Hou Caoxu!

speak up.

Full of resentment.

Overnight in the study room.

Let Madam Zou have a psychological shadow.

I thought I could get Cao Xu.

This should be an easy task.

Although a bit too old for age.

Mrs. Zou still has confidence in herself in all aspects.

Not lost to a [-]+ year old lady.

But the young lady she can provide may not be able to.

And don't take responsibility.

And don't give credits.

Who doesn't like to eat a clean Bawang meal?

Cao Xu doesn't look like a nerd who admits to death.

Mrs. Zou made careful preparations several times, and rushed to Cao Xu's house to knock on the door.

It was a good coincidence that, for several days in a row recently, it happened to be Cao Xu's busiest time.

Waiting, again and again to take advantage of the prosperity and come back to the disappointment.

Almost suffocated.

Mrs. Zou now has only two goals.

First, never let him go, never give up.

Second, she wants to run the Rare Pavilion well, and she has invested most of her net worth in it.

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