Such as heliocentrism, celestial motion theory and so on.

But (Tao Jing) revealed the Big Bang and the more complex rules of celestial movement

Law, even vaguely revealed that human beings are extremely small in the world, this vast

There may be other life forms in the universe.

This is not Cao Pi and others.

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Cao Pi and a group of people who often observe the universe are well aware that in the "Dao Jing"

Although there are many ghosts and ghosts, they are not necessarily made up, and some of them may be true.



Cao Pi and others headed.

All voluntarily converted to Protestantism.

This made Zhang Lu feel very excited.

Zhang Lu himself did not expect that the new Taoism had already begun to spread before the mission began.

Go up, go up to the Gonggong clan, down to the common people, and now there are many people who have joined them.

come in.

They believe that Pangu created the world.

They believe that Hongjun dominates the human world.

They believe that the ten great saints under the throne of Hongjun are in different places on the earth, leaving their texts behind.

Ming and inheritance, and most of the saints are in the land of China, so China is the world

center of the world.

They believe in the existence of hell and fairyland.

They believe that the will of the Taoist ancestors is everywhere.

Everyone has a god when they raise their heads.

The vast majority of people hear about soul theory, causality, and reincarnation for the first time.

They begin to believe that the sufferings and illnesses they experience in this life are the results of their previous lives.

They began to believe that if they were rich and unkind, killed innocent people indiscriminately, were kidnapped and deceived, they would be punished after death.

Go to hell to punish, and the next generation will also suffer from misfortune.

Zhang Lu called himself "the first teacher".

Probably a prophet in Western religions.

Zhang Lu did not dare to pretend to be a magic stick, but only claimed that his three generations of grandfathers and grandchildren had all received the enlightenment of Taoist ancestors.

Therefore, the new religion was created, in order to solve the confusion for all living beings and impart divine meaning to all living beings, but

There is no magic in itself.


in Protestant ideas.

** Mortal embryos have no supernatural powers.

All actions that claim to have power are frauds.

However, through cultivation, accumulating good deeds, and conforming to the destiny, when a certain amount of merit is achieved,

, you can be sanctified on the spot, get rid of reincarnation, and become immortal.

People live in the mundane world.

The only meaning is practice.

This practice.

It is not just a search for mental liberation and enlightenment.

It is more to conform to nature, to accumulate good deeds, and to accumulate merits.

Zhang Lu's Taoist temple has not yet been built, and the number of followers of Xu Lu has increased by hundreds or thousands.

A group of devout believers have been harvested, and there are even monks headed by Ma Teng


this day.

Cao Xu is at home.

He found that Diao Chan, Cai Yan, Xiahouying, Er Qiao also had a copy of the Taoist scriptures.

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