Whether it's for feelings.

Still for profit.

Since then, this person has been recognized.


The next two days.

Treasure Court quickly became famous.

It can be said that every day is a day of gold.

Diaochan is very happy doing audit collection every day.

With this important source of income, there is no need to be as tight as before, but to give

+ Buy a few more cattle in Li Village: you can renovate the hospital, or you can give more to the children

Build several schools for reading and writing.

Cao Xu is also very satisfied with this.

Because Treasure Court is really profitable.

He created the illusion of cost by manipulating the means.

But in fact, these things are almost worthless transactions.

"Someone is looking for you outside!"

Lu Lingqi suddenly came to report.

Cao Xu asked, "Who is it?"

Lu Lingqi said, "That Jia Xu from Wancheng."

Jia Xu?

What is he doing here?

After Cao Xu recommended Jia Xu to Cao Cao.

Jia Xu just hangs out with Boss Cao, and the two don't communicate much on weekdays...

Chapter 7 Let Jia Xu be the editor-in-chief of the newspaper ([-])

living room.

Diao Chan served two cups of hot tea.

She glanced at the guest.

About forty years old, gentle and gentle, although he looks friendly, but a bit yin side, this is

Is it Fei Xu? Diaochan didn't think much about it. After serving tea for the two of them, she immediately retreated obediently.

Go down.

"It's really presumptuous to visit suddenly."

"It's okay, sir, what's the matter here?"

"Wenhe recently heard that Mrs. Zou, under the guidance of the young master, is not what it used to be.

Soaring into the sky and becoming a popular figure in Xudu, this opportunity is really enviable

Mu. "

Although not directly stated.

However, Cao Xu guessed the intention of the other party~.

The difference between Jia Xu joining the Cao family and the previous life is that.

He has not received enough attention and reuse so far.

Bi Jing.

Beside Cao Cao.

There are Guo Jia and Cheng Yu.

He also added a Cao Xu.

Jia Xu is a top smart seller in the same class as Guo Jia and Cheng Yu.

But in a short time, Cao Cao could not trust him as he trusted Guo Jia and Cheng Yu.

Although he was appointed as Cao Pi's teacher.

But that kid.

Almost stunned now.

Study the universe all day.

Jia Xu was dumbfounded.

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