"As long as Guanzhong is willing to send troops through the Meridian Valley to cooperate with our army, and while Cao Xu is dead, Cao's army will

The army's heart is in turmoil, and if it is attacked from both sides, it will be defeated!"

Hear these notes.

Zhang Wei was consciously very clever.

Although there is a lot of risk, but as the so-called wealth and risk seek, this is the only possibility to kill

Cao Xu, the way to stop Cao Jun.


Zhang Wei decided.

He's going to fight.

Immediately send people to Guanzhong.

Zhang Wei has already heard that although Han Sui, Ma Chao and others have bowed their heads to the court at this moment

The two men faced a similar situation to themselves.

They are reluctant to give up their power.

Otherwise, it is impossible to continue to return to Guanzhong as a warlord.

Therefore, as long as these two people are persuaded, and then these two people contact other warlords, then the

Zhongsu gathered a large army, crossed the Qinling Mountains from the Meridian Road, and directly entered the Hanzhong area.

, cooperate with Zhang Lu to ambush Cao Jun.

Zhang Lu and Cao Xu will arrive in Nanzheng soon.

The key to the success of this conspiracy lies in one word: fast.

Several envoys were not fortunate to be entrusted by Zhang Wei.

Came to Hanzhong in the fastest time.

Tell Ma Chao, Han Sui and others about the plan.

Ma Chao and Han Sui were surprised when they learned about Zhang Lu's surrender to Cao Cao and Zhang Wei's plan.

Unexpectedly, in just a few days, Hanzhong County in the south has undergone such great changes, and

They didn't even have time to receive the news.

"Meng Qi, what do you think?"

Ma Chao said in a deep voice, "Sun Ce, Liu Biao, and Liu Zhang are all preparing cavalry in the name of the Qing emperor.

Cao Xu's move to seize Hanzhong is to seize the opportunity and cut off our Liangzhou soldiers in Guanzhong.

Horses and their connection.

"Once Cao Xu captures Hanzhong and obtains several ancient roads to enter the customs, he can use it militarily.

Directly threaten Guanzhong, prepare for the battle with Sun Liu, and it is likely to be cleared up next

Guanzhong, then how could I have a place to stand?

Han Sui's eyes moved: "According to my nephew's opinion, we should

Ma Chao is very ambitious.

He was unwilling to be under the Cao family.

It's a pity that Sun Ce and Liu Biao joined forces a little later.

If they had stood up a few months earlier, Yibu would oppose Cao Cao.

Ma Chao would never agree to Ma Teng's fall to the imperial court, let alone go to Jizhou to help Cao

Exercise to eradicate serious troubles in the heart.


present period.

It's not too late.

Cao Cao was busy cleaning up the mess in Hebei.

There is no way to get out in a short time.

Cao Xu entered Hanzhong. Although Zhang Lu was successfully incorporated, Hanzhong still had strong resistance.


If Guanzhong soldiers and horses intervene at this moment.

Join hands with Zhang Wei and others in Hanzhong to destroy Cao Xu.

So from this moment on, Liangzhou, Guanzhong, Hanzhong, Yizhou, Jingzhou, Jiangdong, etc.

A large area will be connected together to form a powerful anti-Cao alliance.

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