Zhuge Liang replied: "Ma Chao's rebellion is a fact, Ma Teng's family must not go unpunished, but Ma

Teng made great achievements not long ago, and he even published a newspaper to promote it. At this moment, Duke Wei has just

When he ascended the throne, although Ma Chao did not cause much loss, it is not appropriate to carry out the act of copying and beheading.

"You're right, Ma Teng and Zhang Lu have all abandoned the dark and turned to the light, and they should be propaganda positively, not because of

Directly implicated Ma Chao and Zhang Wei for their actions, so that no one would gossip.

Cao Xu thought about it.

"Then let Ma Teng's post of guard, cut the food town in half, and allow his family to be

The court served his life and made meritorious deeds.


Zhuge Liang breathed a sigh of relief.

Cao Xu is more generous by nature.

If it was replaced by Cao Cao, the fate of the Ma Teng family would be difficult to say.

Cao Xu explained to Zhuge Liang: "Zhang Luneng gave up the army and resisted, and let our soldiers not

The bloody blade won Hanzhong County, and his achievements are not small. I am going to make him a national teacher and allow him to be there.

For missionary missions in the Central Plains, you are responsible for coordinating specific matters. 039;

National Division?


【Zhuge Liang is surprised +500!】

Cao Xu explained: "Don't be too surprised, I will arrange this, naturally I have my reasons.


Zhuge Liang was a wise man.

He himself is also more interested in the study of Huang Lao.

Taoism is derived from the study of Huang-Lao, that is, Taoist philosophy.

Since the turmoil, there have been many god clubs playing Ruo "Tao" to confuse the people and create chaos.

One of the most representative is Zhang Jiao.

The reason why Zhang Jiao was able to start the Yellow Turban Rebellion was officially because of his "Tai Ping Dao" followers.

, and there is a first angle, there will be a second angle.

Rather than allowing these uncontrolled folk beliefs to be exploited by people with ulterior motives

From the court and from the national level, actively formulate and support, so as to establish a legal

official state religion.

Zhang Lu's Heavenly Master Tao (Five Dou Rice Teaching).

Compared with Zhang Jiao's Taiping Road, it is more orthodox.

Cao Xu personally intervened to formulate the teachings and reformed them by magic, making them highly disseminated.

It can avoid interfering in politics, but it can become a special weapon of the court, and it is also beneficial to the chaos.

comfort the people in the world.

207 Cao Xu asked, "Is there any major changes during the time I left?"

Zhuge Liang had already prepared for the work report.

There are too many big changes.

Cultural business level.

Xu Lu is now more and more mature in printing and publishing, and paper books have completely replaced bamboo slips

, the creative atmosphere has become very diverse, especially the creation headed by Da Qiao Yang Xiu

is now very popular.

The Xuchang Opera House has all been completed, with singing and dancing, music, opera, drama, and acrobatics.

Song performance has now begun to be fully integrated into people's lives, greatly improving the performance of art in people

proportion of our lives.

Other than that.

The first batch of patented products has been launched, which has greatly improved people's lives and greatly improved people's lives.

Greatly increase productivity and create amazing tax revenue for the imperial court.

The school has also officially started classes, and the students of Xuchang College have

In time, it has exceeded [-] people.

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