She also expects to make a fortune from this shop, which is why Mrs. Zou is keen to hype herself recently.

s reason.

Mrs. Bu is now named Xuchang.

He has become a crowd-pleaser in this market.

Now most businessmen and many wealthy sons know this shop.

Tomorrow, after the official opening of the rare pavilion.

Those rich businessmen and sons will come to cheer.

The goods of the rare pavilion are not affordable for ordinary people, and their target customers are this

Some people, so the effect of such hype will be obvious.

Mrs. Zou is super confident.

Everything at Treasure Court is great value for money!

Whether we can develop in this life depends on this store!

"It's opening tomorrow...

"Get the job done quickly!

Madam Zou reprimanded the eight maids and four attendants.

Although Mrs. Zou is full of confidence in Rare Treasure Pavilion, she does not dare to be negligent, after all

However, most of their worth and property were invested in this shop, and from now on they will refer to

Hope it becomes your own cash cow.

Cao Xu is also short of money at the moment.

Diaochan enjoys the account book and is accounting with Cao Xu about the latest receipts and expenses.

Diao Chan said: "Husband, most of our income is spent on reclaiming wasteland for food.

Recently, I have invested a lot in the hospital, so the money in the account is getting tighter and tighter.

ask for flowers

Cao Xu listened to the report.

he said nonchalantly.

"It doesn't matter, there are so many ways to make money, the rare pavilion hosted by Mrs. Zou, this

Isn't it about to open? This is a big cash cow, and it will definitely ease the finances


Diao Chan suddenly covered her mouth and laughed lightly.

Cao Xu was a little puzzled: "What are you laughing at, Madam?"

Diao Chan's eyes wandered, as if she had a special meaning: "Mrs. Zou has visited many times recently,

Every time it was received by a cheap concubine. Seeing how excited and absent-minded she was, Min Shan,

It's really frustrating. "

Cao Xu really didn't know.

He has been very busy lately going out early and returning late.

Although Mrs. Zou is her important partner.

However, Cao Xu left all the matters to be discussed with her to be taken over by Diao Chan.

After all, today's Diaochan is Cao Xu's number one internal helper, and his business affairs are becoming more and more familiar.


Diao Chan said at this time: "Tomorrow is when the official opening of the rare pavilion will be opened, the husband knows that the cheap concubine

I don't like being too public, so why don't you go there for the cheap concubine, okay?"


But think carefully.

Mrs. Zou is also an important partner.

In the future, I also expect to work hard for myself to make money.

money such a thing.

No one is too much.

The reason why Cao Xu was short of money did not ask Cao Cao for it.

That's because Cao Cao or the imperial court is also very tight financially now.

Since the Second Emperor Huanling of the Eastern Han Dynasty, the internal affairs have been very strict. After the outbreak of the Yellow Turban Rebellion

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