Three Kingdoms Mythology World

Chapter 1382 The far-reaching fall

American District, 【Fengling Town】.

Several burly players gathered together, constantly discussing some secret affairs.

"Everyone, I have received a legendary war preparation mission here. Because the guild's resources and channels are limited, I can only let everyone come over to discuss it."

"Oh? Legendary level mission, this is the highest level mission right now!"

"Can you share the details of the specific mission?"

"The legendary war call issued by the wise angel Raphael is only known to the top player lords in our regional server, and it is aimed at the Huaxia region!!"

"What? Is it really Huaxia District?"

"The announcement of the district server in Huaxia District before, is it really a signal?!" Several chaebol management players were shocked.

They also learned about the Huaxia District announcement more than ten days ago through channels. Many smart players guessed that it was a signal of war, but they never expected it to come true.

"That's right! This war plan is called [Avengers]!" The lord player said forcefully.

When everyone heard this, their blood boiled instantly. Their regional servers have been developed for several years, and although there are occasional battles, they are all small fights. Compared with the grand battles of invading other regions, it is simply the difference between heaven and earth.

In this district, all kinds of rules are strictly restricted, and if you enter other districts, you can do whatever you want... Especially in a district with rich resources and treasures like Huaxia District, it simply wants to be like the old days. The Eight-Power Allied Forces defeated them like the ancestors, and slowly looted them.

"Everyone, I know what you are thinking. You all want to defeat China like the ancestors of the old days. But do you know why our plan is called the Avenger?"

"Oh why?"

"Because people from Huaxia Shenzhou broke through our district, plundered countless resources, and even robbed a god's vein."

"Hiss?! Their NPC is so powerful?!" Several people gasped.

"Of course, that was in the past. Now China's dynasty is weak and corrupt, while our side is booming. This active invasion is the time for our district to show its strength!"

"Yes! We have developed so well that there are almost ten thousand players at the mage level. As long as we are given another chance, the mages can break through!"

"Hey... this time, we must join forces with other chaebols to bite off a piece of fat from Huaxia!!!"

"Definitely! After all, we took the initiative, and there will definitely be something to gain!" The crowd was full of enthusiasm, their faces flushed, as if they had seen the scene of the flames of war in the Huaxia District.

However, at this moment, the vast announcement sounded.

That familiar name appeared on the bulletin again.

"What's going on? Lin Mu...killed the god-level angel?"

"Ah? Why? How did this happen?" They who fell into hell from Yunding suddenly couldn't accept it at all for a while. The pupils dilated one by one, and the flushed face became even redder.

After that, the joint announcements of the two districts directly crushed their pride, and they were stunned.

Scenes like this are happening in other towns in the American District as well.

However, the announcement in the American District did not stop:


"—America Announcement: Angel is a sad spectator, he bleeds every dusk. Raguel's apostle, god-level angel Romuska who guarded the key to the gate of heaven has fallen, national power -15, all players' reputation -500 , and fell into the state of [Angel Twilight], the experience value, item explosion rate, recovery power, breakthrough rate, territory gain, etc. will be reduced by 30%, and occasionally meteorites will fall from the sky. The epic battle [Dead Overture] may break out in advance, please players Notice!"



This announcement directly caused countless American players to collapse.

Their national strength is incomparable to that of the Huaxia District, and now they have deducted so much, almost turning into a negative number like the Dongying District! This is the national power they have accumulated with great difficulty, and it is lost because of the fall of a god-level angel...

However, after the shock, some smart players started to make trouble based on the announcement.

Because they also saw the rewards on the announcement. Although the reward is currently in the hands of Lin Mu, according to some information, it is speculated that Lin Mu may not be able to use some props.

Then, they have a chance to get it! According to the normal situation, it is impossible for their players to kill angels, because they have [heaven contract], they cannot attack and defend angels. But it is also a way to kill people from other server servers!

Some careerists actually took this opportunity as a starting point and started planning something...

The first player city established in the American region, and the city of angels in the first territory of the American region, is currently undergoing a tense discussion.

"Hurry up! Let the spy in Huaxia area move and contact Lin Mu. We want to get the items dropped by the god-level angels from him. Especially the angel heart and the judgment knight unit!!" A player exclaimed.

He is very familiar with the drop of the angel.

"Yes! God-level angels have fallen, maybe there are artifacts suitable for us, take them together!!" Several burly knights said anxiously.

"Everyone, you just heard three announcements. The prelude to the invasion has been setbacks, but let's not give up. Shenzhou is very rich. As long as we go to plunder, we can make a lot of money! I hope everyone will continue to invest human and financial resources!"

"It's okay, the top management of our consortium has decided to cooperate with you all. In addition, other consortiums have also joined forces secretly. This time, we must fight a big victory!"

