Three Kingdoms Mythology World

Chapter 1179: Information Summary of Eight States (Part 2)

At the beginning of the information, there was a line of words: [Battle of Jiangling] and [Battle of Huarong Road]!

The intelligence began to deliberately write the names of these two battles, obviously indicating that they are very important.

Moreover, Lin Mu felt excited when he saw the special words Jiangling and Huarongdao. Because these two places are very famous.

In the Battle of Chibi, Cao Cao was defeated on the Huarong Road and was ambushed by the loyal Guan Yu. Guan Erye, who had been favored by Cao Cao, arbitrarily released Cao Cao and let Cao Cao return to the north. This encounter has evolved into a classic story that has been passed down for thousands of years.

At the same time, the change of Huarong Dao completely wiped out the efforts of Zhuge Liang and Zhou Yu. Because Cao Cao, the core person, was not killed!

If Guan Yu killed Cao Cao cruelly, with the joint efforts of Zhuge Liang and Zhou Yu, it is likely to suppress Wei Guo to fight. After all, without Cao Cao as the soul, Wei Guo seems to have no heroes who can hold the field!

At that time, Wei Guoguo might have fallen into the same situation as after Yuan Shao's death.

The deep meaning contained in such a classic story has always been on his guard, so when he sees these words, he pays special attention.

Hope is good news!

Lin Mu began to observe the information in detail.

At the beginning of Jingzhou's information, it was not about these two battles, but a report of Zhang Huo's layout and progress in Jingzhou.

However, when Lin Mu saw Le Jin's information, his brows twitched again.

"It really succeeded! I also got a share of [Yi Yin's Loyalty], a big profit!" Lin Mu was ecstatic.

The prop [Yi Yinzhi's Loyalty], when he watched Wang Lang use it, he had been envious for a long time. This item can directly recover epic historical generals like Xu Huang! Rare things too!

It turned out that what Zhang Huozhu used to subdue Le Jin was not [Yi Yin's Loyalty], but a counterfeit item.

Of course, the counterfeit item is not a mortal thing that can hide the truth from the god envoy Zhang Mancheng. However, it cannot be compared with [Yi Yin's Loyalty].

The subsequent information is about the situation in Nanyang County, Nan County and Jiangxia County.

The basic situation of Nanyang County is under Le Jin's control, and it is confronting Huangfusong.

The battle of Nanyang Wancheng was also reported in detail.

It turned out that Huangfusong was the one who started the Yellow Turban riots secretly. He was the one who started the fire, and Le Jin and the others just acted as instigators.

Ignite the fire and fan the flames, let the storm intensify!

"Le Jin's counterfeit Zhang Mancheng went to fight Huangfusong. If it gets out, I don't know how many people's eyes will be shocked! Interesting!! Haha..." Lin Mu saw Le Jin fighting Huangfusong under the name of Zhang Mancheng, Smile endlessly.

This strategy was conceived by Zhang Huozhu, it's really a clever plan! Worthy of the name of a genius!

He never thought of such a wild plan. He didn't even expect Xi Zhicai to play Zhang Huozhu.

He just formulated ambush warfare, ordinary undercover warfare, and frontal warfare based on the prophet's experience, and he never thought of using a magic trick as an undercover agent.

Lin Mu planned to write out the demon extermination plan in detail after the Yellow Turban Rebellion, and put it in the Zhuzi Baijia Academy and the Library Pavilion for the people to check and let them learn the real plan.

After that, there is information about Jiangxia County in Jingzhou.

In Jiangxia County, because the fleet of the Dahuang Territory basically flows there, and under the control of Zhang Huozhu, the situation is even better.

Jiangxia County is the county with the most rivers and the most river confluences in the entire Shenzhou.

And the Great Wilderness Territory, because of the vigorous development of warships, far surpassed the level of Taipingdao, so it can be called a naval army that crushed Taipingdao.

Taipingdao, in fact, also has sailors, but they are all for transporting supplies or soldiers, not warships capable of fighting, and they are completely incomparable with the Great Wilderness Territory.

