Chapter [-] Clash of old and new cultures! Xiao Qiao learned to draw comics!

Cao Xu noticed.

The daily receives an article.

The contributor is none other than the talented Yang Xiu. The content is roughly as follows:

Yang Xiu expressed that he would stand up.

Rebellion against corrupt ethics.

Declare war on traditional spirits.

Yang Xiu resolutely supported the reform and liberation of culture, and finally published a statement in the newspaper to cut off ties with the Yang family.

Department, everything he does from now on only represents that he has nothing to do with the Yang family.

This article.

Written with impassioned enthusiasm.

In fact, the view is not very new.

Recently, many Confucian scholars and celebrities have been criticizing each other in newspaper articles.

This has become a trend in Xuchang today, but Yang Xiu's article is a bit interesting.

First of all.

Yang Xiu was the son of Taiwei Yang Biao.

He was already a well-known talent in Xuchang.

This article is published, it will definitely cause a lot of heat, and there is no reason for Ten Daily not to publish it.

Deng, and secondly, Yang Xiu's move is beneficial to Cao Xu.

It can be said.

Cao Xu was happy to see the division within the gentry.

He did not take the initiative to attack these clansmen, but now it seems that these traditional gentry

A rift has begun to appear, and the public opinion of the secular people is involved.

progress and change.

Let Cao Xu sit and reap the benefits of the fisherman.

Who can think of several articles, 14 or so.

Can cause such a wide range of influence, can cause such a strong tear and discussion

, so that so many people of insight began to reflect and even rebel against the traditional Confucian concept of etiquette.

This is very beneficial to Cao Xu.

It has cultivated the soil for future drastic reforms.


Then again.

Cao Xu was puzzled.

Yang Xiu special something.

A guy who writes yy cool and yellow.

How did it become the representative of the new cultural innovation movement?

Sure enough, this guy still likes to pretend like he always does, and likes to put gold on his face.

Xiaohuangwen can write a sense of superiority.

Xiao Huangwen can plausibly speak.

This is no one.

If it weren't for Yang Xiu's writing skills, his writing and stories would be very good.

Shuangwen of the nature of color, but it is also considered to be quoted from the classics, the literary grace is natural, and there are higher literary

Learn sex, otherwise he won't let him serialize anything.

At this stage.

Cao Xu had no intention of interfering.

After all, at the age of thirteen or fourteen, you can marry and have children.

What Yang Xiu wrote can greatly increase the sales of Xudu Literary Newspaper, and also promote the

In the development of popular literature, Cao Xu had absolutely no reason to interfere.

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