"The undead prelude to the epic battle is about to break out. If we can exchange for the drop of the god-level angel and the legendary-level judgment knight unit, we will definitely shine in the battle and win the battle!!"

"Yes! If we have that kind of arms, other players' territories will not be our competitors at all. At that time, we will dominate the world!!"

As soon as this remark came out, several yellow-haired and blue-eyed players became excited, as if they had really seen the scene of Across the World.

Every kingdom has epic battles. The one in the American area is [Dead Overture], which is a duel between the two camps. Unlike the Dongying District, it is a melee of more than ten countries.

"Isn't it rumored that Lin Mu in the Huaxia District is looking for magical props such as rings... The soul ring, brass ring, devil ring, etc. can be used as bargaining chips!"

"Yes! It must be replaced!"

"Already in contact..."

When everyone heard the words, they all fell silent, waiting for the result.


In addition to the local players in the American region, some Chinese players also started to act. They are also very interested in legendary units, angel drops, etc.

It can be said that if you get the Angel Drop in Lin Mu's hand, you will basically have high-end power!


No matter how the world is turbulent, at this moment Lin Mu, Taishi Ci, Huang Zhong and others are having a long conversation in the narrow tent.

After a night like this, the players outside became more anxious as they waited. If the soldiers hadn't stopped them, they would have broken in a long time ago.

"Report!! My lord, Huangfu Zhonglang will pass on the message to the city lord's mansion to attend the meeting." Just after early morning, Huangfu Song asked Lin Mu to attend the meeting.

Upon hearing this, Lin Mu patted his thigh lightly, stood up and said, "The show is coming!"

"Everyone tidy up and get ready to go!"

After Lin Mu explained, he turned his head to Cui Wu and said, "Go secretly to contact that alien and find out about the situation. The specific decision will be made when I come back."

"Ah... I'm not going to the meeting?" Cui Wu was stunned for a moment.

But Lin Mu told him that he had to obey.

After that, Lin Mu led a few people around the camp and entered the city. Originally, there was a large group of players squatting behind, but Lin Mu and the others squeezed out abruptly.

Soon, Lin Mu came to the front of the city. Instead of queuing up to enter like other ordinary people, Lin Mu directly entered through a special passage on his horse.

He is currently still the left-wing general of Zuo Zhonglang, a high-ranking and powerful general!

Looking at the defenders on the city wall, Lin Mu entered the city with a high profile. Because they were afraid that the soldiers would disturb the people in the city, Huangfu Song, Dong Zhuo and others did not let all the soldiers enter the city. Lin Mu was not afraid that there would be countless soldiers ambushing him in the city.

Lin Mu took his subordinates to the hall of the City Lord's Mansion without haste.

This time, Lin Mu was not the last few to arrive. Dong Zhuo, Liu Bei, Gongsun Zan and others had not yet arrived.

But Huangfusong came early.

"Come and sit here!" Huangfusong greeted Lin Mu.

"Lord Huangfu!" Lin Mu, Huang Zhong and others saluted Huangfusong, and Lin Mu greeted him.

"What a boy! Unexpectedly, the number one general in Shenzhou that everyone coveted was actually surrendered by you! Not bad!!" Huangfusong praised.

"It's just luck..." Lin Mu said modestly after sitting down.

"You boy!!" Huangfusong smiled.

While the two were talking, a group of people walked in. Good guy, it's all coming together.

Seeing this, Lin Mu and Huangfusong raised their brows lightly. These guys should have just passed the gas.

Immediately, the two looked at each other. Lin Mu smiled slightly, not taking it seriously.

Then everyone sat down. Cao Cao, Gongsun Zan and other people in the game took a deep look at Lin Mu with strange expressions on their faces.

But Liu Guan, Zhang Zhu and others stared at Lin Mu in shock and anger, as if they wanted to swallow Lin Mu.

Seeing this, Lin Mu sighed slightly in his heart.

In fact, Liu Bei is not the kind of person who is too much. Whether it is hypocrisy or master, compared with Yuan Shao and Yuan Shu, he is still a good person. To say that the white-eyed wolf is hypocritical is just Lin Mu's subjective feeling.

And Lin Mu also felt that Liu Bei could be bullied and calculated, so he hated Liu Bei to death.

The conflict between the two, to be honest, was provoked by Lin Mu. Liu Bei's territories were all created by Lin Mu on his own initiative. After all, they are potential enemies.

However, Liu Guanzhang, according to the plan of the Great Wilderness Territory, should be like Sun Jian, plotting secretly and being friendly on the surface. But because of Zhu Xuan, everything was superficial.

"General Lin Mu, what are you doing? Why did you have a conflict with Master Lu Zhi's students?" Huangfusong asked loudly after several people took their seats.

It turned out that apart from the two parties involved, the others did not know the specific situation!

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