Mrs. Zou's smile moved people's hearts, "Young Master, why don't you take a guess?"

Cao Xu took a sip of tea.

He reported a high expected number.

"One thousand gold?

Mrs. Zou's smiling face is full of flowers, her figure, her demeanor, people can't help it.

"Hehehe, Young Master Ziqiu is extremely smart, but there are times when he miscalculates"!

[Mrs. Zou is happy +200! ]

[Mrs. Zou is proud +100! ]

"More than a thousand gold?"

Cao Xu was a little surprised.

A thousand gold is a lot!

If you don't see it in the history books, you will "reward thousands of dollars and seal ten thousand households."

If a thousand gold is a small number that anyone can get out of a pen, then may I ask this sentence?

What's the lethality? Only four or five hundred pieces are released on the first day, and you can earn three or five hundred gold.

Not bad.

Take Madam Zou's temperament.

She will definitely increase the price of the item!

So Cao Xu guessed a thousand gold.

Mrs. Zou didn't give a shit: "A total of eight thousand gold!"

Cao Xu almost spit out a sip of tea.

Eight thousand gold?

This woman is not kidding herself!

[Mrs. Zou is proud +100! ]

Mrs. Zou explained triumphantly: "Five hundred gold was sold on the spot, and the rest were

The first order of road runners and powerful people. "

It turned out to be the case.

No wonder so many.

Mrs. Zou continued: "We are still selling too cheap, and the concubine decided to continue raising the price.

In order to grab higher profits, I wonder what your son thinks?!"

Cao Xu nodded: "I only take care of the goods, Diaochan takes care of the accounts, and this business aspect is all about

It's fine for Mrs. Zou to take control and make her own decision. "

[Mrs. Zou is happy +100! ]

Cao Xu has handed over the personnel rights and management rights to himself!

Mrs. Zou believes that with this rare pavilion.

She is enough to become famous all over the world!

Very satisfied with vanity.

Today's results.

Cao Xu was also very happy.

With a bunch of smelly worthless glass.

To be able to harvest the world's rich people so frantically.

According to this trend, it will not take long for a large amount of wealth to pass through

Traders from all walks of life gather in Cao Xu's hands from all over the world. As long as there is enough time to accumulate, they will become

It is not impossible to be the richest man in the world.

It can be said.

Lack of money problem.

Solved most of it at once. "I didn't read Mrs. Zou wrong, the future development of this rare pavilion, and Mrs. Lao Zou's expense.


But you want the horse to run.

Feed the horses more grass.

Cao Xu was completely relieved, he thought about it and said, "Mrs. Zou has been very public these days.

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