But after all, it was a successful seal.

When the flying general Li Guang died, he was not named a marquis.

Lu Lingji did it as a girl, and she felt that she had realized the value of life.

It is worthwhile to be able to have all this, thanks to Cao Xu.

will be charged in the future.

Just cooperate more.

A huge debt that will not be repaid for dozens of lifetimes.

How much he can do in this life is up to him.

At this time, Diao Chan came to report: "Husband, Mr. Shuijing and Mr. Shiyuan are visiting.

Chapter [-] A brand new atmosphere in Xuchang!

living room.Met with Sima Wei and Pang Tong. "Congratulations, Lord Situ, for making great military exploits again. We will add to the sea and worship the Great General!" Cao Xu's identity and title are becoming more and more dazzling.

He became the only boss in Xuchang who could match Cao Cao's status. "Mr. Shuijing has won the prize, Guandu can win this time, thanks to Kong Ming and Shi Yuan, otherwise I want to ambush Liu Bei and wipe out Yuan Jun's surprise troops, I'm afraid I may not be able to do it.

Zhuge Liang, Pang Tong, and Zhao Yun all made great contributions.Only then did Cao Cao discover that his son also pulled up an excellent team.Not only was he not afraid of this, but he was very happy about it. He only felt that Cao Xu finally came to his senses.Sima Hui said this.

I am happy and very satisfied.His students are the most outstanding ones.Naturally hope that these two can do something.The heroes of the world rise together.Only Cao Xu is most worthy of assistance!Business blows.

Enough is enough.Time to get down to business.Mr. Shui Jing is not interested in military and political affairs, his ambition is not in the career, but in education.During this period of time, he not only served as the editor-in-chief of Xudu Literature Newspaper, and managed the newspapers for Cao Xu, but also devoted his energy to preparing for the education career, focusing on the preparation of the school and the compilation of textbooks.to this end.Sima Hui activated the Д pulse.

He found a bunch of like-minded celebrities who were keen on education.With the infrastructure built by Cao Xu in the past, and the unremitting efforts of Sima Hui and others, the establishment of the Minxue was officially put on the agenda.today.Sima Wei came over.It's just reporting results.The Han Dynasty was not without schools.Taixue is an educational institution founded in the Han Dynasty.The main content is to teach classics and research knowledge.At the beginning of the Han Dynasty, there were only a few dozen students, but the number of students increased to 100 during the Zhao Emperor's time, 200 during the Xuan Emperor's time, 1000 during the Yuan Emperor's time, and 3000 during the Cheng Emperor's time.

It can be said.China is worldwide.A civilization that attaches the most importance to education and inheritance.This tradition of advocating education, respecting teachers and respecting Taoism, and advocating talents is also the foundation for the founding of Minxue.

However, Taixue is an official school. The teaching of knowledge is mainly based on Confucian classics.There is no class.Apply what you learn.This is Cao Xu's philosophy.And this Sima Wei just happened to coincide.

This is also the main reason why Sima Wei is willing to stay.Sima Hui said: "Under the guidance of Situ, the first batch of textbooks is being compiled, please read the samples." Cao Xu runs the school.There are two types of compulsory elective courses.Among them, the compulsory subjects are: Confucianism, Policy Theory, and Basic Science.Confucianism is the traditional Four Books and Five Classics, strategy theory is a discipline that cultivates dialectical ability and studies political strategy, and basic science mainly focuses on some basic knowledge of mathematics, geography, and basic physical knowledge.Elective subjects are expected to be established: calligraphy and painting, agriculture, medicine, engineering, military science, business studies, advanced science, etc.

The students who are taught in this way are not only sensible and able to write articles, but also have basic scientific self-cultivation. "Not bad!" "Remember one thing."

"Xuchang College is a people's study." "Since it is a people's study, it must be practical." "The skill of slaughtering dragons is not impossible to teach, but it should be taught according to aptitude." "Mr. Don't think about it."

