Three Kingdoms Mythology World

Chapter 1178: Information Summary of Eight States (Part 1)

Zhu Jun was defeated? !

The two Taiping Taoist envoys and Daqu Shuai have joined together? !

Five hundred thousand Yellow Turbans VS one million officers and soldiers! !

They fought for three days and two nights! !

In terms of officers and soldiers, three prefects (country ministers) died! ! The number of dead officers and soldiers was as high as 600,000! !

Although the Yellow Turban Army killed one thousand enemies and lost five hundred, they deeply defeated Zhu Jun's arrogance.

When Lin Mu saw these numbers, his tiger eyes flickered. It turned out that during the time he was offline, he actually missed this battle!

Two guys who are as capable as Zhang Jiao, are fighting with all their strength? ! No wonder Zhu Jun was defeated!

Could it be that the siege of Changsha happened again later? Changshe is an important barrier in Yuzhou, similar to Wancheng in Jingzhou. If Changshe falls and Zhu Jun is beaten to the ground, Sili will be in danger!

The quality of the soldiers guarding the important hubs of Sili under General He Jin's command is not comparable to that of the five schools under Lu Zhi Zhu Jun's command.

If Zhu Jun loses Changsha, Zhang Mancheng and Bo Cai, then he can directly face the Longting guards!

This means that the Yellow Turban Army is going straight to Luoyang!

This was completely out of the plan of everyone in the Great Wilderness Territory.

Zhang Mancheng attacked Wancheng, and Bo Cai attacked Changsha. This is the right track!

"My darling... the Yellow Turban Army won't really explode the universe, right?!"

"Could it be that the influence of the Buddha's pulse is really so profound?" Lin Mu's dark eyes were full of surprise.

"But the scheme of my Great Wilderness Territory has already deeply harmed the foundation of the Taipingdao... Can it turn into a big situation?!" Lin Mu knew that among the eight states, Youzhou, Qingzhou, Yangzhou, and Xuzhou basically It is impossible to give Zhang Jiao, Zhang Mancheng and the others any help.

Only the Yellow Turban Army on the core battlefield is contending!

Lin Mu quickly reviewed the current Daqu Commander of the Yellow Turban Army in his mind.

Jizhou: Three brothers Zhang Jiao, Pei Yuanshao, Bu Ji, Dian Wei, Gong Du (later promoted to Daqu Commander), Xu Huang (to be determined);

Jingzhou: Zhang Huozhu, Zhang Mancheng, Zhao Hong;

Yuzhou: Bo Cai, He Yi, He Man;

Yanzhou: Deng Mao, Sun Xia;

For now, there are only these Yellow Turban Army commanders left. Zhang Huo noted that Zhang Mancheng and the others were not only military advisors and god envoys, but they were also commanders-in-chief of Daqu.

"The remaining commanders of Daqu are all in the core battlefield, but it's not easy to operate!" Lin Mu thought for a while, and said with emotion.

"Also... that kid Zhu Hao, he won't be killed..." Lin Mu saw that three prefects and prime ministers were killed, and he was afraid that one of them would be Zhu Hao.

After that, Lin Mu looked through the information of Yuzhou in detail with a hint of worry.

"Phew! Fortunately, Zhu Hao was not killed, but if it wasn't for his father's 200,000 elite support flanks, Zhu Hao might really have died in battle!" Lin Mu found out that those county guards and state ministers were all from Yuzhou. They are all unfamiliar characters, and there are no famous names.

Zhu Hao had encountered a fatal crisis, but his father was the head coach Zhu Jun, and he also had the elite fifth school troops among the 400,000 elite.

"The data on the intelligence are all tentative guesses. There may be more troops involved in the vast battlefield than this. Zhu Jun's command should be more than one million troops. And Zhang Mancheng and Bo Cai should have more than half a million troops. These two guys have opened the soul of the military way!" Lin Mu took the information and paced back and forth thinking about it.

"Zhang Mancheng and Bo Cai should launch a bigger offensive...Zhu Jun, it feels dangerous!" Lin Mu analyzed the information as a bystander, and he could feel a destructive force of rage that was attacking Zhu Jun. Jun they wrapped!

"Fortunately, Le Jin and Huang Zhong were not allowed to join Huangfusong and Zhu Jun's team in the plan..." Lin Mu's face was full of rejoicing.

The pressure they are currently facing is unprecedented. With the troops under his command, there are too many variables, even if there is intelligence from the spy.

When the Great Wilderness Territory was making plans, the issue of legion attachment was discussed. Whether to be an independent guerrilla or join a certain army to encircle and suppress the Yellow Turban Army has been carefully considered.

In the end, under the decision of Guo Jia and Lin Mu, they directly abandoned their plans to join Lu Zhi, Huang Fusong, and Zhu Jun, and instead joined Dong Zhuo, Wang Yun and other second-rate echelons.

Because under the command of these people, it is controllable!

Control is the core of the plan to destroy demons!

After that, Lin Mu continued to check other information.

