under such a situation.

It was difficult for Cao Cao to defend Xuchang.

His Hebei land is bound to be lost.

The Cao family is likely to move the capital to Yecheng and give up the entire Henan, Huainan, Xuzhou and other areas.

In the end, even if it is not destroyed, it can only become a local prince.


Divide the world.

A situation similar to the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period will be formed.

Ma Chao and Han Sui are both extremely ambitious people, they both hope they agree to close the region

And the Hexi Corridor, eventually building a Qin state or a Xiliang state.

And in this matter.

Ma Chao undoubtedly has a greater advantage.

Because Han Sui was already old, and Ma Chao was only in his twenties.

Ma Chao has Qiang blood, and has a high prestige among the Qiang people. He is full of energy and sometimes

During the period, the Qin State of Xiliang was established, and then the Qiang tribes were unified to become the most powerful tribe in the west.


As for doing so.

Will it hurt Ma Teng and the others?

Ma Chao can't take care of so much at this moment.

As the saying goes, those who achieve great things are not careful about the small things. If you are stumped by such a woman's kindness

Is it possible to realize the ambition in your heart?

Ma Chao had a grudge against Ma Teng for abandoning his biological mother and marrying a Han.

This situation was also chosen by Ma Teng himself.


Ma Chao and Han then formed an alliance.

The two secretly contacted a number of warlords.

These warlords obviously also realized that once Cao Jun occupied Hanzhong, they would definitely be intimidated by them.

Threatened, and Ma Chao and Han Sui took the lead.

They didn't hesitate.

All joined in.

An action against Cao Xu.

It is unfolding under the conspiracy of two rebel forces in Guanzhong and Hanzhong.

The [-]th chapter is easy to crack the eagle trick


"Urgent information!"

"Guanzhong suddenly assembled tens of thousands of troops."

"Currently, the intention is unknown, and the movement is unknown."

Cao Xu frowned.

at this point in time.

Cao Xu believes this is no coincidence.

He has long been wary of the heroes in Guanzhong, so he sends people to watch at all times and let them blame

Xu arranged for undercover agents, there were several intelligence channels, and whenever there was a big move in Guanzhong, they would

Ding mites are no match for Cao Xu.

Pang Tong learned about the situation.

He immediately said: "Chencang Road, Feixie Road and Ziwugu Road are included in Guanzhong and Hanzhong.

Many ancient roads are connected, and tens of thousands of troops are assembled in Guanzhong. It is very likely that they are preparing to enter the Han Dynasty.

I think there are still rebel forces in Hanzhong County, ~ trying to cooperate with the outside world. "

Cao Xu touched his chin.

He pondered for a few seconds.

"Shiyuan, from now on, you will personally station all the passes and military towns in Hanzhong.

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