The teachings and contents of the Taoist scriptures are being discussed.

Cao Xu asked in surprise, "Could it be that the ladies also want to join the Protestant religion of the National Teacher?"

The ladies looked at each other and laughed.

Each of them is a great beauty.

This smile, each has its own merits, can be said to be the most beautiful one in the world.

Brush the landscape.

No one knows how this teaching came about.

How could Diao Chan and others not know?

These recent actions of Zhang Lu, as well as a series of acts of pretending to be ghosts, are actually all

Their husband, Cao Xu, was tinkering behind the scenes.


There really is a great god Pangu in this world.

This world really has Hongjun Taoist ancestors.

Then the so-called teacher who can accept revelation will never be Zhang Daoling, let alone

This national teacher Zhang Lu can only be Cao Xu!


Several people are still very interested.

Diao Chan covered her mouth and chuckled, "Husband, this Protestantism is different from the way of peace that used to control the foolish people.

The ilk hide is different, it feels very real, the cheap banquet is willing to be the husband's

What about believers?

Jinyan also commented: "The concubine believes that this teaching can lead people to be kind, deter evil, and encourage

People actively act, build merit, and guide people to protect nature and reduce killing

, cultivate self-cultivation, sympathize with the weak, love the country, it should be true!"

Others agree.

This teaching is really completely different from those of the past.

It has no purpose.

But it can make disaster and confused people find spiritual sustenance.

But it can make lazy people become practical, and make sinful people coercive.

Xiahou Ying said innocently: "Husband, you are the real teacher, Ying'er has decided,

From now on, we must believe in Taoism!”

she decides.

To save more people.

Accumulate a lot of merit.

In the next life, he was reincarnated and married to his husband.

In fact, it is not only Xiahouying, but also the genius and famous doctors headed by Hua Tuo in Xu Lu Hospital.

They also all became Taoists.

Taoist theory makes them feel.

Everything you do is meaningful.

In fact, Cao Xu and the other ladies are highly doubtful whether Cao Xu is really a Hong hook seat.

The next saint is reincarnated, otherwise how could he be so powerful, how could he create such a

This complete belief system?

This is not without evidence.

They have found many clues in private.

For example, Da Qiao told the story of "Fengshen Romance" to other sisters.

...for flowers....

There are several Taoist saints in this story, and the background is set in the time when King Wu was attacking Zhou.

In this period, those who obeyed the mandate of heaven, taught the people, and had countless merits to defeat the Zhou Dynasty, they

After their death, they were all listed on the Conferred God List and ranked in the Immortal Class.

Doesn't this fit right in with Protestant ideas?

When Cao Xu told his wife this story, it was several months ago.

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