Three Kingdoms Mythology World

Chapter 1381 The Soul Ring Appears

Some things have gradually exceeded a certain limit.

Looking at the expressions of the old men, a hint of contempt appeared in the eyes of the burly figure.

"'s a pity. I didn't expect that Lin Mu would meet five mice and kill them with lightning speed. We won't get much reward from heaven, so it's a waste of time." The burly figure looked quite I feel sorry for the messy courtyard.

In fact, they also received the task just like the aliens, but those mice are not from their own country, and the causal line and so on are different, so they will not be able to figure it out for a while. Once they enter the city, they can be easily found.

As soon as the five mice entered the capital city of Linzi, they found their way.

Unfortunately, they were still a step late.

"Tell me, how did Lin Mu find those five mice?" An old man asked in a low voice.

Everyone heard the words, pondered for a while, and shook their heads. At this point, they have no idea.

"Besides these, I'm even more curious about the purpose of those five mice entering Shenzhou at a high price!"

"Theoretically speaking, they should have gone to Luoyang to snatch back the pulse of heaven and earth. After all, under the guidance of Wang Mang, that old guy Liu Xiu took the twenty-eight constellations of Yuntai to go there and snatch it back."

When everyone heard the words, they shook their heads again.

"By the way, what's the situation over at Baibo Valley?"

"Hehe...Lin Mu has taken over. The current Lin Mu is getting more and more wings, and with that senior, he should be able to hold there."

"To hold on is definitely to hold on, but if you spend it...hehe..."

"Why, you guys want to go there again to make troubles. Heaven doesn't let you in there. If something really happens, and you get infected with terrible karma, you might just be wiped out! At that time, it will be nice. !” The burly figure teased.

"Hmph! Well, since the task is completed, we don't need to worry about it." Several people disappeared after a flash.


Lin Mu took Huang Zhong and others to take the teleportation formation to Weixian County, Weijun, Jizhou.

The starlight all over the sky reflects the earth, as if covered with a layer of silver.

At this moment, Weixian City is brightly lit and bustling. The triumphant Han army is currently repairing in the city.

"Quick! Quick! I heard that there is a vision in the capital city of Linzi. It should be the place where Lin Mu killed the invaders and angels. Go and see!" Some players with a lot of gold coins in their pockets did not hesitate The cost of gold coins rushed to the teleportation array in a hurry.

Seeing this, Lin Mu and the others kept a low-key stagger with these players. In the team, Zhou Taiyu was gone. The two of them escorted the things back to the territory.

"The world's number one lord, Lin Mu, really deserves to have two super generals, Huang Zhongdian and Wei, and he can kill a god-level angel. It's a pervert!"

"Killing an angel, will there really be an artifact... It seems to look at what the artifacts in the mythical world look like, and what attributes!"

"Oh, the attribute of the artifact may directly increase the force to +60, plus my own 37 points of force, it may directly reach 97!"

"Hey... No matter whether it is a divine weapon or not, 2000 prestige is in the bag, so don't worry."

"Before, you were madly complaining about the inaction of the Chinese lord and about Lin Mu's failure to take responsibility. Now that he has completed the task perfectly, you can praise him for making a profit. It's too sloppy..."

"Hey... Lin Mu Niu Bi! Lin Mu V587!!!"

Lin Mu's ears kept ringing with players' discussions. Players are like this, there is no taboo in conversation at all, just say what you have.

Dian Wei, Huang Zhong and the others also lowered their heads and listened to the conversation of these strangers, with playful looks on their faces. Those strangers didn't even know that the protagonist in their mouth just passed them by.

Soon, several people left the city and came to a military camp.

"My lord, I'll continue to settle those guys." Dian Wei bid farewell to Lin Mu, he still had tasks to do.

"Okay, go get busy first! Be careful." Lin Mu patted Dian Wei on the shoulder and nodded.

Immediately Dian Wei didn't hesitate and went into the night.

Originally at the teleportation formation, Lin Mu wanted Dian Wei to leave, but Dian Wei seemed to have something to say, so Lin Mu didn't say goodbye. But along the way, Dian Wei still didn't say some words in his heart.

"My lord, Gong Tu walked with us, and he seems to have learned a lot. He should want to find a good home for Chu Yan and the others..." Huang Zhong whispered as if he knew what Dian Wei was thinking.

"Hehe... If Gongtu opens his mouth, I will definitely agree. Of course, I welcome those people to join, but I don't force it. Gongtu should have his considerations and concerns. Don't rush..." Lin There was a gleam in Mu's pitch-black eyes, and he said softly.