Cao Xu plans to cooperate with Xuchang University, Xuchang Hospital, some workshops in Xuchang, and even Gewu Newspaper and Literary Newspaper, so that students can not only learn the latest and most advanced knowledge, but also have the opportunity to practice.For example.Xuchang Hospital has [-] famous doctors.These famous doctors can give lectures in the medical class of Xuchang University.

Those students who take medicine as electives, if they aspire to become doctors, they can go to Xuchang Hospital for internships and advanced studies in advance, which can not only help Xuchang Hospital a lot, save a lot of costs, but also allow them to learn more knowledge.Not just medicine.Engineering and agriculture can do the same.Cao Xu plans to create a teaching model that integrates education, scientific research and practice.In the future, on this basis, we will open imperial examinations and select talents, so as to change the traditional thinking of employing people in Huaxia, so as to realize a complete hematopoietic mechanism from the bottom to the top. Talents will continue to emerge, and all walks of life will prosper as a result. [Sima Hui is excited +999! [Pang Tong admires +999!Both were excited.

According to Situ's idea.The fate of countless underprivileged students and ordinary people will be changed because of this.This change will soon permeate all walks of life, thereby changing the spirit and future of the country and the nation.Of course.For now.There are still many questions.This system cannot be created overnight.Sima Hui has the confidence to overcome all difficulties. He believes in his ability, and he believes in Cao Xu's talent and determination. He is old, but if he can accomplish this career and reform before dying. ...for flowers...then.This feat.

It is no exaggeration to say that it is comparable to Confucius and Mencius.Next.Cao Xu took another look at the development of literary journals.Xuchang literature developed rapidly.The big event in the cultural world recently is: "Liang Shanbo and Zhu Yingtai" was officially published.There are only six stories of Liang Zhu serialized by Da Qiao in the Literary Newspaper, and the space is limited. There are many details that have not been written. Because of the unexpected attention, most readers feel that it is not enough.So Da Joe rewrites it again.The main story remains unchanged, with a large number of plots and details added.For example, Liang Zhu has been together for three years and has become more vivid.

When the extended edition of Liang Zhu was printed and bound into a volume and issued in a single book, it was immediately sold out.This is the first book published in history, and the phenomenon of "Luoyang paper is expensive" has been set off for a while. Da Qiao has become a hot figure in Xuchang's literary circles. His works have derived many songs, dances, and the prototype of drama.did not expect.Let Big Joe test the water.

The result was a huge wave.Big Joe has become China's "Shakespeare"!From the nobility to the common people, all of them have a strong interest in this way of creating Zhanghui style.She became Xuchang City.

The most talkative woman.Liang Zhu fans are still at odds with the old school.Da Qiao then serialized the second story "Mulan", which was changed from "Mulan Ci". This is also a woman disguised as a man, which is especially in line with the appetite of the current people. Although the topic is not as good as Liang Zhu, it is still deeply loved. People love it.Just right.recently.Lu Lingqi's meritorious deeds were made a marquis.People think that the prototype of Mulan is Mrs. Lu, so to speak.Lu Lingqi was stunned.She didn't expect to be on fire all of a sudden!The people of Xuchang called Mrs. Lu Lu Mulan.

She was given the title "General Mulan".Women can read too.Women can fight too.Mrs. Da Qiao and Mrs. Lu are regarded as idols by countless talented women and beauties.The nobility is against this phenomenon.Word of mouth and written criticism are not rare.But they began to imitate Zhang Hui style creation.So that the publisher receives multiple submissions every day.

At present, in addition to Mrs. Qiao's work, which has attracted much attention, there is also a person who has written a story that has attracted widespread attention and discussion, and this person Cao Xu actually knows. It is Yang Xiu, the son of Taiwei Yang Biao.This time.Cao Xu was a little surprised.Yang Xiu, this ignorant and incompetent.Actually started to follow the trend and write?superior.