"Hey... Huang Zhong really had an adventure... He actually found Wang Yun directly... It's interesting!!"

"Huh?!! Ren De? Haven't heard of this name? Ren's family? Wang Yun is specially for Ren's family? And put it away as a goddaughter, isn't it? No way!!!" Seeing this, Lin Mu got up suddenly, His face was full of astonishment.

He thought of a guess, and his heart shook.

"Could it be that I met Wang Yun's pavement for the opening chaos a few years later as a track?!" Lin Mu's eyes twinkled, and he whispered softly.

The black shadow next to him was silent, not disturbing the lord's thoughts. As for the words of the lord, he just needs to keep them in his heart. There are some things that he should not ask, nor can he understand. The person in charge he served before, Military Adviser Guo Jia, had wild thoughts, and he couldn't catch them at all. It's no surprise that the lord is like this now.

"Double happiness, national beauty and heavenly fragrance... righteous daughter?! So that's how it is!" Lin Mu pondered over each word, and then murmured.

After pondering for a while, Lin Mu wrote down some of his latest military orders and instructions on the information, and went through the information of Yuzhou.

Guo Jia is gone, so he has to come!

Next came the reports from other states such as Youzhou. These states are all under control, and the actions of coercing states and counties have been carried out within a controllable range, and no major disturbances have occurred.

However, there is one state exception, and that is Xuzhou.

When Lin Mu saw the information about Xuzhou, his thoughts began to churn again.

Because a name appeared here: Zhao Yun!

"Strange, didn't Zhao Yun follow Gongsun Zan from Youzhou to Jizhou to join Lu Zhi? Why did he suddenly go to Xuzhou?!" Lin Mu frowned slightly.

This is the variable.

Lin Mu knew about Zhao Yun's appearance, and also knew that he had friendly contact with Li Dian...even had some indirect contact with Gongsun Zan.

In the words of the players, that means opening the quest list for Gongsun Zan and Zhao Yun's favorability, and they can increase their favorability!

Lin Mu continued to watch, it turned out that Zhao Yun followed Zhu Xuan back to Xuzhou to fight!

"Could it be that Zhu Xuan borrowed Zhao Yun from Gongsun Zan because of the fall of Shuntian Town and Mo Xin was captured by the Yellow Turban Army?" Lin Mu seemed to have discovered the truth.

Even though Gongsun Zan didn't like Zhao Yun, after Zhao Yun joined the Baima Yi Cong, he had no intention of expelling Zhao Yun at all. How powerful Zhao Yun is, how could Gongsun Zan not know? !

To be honest, after Gongsun Zan and Liu Bei met, Lin Mu is sure that Liu Bei must have found various opportunities to deal with Zhao Yun many times, using some small tricks, tricks, and maybe even selling him outright, asking Gongsun Zan, a classmate friend, to ask Zhao Yun, exchange Zhao Yun.

And Gongsun Zan definitely refused. Although those conspiracies and tricks were influential, they did not touch his bottom line of giving up Zhao Yun.

Gongsun Zan will become a vassal in the future, and he is also knowledgeable.

"With Zhao Yun's blessing, maybe Zhang Kai won't be able to hold back. After all, there are more lords and players in Xuzhou. If Zhu Xuan encourages him, Zhang Kai may be killed... If the gentry try to buy the bottom again, Zhang Kai may fight with him." History just surrendered!" A guess quickly formed in Lin Mu's mind. And this guess is likely to come true.

After all, Zhang Kai was not as tyrannical as Daqu Shuai in other prefectures, and he was also connected with the eunuch family and the local noble family. If he surrendered, he would basically not be executed, and he would even make meritorious service!

"Jiang Qin knew Zhao Yun's combat power, so he probably wouldn't have rashly confronted Zhao Yun... Otherwise..." Lin Mu couldn't help but form a picture of Zhao Yun shooting Jiang Qin.

"I'm going... It turns out that Guo Jia specially gave Jiang Qin that vicious... bah... clever plan. Could it be that Zhu Xuan will show up with Zhao Yun?! As expected of Guo Fengxiao!" Lin Mu suddenly recalled pretending to be with Guo Jia. A certain part of the kit, his eyes suddenly lit up.

After pondering in his mind for a while, Lin Mu went through Xuzhou's information again.

Jiang Qin set off from Yangzhou, went to Guangling County to ambush, and started planning. He had already harvested two resource points in Guangling County and some resource points in Xuzhou. There was only a problem with two resource points, because Jiang Qin used these two resource points as bait to make Zhang Kai and the gentry and powerful troops "infighting".

The ambiguous relationship between Zhang Kai and the wealthy nobles, and the appearance of Zhu Xuan with Zhao Yun, the current situation in Xuzhou is not clear!

Just wait for Jiang Qin to grasp it by himself.

Lin Mu was still a little worried about the battle in Xuzhou.

Afterwards, Lin Mu opened the information summary below. It's the intelligence from Jingzhou.

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