Jiangxia County is an important water hub that connects Jingzhou, Yuzhou and Yanzhou. It is very important. Many ships secretly transporting supplies pass through here to Yangzhou.

Jiangxia County is a core county, and it is the county where wars will take place in the future.

At present, whether it is the Yellow Turban Army or officers and soldiers, Jiangxia County is ignored, and players rarely gather here.

However, Lin Mu attaches great importance to this place and pays special attention to the information of Jiangxia County.

At present, because Jiangxia County is not taken seriously, there are no accidents, and even more harvest than originally planned.

"If you have the ambition to sit in the town, you really don't worry!" The intelligence in Jingzhou is very popular, and the harvest is rich!

Furthermore, it is the information of Nanjun.

In Nanjun, because of the presence of Daqu Commander Zhao Hong, only a few cities near Nanyang County were controlled by Zhang Huozhu.

Some other important cities were stationed by Zhao Hong's troops. And Zhao Hong's army is actually Zhang Mancheng's army.

Zhang Mancheng has Zhao Hong, Han Zhong, Sun Zhong, Sun Xia and other subordinates under his command. Among them, Zhao Hong is the commander-in-chief of Daqu, and the others are commander-in-chief of Xiaoqu.

Because Zhang Mancheng reunited with Bocai and mobilized the troops to the north, Le Jin and Zhang Huozhu had an opportunity.

Zhao Hong's troops in the south were not recruited because they were too far away. Moreover, Zhang Huozhu also suggested that Zhang Mancheng deploy heavy troops in Nanjun to resist the troops of Sun Jian, the tiger in Jiangdong.

There is relatively little information about other cities in Nanjun, but the information about Nanjun is put at the end because it is the most important.

[Battle of Jiangling] and [Battle of Huarong Road] both took place in Nanjun! !

The intelligence descriptions about [Battle of Jiangling] and [Battle of Huarong Road] are all summaries. And the opponent in the two battles was the Jiangdong Tiger Sun Jian! The founder of the Wu Kingdom in the Three Kingdoms!

Regarding Sun Jian, Lin Mu had dealt with him a lot.

The degree of defense against it is very high. One of the key points in this battle of the Yellow Turban Rebellion is to prevent Sun Jian from gaining too much military exploits and gaining too much prestige! Don't let him be a marquis!

Sun Jian's troops, who can make Zhang Huo pay special attention to sniping, must be tyrannical.

According to his understanding, in the previous life, Sun Jian was brilliant in the Yellow Turban Rebellion. I don't know how many troops he gathered, and followed Zhu Jun to kill all directions. Among them, Zhang Bao was killed by Sun Jian. Because of such meritorious deeds, he was named the prefect of Changsha and a lowest-ranking Marquis of Ting.

(In terms of titles, the system of the Han Dynasty is very complicated, but I set it up in a popular way in the previous article, so don’t take it seriously. Pavilion Marquis, Township Marquis, County Marquis, County Marquis, and Wang Jue, among them, the number of people is also subdivided.)

At present, Sun Jian is the prefect of Changsha County. According to Ye Ying's inquiries, Sun Jian and his family members are vigorously developing in Changsha County, and they plan to use this county as a base for development.

Under the guidance of such thoughts, and under the special arrangement of Zhang Huozhu, Sun Jian was blocked in Nanjun.

Zhang Huozhu went out in person, just blocking it was not what he should have done. Therefore, he planned [Battle of Jiangling] and [Battle of Huarong Road]!

[Battle of Jiangling]: Sun Jian led his troops to attack Jiangling City three times, killing a total of 180,000 Zhao Hong's troops, and 130,000 were killed! No general above the heaven rank was killed in battle.

Looking at these numbers, Lin Mu frowned slightly.

Good guy, Sun Jian led his troops to attack the city head-on, and killed more Yellow Turban soldiers than died in battle, which is brutal enough!

"It really is worthy of being the Jiangdong Tiger!" Lin Mu sighed with emotion.

