"The store is sold out!

"This guest will come back tomorrow!"

Several maids kept a young man outside the door.

Madam Zou looked at it inadvertently, her heart was beating violently, and she immediately said, "Stop, don't be rude,

Let your son in!"


no one else.

It was Puxu.

A person who has been a guest in a dream for several days in a row.

I can't find the one I want to look for. These days, the dragon has seen its head but not its tail, and it finally appeared today.

Mrs. Zou was restless.I subconsciously clamped my legs, and quickly stood up again.

Come, rebuke the people left and right: "You go out!


"Please come in!"

Mrs. Zou took Cao Xu into the small tea room.

She was very attentive, serving tea and pouring water.

Chapter 5 Feeding the horses grass ([-])

Who is Cao Xu?

The number one goal to make Mr. Zou's mouth water.

It is Madam Zou's cash cow and thick thighs, so she must hug her tightly!

Mrs. Ministry is very clear.

Can you be rich and prosperous.

It was completely controlled by Cao Xu's thoughts.

It can be said.

in any way.

Let Cao Xu have any dissatisfaction.

Cao Xu could even kick her away.

And Mrs. Zou has nothing to do about it.

and so.

Even for profit.

Mrs. Zou will also try to curry favor.

Even being a female licking dog is at all costs.

Mrs. Zou deliberately said in a resentful tone: "Young Master is too careless about our career.

As a concubine, she is a female class, and she has to deal with men with ulterior motives.

Man, it's been very hard work, why are you only here now?"

[Mrs. Zou desires +100! ]

[Mrs. Zou expects +100! ]

[Mrs. Zou's resentment +50]

[Mrs. Zou desires +100! ]

The woman's emotions.

It seems a bit wrong.

Cao Xu said lightly: "My identity is special, and it is not suitable for me to personally participate in the operation of the rare pavilion.

Camp, I'm really sorry for making Madam Zou work so hard. "

Mrs. Zou can understand.

Cao Xu is the son of an aristocratic family.

He is the number one talent in Xuchang.

In fact, the nobility generally did not do business directly.

To do so is disgraceful and controversial, and the gentry generally use their influence

, to win over trusted businessmen to make money instead of doing business.

Cao Xu asked: "How is your income today?

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