Most of China's population is in the north.

Whether it is the size of the site, the depth of the strategy, the number of people, or even the number of troops, Cao Wei

They are rising rapidly, occupying an absolute advantage.

Cao Xu believes.

Even next.

Do nothing by yourself.

Just hold on to the population of the turf that you have now.

It takes at most about three years to integrate porcelain sources and digest resources, and it will be possible to achieve historical

On the eve of the Battle of Chibi, the strength level of Cao Wei in its heyday.

Another time and space.

The reason why the battle of Chibi was defeated.

In fact, there are 22 many reasons that cause it together.

Except for Cao Cao's carelessness, the Central Plains army was not good at water stations, and Sun Liuqiang joined forces,

In addition to Zhou Yu's ingenious tactics, the weather is also an important factor.

For example.

When the Battle of Chibi started, Cao Ying's scabies were rampant, and tens of thousands of soldiers were infected, causing Cao Cao's illness to spread.

The morale of the army was low, which is why it was defeated in the first battle and was so vulnerable.

But at this moment.

Cao Xu spent more than a year to create this era for Cao Wei, the most advanced and advanced

not only greatly reduce the casualty rate of soldiers on the battlefield, but also more effective

The prevention and treatment of the epidemic will no longer be overwhelmed by such accidents.


Cao Xu was also very awake.

There is no fever due to the rapid growth of power.

Now is not the best time to send troops south. In the next period of time, Cao Wei should

The trend of contraction and expansion gradually turned to defense and consolidation.


Train new troops, boost production, boost people's livelihood, restore Guanzhong, eliminate rebel forces, etc.

, as well as the development of ordnance, upgrading equipment, and a large number of shipbuilding, with accumulation.


Cao Wei must completely suppress the Huns, destroy the Wuhuan people, as well as the forces of the feudal lords in Liaodong,

Warlords, Qiang barbarians, etc. in the Xiliang area, so as to avoid these foreign troubles at critical moments, from their backs

Then suddenly stabbed.

these work.

It can't be done overnight.

But Cao Cao and Cao Xu have developed a tacit understanding, one is outside and the other is inside, and the two are father and son.

I believe that it is not difficult to do it separately and work together. "General!

"The Ma Teng family has more than [-] members!"

"Now they are all in jail, waiting to be released."

After Zhuge Liang returned to Cao Xu, he immediately reported the matter to him.

Cao Xu sent troops to Hanzhong this time, and only brought Guan Yu, Zhao Yun, and Pang Tong, but left Zhuge Liang behind.

Waiting for the others to guard the rear, Zhuge Liang, after learning that Ma Chao and Han Sui rebelled, immediately asked the

All the Ma Teng clan were arrested.

This Ma Teng is also unlucky.

He was comfortable and peaceful for two months.

Unexpectedly, his son slapped him behind his back.

Ma Chao's treason is a felony. According to the laws of the imperial court, the Ma clan was executed all over the place, but

Zhuge Liang didn't do this, he just sent them all to prison, and then waited for Zeng Xu

Back to prepare.

Cao Xu asked: "Kong Ming thinks how to deal with these people?*

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