"Butterfly Effect!! In the past, Sun Jian set off from Yangzhou and entered Yuzhou to meet Zhu Jun. Unexpectedly, this time he was promoted to the prefect of Changsha in advance, sent troops to the north and entered Jingzhou, and met Zhang Huozhu...everything has changed!!"

"However, what hasn't changed is the power of this Jiangdong tiger! Zhang Huozhu is helping Zhao Hong, and he is defending the city, but the tiger has torn off such a large piece of meat." Lin Mu really admired Sun Jian.

Lin Mu continued to check the information below, and soon realized that Zhang Huozhu did not try his best to assist Zhao Hong, but deployed heavy troops to ambush on Huarong Road in advance!

"So that's it! Let's just say... If Zhang Huozhu had assisted Zhao Hong with all his strength, how could Sun Jian be so fierce?! Sun Jian didn't have a counselor. When Sun Jian attacked the city, he might have defeated Sun Jian with a sneak attack!" Lin Mu smiled lightly.

According to intelligence, the [Battle of Huarong Road] took place after the Battle of Jiangling. Because Sun Jian went so far as to plan to build the plank road in secret!

He actually divided his troops, some of them attacked Jiangling, some crossed the Yangtze River, and then crossed the Xiashui River to attack Huarong City, and then bypassed Jiangling's heavy city and directly attacked Dangyang City!

Dangyang City is to the north of Jiangling Heavy City. Because Jiangling City is guarded by heavy troops, Dangyang City has no defenders, only 70,000 to 80,000 regular troops scattered here and there.

The defender of Huarong City is Shuai Sun Zhong Xiaoqu, with 400,000 troops stationed in it. Moreover, unlike Jiangling City, which was built by mountains and rivers, Huarong City was a city entrenched on a plain, not a fortress city.

The possibility of attacking it is definitely higher than attacking the heavy city of Jiangling!

Zhao Hong asked Sun Zhong and Xiao Qushuai to lead 400,000 troops to station there, also to guard against this plan.

However, this route has two fatal flaws. One is to cross the Yangtze River, and after a while, you have to cross the Xiashui River!

Needless to say, the Yangtze River is vast in summer, but it is very dangerous for troops to cross the river. If the Yellow Turban Army ambushes on the opposite bank in advance and sneak attack at the right time, it may lead to a defeat. Even if Sun Jian and Cheng Pu are powerful, they cannot resist the natural disadvantage brought by the natural danger.

However, this shortcoming is not the most fatal, the most fatal is to take the Huarong Road in the north of Huarong City!

This is the narrow narrow path that must be passed to go north to Huarong City! Because the surrounding area is full of poor mountains and towering cliffs.

The Yangtze River and Xiashui ahead are easy to cross. There was no ambush, but there was an ambush in a place called Hulukou on Huarong Road!

Huarong City's 300,000 troops blocked the Huarong Crossing, and Zhang Huozhu led 50,000 yellow-turban wrestlers to cooperate with 200,000 ordinary elite soldiers to cut off the 200,000 troops of Sun Jian's troops who had just passed through Hulukou.

Sun Jian's army suffered heavy losses, and he broke through with only 20,000 remnants and generals.

Lin Mu looked at the general information above, but didn't know how to implement it. But that shocking number made him feel a majestic evil spirit and tragedy.

The battle of Huarong Dao was also a new plan of Zhang Huozhu, not the plan of exterminating demons.

The things in it are very complicated, such as investigation, such as not being found in an ambush, such as why Sun Jian came here, how to guess that he Xingming repaired the plank road and secretly planned the old warehouse, etc... It was all pondered by Zhang Huozhu alone.

However, although 300,000 Sun Jian's elite troops were beheaded in the Battle of Jiangling and the Battle of Huarong Road, they did not cause casualties to high-ranking generals and famous historical generals!

"The results are brilliant! It's a pity! I didn't kill some famous generals in history, otherwise I would have made a lot of money! After all, this is a war between the Yellow Turban Army and Sun Jian! Even if Sun Jian is killed, he will not suffer revenge from Sun Ce and Sun Quan!" Lin Mu secretly felt refreshed .

(September!! Cheer yourself up, come on!!)

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