Chapter [-] Yang Xiu actually became the originator of Shuangwen

Liang Zhu swept the entire Xuchang.Yang Xiucha was jealous and jealous like a lemon.If a woman can do it, there is no reason why his talented Yang Xiu can't. With such a mentality, he took up the pen and embarked on the road of creation.However.

This road is not easy.Before the publication of "Liang Zhu" in a literary newspaper.Although this world already has the buds of creation, it has only developed to the level of eccentrics and illustrious people. The former is a legend of strange power and chaos, while the latter is a fictional character story.The creation method is very simple, the characters are extremely flat, there are no three elements, there is no succession and transformation, all of them are short stories similar to fairy tales and fables.

"The Liang Zhu" is the first time to write a story in the form of chapters.This is a very mature style, and it is a big jump for this era. Even if ordinary scholars want to imitate, they often can only write four dislikes, and there is no way to adapt to it for the time being.Yang Xiu is different.He is different.He is a recognized genius in Xuchang.After reading the serialized version of Liang Zhu, Yang Xiu spent ten days behind closed doors for "March [-]", devoted himself to research, and finally realized the true meaning of writing, and officially began to write.However.Trouble again.

Yang Xiu thought he had mastered the creative method, but he seemed to ignore a very important thing.The core charm of the story.It's not the writing, it's not the structure, it's the story itself.Although Yang Xiu was very dissatisfied with Da Qiao, and even suspected that she was a person who cheated on the world and made a name for herself, otherwise how could a woman shake the literary world and establish a school?Nine times out of ten, it was the handwriting of the man behind her!Yang Xiu has to admit that the story of "Liang Shanbo and Zhu Yingtai" is indeed a twisted, moving and wonderful story.

Like other scholars.Just trying to imitate.There is no possibility of transcendence at all. Instead, it will appear ridiculous because the pearl and jade are in the front. If you want to cause shocks in the literary world and Shilin, you must be ingenious, find a new way, and write a different story.to this end.Closed for a few days.Brain flashed.

Yang Xiu discovered that the long poem "The Peacock Flying Southeast" was very popular some time ago, and the now popular "Liang Shanbo and Zhu Yingtai", they all have one thing in common.It's all tragic.In that case.

Why didn't I, Yang Xiu, do the opposite?Write a successful story that the general public will love to hear!Yang Xiu suddenly found the general direction. He heard that Liang Zhu's published book had begun to be released, and he specifically read half of this new version.compared to the serialized version.This published version has undoubtedly been refined and lengthened. Da Qiao used delicate writing to describe the stories of the two protagonists during their three-year studies, which is more detailed and fascinating than the serialized version in the literary newspaper.Yang Xiu was enlightened again.Just feel the time is ripe.Write hard.Shortly after.Xuchang Wenbao published a new serialized work called "The Legend of Langya".

The author of this work is the famous genius Yang Xiu.So it quickly attracted attention in Xuchang.When Cao Xu saw the title of the work, he thought it would be a biography of a character, or the work of a heroic chivalrous person. After reading the specific content, the whole person was stunned. "The Legend of Langya" says so.In Langya County, there was a son of an aristocratic family named Yang Yixiu.Because of the relationship between war and chaos, family struggles, and displacement, he was finally forced to become a servant of a large family, but unexpectedly became strong with several beautiful ladies in the master family, which then triggered a series of interactive stories.Cao Xu was shocked.

There are some cool text routines!What surprised Cao Xu even more was that!Yang Xiu, this bastard's writing is really good.Especially the descriptions in some places are very vivid and fascinating, and the thieves are very exciting.dog day.Not only YY text.What's more, it's a small emperor's text!Such a scale is set to be [-] in later generations.

The whole story is how the poor scholar hooked up with the rich lady.Yang Xiu's "The Legend of Langya" is not meant to be the "A Plum in a Plum" of this world.this kind of book.Shame on Sven.Unprofessional.Can it be serialized in a literary newspaper?Cao Xu called Pang Tong, who approved the serialization of "The Legend of Langya", to lecture him.

