Hard work, let's take more than half of the profit as a bonus this month.

Give a bonus.

Make her work harder to make money.

Madam Zou's heart moved.

"The concubine is only a widow, and nearly two percent of the dividends are enough, no need to give more

other divisions.

Mrs. Zou's tone changed, "" If the son really wants to reward his transformation, then the transformation

Dare to ask the son for some really wanted rewards. "

not long ago.

Xiahou Bi and Xiahou Yuan received orders from Cao Cao.

They quickly assembled their troops and rushed to Xuzhou, preparing to take advantage of Liu Bei's enjoyment of Xuzhou.

First, let the governor of Xuzhou increase his troops to strengthen the defense, and then turn back and attack Liu Bei to destroy him.

this matter.

Very important.

One hundred thousand in a hurry.

So Xiahou stopped and marched quickly.

Arrived in Xuzhou in one day and two nights.

Just when they were about to take a trail in the dark of night.

Suddenly, a large number of torches appeared on the hillsides on both sides, and countless rolling logs and rolling stones kept smashing down.

Then came a rain of arrows like locusts.

Cao Cao's army suffered a lot of casualties.

The army formation was also completely destroyed.

At this time, under the moonlight, a figure of Dao rushed out from the front of (De Li Zhao), he was dressed in blue and long beard

Holding a Qinglong Yanyue Sword in his hand, he is like an invincible god, wherever he goes.

The soldiers who tried to resist were all cut off.

"It's Guan Yu!"

"No, I am ambushed."

"Get out, get out now!"

Xiahou was shocked as a general, not good at winning, but still good at defeating.

This "defeat" is not a pejorative meaning, but refers to how to keep most of the

Share the strength, so that even if you fail, you will not be wiped out and defeated.


Cao's army was under the command of Xiahou Jing.

Although the interior was very chaotic, the overall order was orderly and they retreated slowly.

"Damn, this fellow Liu Bei has actually turned his back, this is going to be troublesome!" Xiahou

Yuan looked at Guan Yu in the distance and gritted his teeth and said, "Guan Yu had already prepared, just in case,

It seems that we must ask Sikong for help. "

Chapter 6 I have recognized this person from now on ([-])

Mrs. Zou walked out of the Treasure Pavilion, and was supported by several maids to get into the car and waited for her return home.

It was only then that he recovered, thinking that Diao Chan was wrong at the beginning, she really wasn't enough to play tricks maliciously.

After calm down.

Mrs. Zou suddenly found out.

My mind is a little broken.

Mrs. Zou and Diaochan are both doing business.

But the two are different.

Diaochan is very talented in business.

But Diaochan has no vanity, and everything he does is for Cao Xu.

Mrs. Zou herself has a strong sense of vanity and utilitarianism, and she also likes to be in the limelight.

Feelings can only be said to have both advantages and disadvantages, and vanity and utilitarianism can motivate people to stop

Move forward, forge ahead: earn more.

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