Lin Mu actually knew that as long as they carry out a certain big action together, knowledgeable people should easily accept the Great Wilderness Territory, accepting him, the sense of belonging +10000.

Dian Wei is like this. After this trip, he changed a lot.

"There is a big move next time, you want to call Shang Ziyi?!" Zang Ba stretched his head over and asked with a smile.

For Tai Shici, Zang Ba really did his best.

"Let's have a look... If it wasn't for General Huangfu's urgent urging, I would have planned to go to Tai Shici's house." A look of regret appeared on Lin Mu's face.

Raiding Taishi Ci is currently the second most important thing besides entering the god capital Luoyang.

Unfortunately, Huangfusong urged him to come back today. Therefore, Lin Mu directly left Qingzhou and came to Jizhou.

After that, several people entered the temporary barracks.

"General Lin Mu, you are back!" After a few people entered the barracks for a while, Tai Shici received the message and immediately came out to greet him.

"Ziyi!!" Zang Ba, Lin Mu and others shouted.

"General Lin Mu, Xuan Gao, this trip, you really broke the sky!" Tai Shici said with emotion.

He led his troops to Luoyang, the capital of the gods, and he also knew what happened to Liu Bei and others.

Even General Dong Zhuobei Zhonglang held several discussion meetings, opened up the issue and said that he wanted to convict Lin Mu of attacking and defending heroes.

Unfortunately, the resolute and resolute Huangfusong did not let go at all. Even he himself stood up once and refuted Liu Bei's conspiracy.

If Huangfusong hadn't signaled him not to bring the ZTE Sword to the table, he would definitely place the crime of treason on Liu Bei and others. Anyway, everyone is blowing.

"Come on, let's go in first." Lin Mu beckoned several people to go in.

After that, Zang Ba took the initiative to explain part of the trip to Tai Shici. Zang Ba is also a talent, vivid and lifelike, and the ups and downs of the danger are described by him. Even Dian Wei's appearance was described as: Dian Wei seemed as if a god would come down at the critical moment, saving the situation on the edge of a cliff, and beating those guys to death.

Losers such as Liu Bei will certainly not talk about the specific situation, so Taishi Cihuangfu Song Dong Zhuo and others don't know the specific situation at all.

"Da da!!!"

"Wow!!" Just as the few people were chatting, there were bursts of strange noises outside the barracks.

"Lin Mu! Lin Mu, where are you? Come out!!"

"Boss Lin Mu, please come out, there is big business!!" There were constant shouts.

The news of Lin Mu's return to the camp quickly spread throughout the continuous camp.

In some camps, there were bursts of laughter, and in some camps, there were even roars...

"This guy is finally back. It's really cool to do such a thing after a trip!" Huangfusong got out of the camp, looked at the noisy camp next to him, and said with emotion.

Lin Mu's camp was right next to Huangfusong.

Unfortunately, Lin Mu didn't pay attention to the commotion outside, and continued to drink and eat meat with Tai Shici, exchanging feelings.

However, Lin Mu, who had a good chat with Tai Shici, suddenly received a letter from Cui Wu.

"My lord, there is a message from a stranger outside. They say that there is a clue to the soul ring." Cui Wu hurried in, whispering.

Hearing this, Lin Mu's eyes flashed brightly, and his heart was agitated. However, he suppressed his excitement, and immediately teased: "When did you hook up with other strangers?"

"Uh... No hookup, that guy gave me a thousand gold coins to bring the message, but because there were four words of soul ring in the message, I brought it here."

"Good guy, Zichen, you've already accepted the gift!" Zang Ba scolded with a smile.

"Hey...don't do it for nothing."

"Zichen, is that guy a completely black alien?" Lin Mu suddenly asked without knowing what he was thinking.

"Eh... how do you know, my lord? Just now I saw that guy was strange, so I just met him." Cui Wu was shocked.

Lin Mu frowned slightly upon hearing this.

Sure enough, as long as the benefits are rich enough, all kinds of things will appear. He didn't expect that the Ring of Soul was also in the hands of America.

After knocking on the table lightly, Lin Mu didn't go to that guy immediately, but continued to drink with Tai Shici and others.

Cui Wugang wanted to say something, but Huang Zhong stopped him and shook his head at him.

Cui Wu seemed to understand something, so he sat down to drink and eat meat, and began to inquire about the exciting things.

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