Pang Tong said aggrievedly: "Yang Gongzi's work is really well written, and the writing and plot are top-notch. Since the publication of "The Legend of Langya", the circulation of literary newspapers has skyrocketed, even many people who didn't read the newspapers before. Han, also became interested in literary newspapers. "Is there such a thing? "Cao Xu was a little surprised. He found out after understanding.

The sales of literary newspapers have really skyrocketed.Pang Tong showed a wretched smile no matter how he looked at it. "Master Situ, the vulgar is the elegant. Yang Gongzi's writing is excellent, and the stories are well written. Although there are a lot of vulgar descriptions, it has further lowered the threshold and made more people interested in literary newspapers." I think I like to read " There may be more people in "The Biography of Langya" than "Liang Shanbo and Zhu Yingtai", and it is more conducive to the further promotion of the paper. "Anyway, I like to watch it. "It makes sense. Liang Zhu is a classic. The vitality will be very long. In the future, it may be famous for a hundred generations. But as far as I like it, how can it compare to YY Shuangwen?

Especially the YY Shuangwen with color, he also likes to read it for Cao Xu.Cao Xu has always looked down on Yang Xiu.He felt that this person was a gold watch, and he was in the dark.Right now, it seems like a real person. Yang Xiu didn't know what panacea he took, but he unintentionally understood the essence of popular creation. The future is probably limitless. It's true.After Yang Xiu wrote the book.It's just a spring breeze.Get the spotlight again.I also negotiated with the publisher about publishing the book.Yang Xiu thought that he would become the second person to publish the story after "The Liang Zhu", and he felt an unprecedented sense of accomplishment, and he became more determined to continue on this road.However.The road to success.It's definitely not going so well. "Evil obstacles!" "Beasts!" "How could I, Yang Biao, give birth to such a wicked child as you!"

Snapped!A slap in the face.Yang Xiu was knocked to the ground.Yang Biao was so angry that his face turned green, he tore the newspaper to shreds and smashed it on Yang Xiu's face. "Look at what you wrote. It's immoral, disobedient to etiquette, and unfortunate in the family. This old man has become a laughing stock. You have lost all this old face!" Yang Xiu's "The Legend of Langya".

Although with great results.But the plot caused huge controversy.Forget those straightforward [-] descriptions.The protagonist of Yang Xiu's story, who is a servant, has an affair with the daughter of the master's family. This is simply deviant in this era, and [-]% will be criticized by countless Taoist guards, so that the entire Yang family is ridiculed by Tulin. "Starting today!" "Don't write another word!" Yang Xiu retorted: "A talented person, don't ask where you come from, why can't domestic servants turn over and why women can't pursue true love? Your father is you. Too corrupt and outdated!

"Yang Biao's lungs are about to explode: "You dare to disobey me! "3.9 Yang Xiu said: "Nowadays, there is a movement against rigid etiquette in the Central Plains. Xiu takes this very seriously. For thousands of years in China, some things have indeed become dross!" ""The strong words are arrogant, write one more word, and you will not enter this door again!" "

"If you don't enter, you won't enter! I have written the book!" Yang Xiu finally found his life direction, and found a road that could make him famous and famous all over the world, how could he give up.Now the Central Plains.A new cultural movement is about to break out.Yang Xiu felt that he would become a representative of the Cultural Revolution.

Father Yang Biao, those scumbags, and the Taoists are all stumbling blocks that hinder the progress of civilization and the progress of the literary world. Even if he cuts off the relationship with the Yang family, he will continue.He Yang Xiu wanted to carry the banner of the Cultural Revolution.Against rigid feudal indoctrination.Against pedantic traditional ideas.This is the battle of the readers!As Confucius and Mencius said: Although there are thousands of people, I will go!Yang Xiu walked out of the door of the Yang family with his head held high and his face full of calm.

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