Three Kingdoms Mythology World

Chapter 17 The general is terrible!

"One person can defeat ten thousand people! ":

"I won't say much, just watch the video!"

Below is a video.

I saw a sea of ​​people in the video, almost 10,000 people, besieging this big man. Like ants, one after another, one layer after another died!

After the player is killed, the level will drop by 1. This is nothing, but losing all the equipment in the whole body is the biggest punishment. However, the equipment is very poor now. Many people are cloth clothes and shoes given by the system. They are very shabby and besieged a big boss. , Explosive top-quality equipment is the greatest joy of many people playing games. They are very enthusiastic about it. They don’t need to organize themselves and rush forward spontaneously. Everyone is thinking that maybe I will kill the boss and drop the equipment in the end. A close-to-grab mentality.

There is no routine setting of blood in "Mythology Three Kingdoms". Many players are not used to the setting of no blood. Without blood bars, they don't know when the boss is going to die, and they don't know how much life the boss has left. Can't miss it, many players' monster-hunting experience skills are useless, and countless players are also complaining on

The boss in the video is a burly military general, holding a fine steel spear in his hand, wearing a red tasseled iron helmet, and a set of black chain mail. The general jump is quite entertaining, but the lethality should not be underestimated. Every time a sweep basically has several players lying down.

Wearing fine battle armor, it is in stark contrast to those players wearing commoner clothes.

The general resists the player's wooden swords, wooden guns and wooden sticks, as if the gods descended from the earth and crowned the three armies bravely.

However, the most impressive thing is that there is a yellow light shining around his body, and the streamer is turning. Lin Mu knows that it is the effect of internal force stimulation, which can resist part of the damage. At the same time, the internal force is attached to the weapon armor, which can increase the destructive power And defense, very awesome.

It seems that this general is invincible to those thousands of people. A general who knows internal skills is like cutting leeks against some players who are "primary school students who haven't graduated", one crop after another...

However, ants kill elephants, no matter how powerful a general is, even Lu Bu will be terrified when he is besieged by countless people. There will still be times when people are exhausted and their internal strength is exhausted.

I saw that the military general started to exhaust himself after cleaning up a large number of players. The gun in his hand slowly lost his tricks, and his movements began to slow down. Seeing this, the players became even crazier.

The military commander himself knew that going on for a long time was not an option, so after cleaning up the enemies in front of him, the general seized the opportunity to break through to a weak place, slipped away from the player's field of vision, and disappeared into the mountains and forests.

Players can only eat dust and cry bitterly...

From Lin Mu's eyes, it can be judged that this is a low-level military general. There is only a faint yellow light all over his body, which is the effect of low-level internal strength. The junior military generals comprehend or learn the skills that have been promoted to the elementary level, the intermediate military generals have studied the skills to the middle level, and the high-level and entry-level generals have studied the skills to a higher level. After learning the exercises, there is a chance to learn some exercises and skills, so that dealing with the enemy will be more effective and more frightening.

In "Three Kingdoms of Myth", after the military commander learns the skills, there will be a cultivation base value, and this cultivation base value is the most important basis for measuring the power of the general.

The cultivation levels are arranged from small to large, namely: elementary level, middle level, high level, yellow level, mysterious level, earth level, heaven level, god level, corresponding to elementary level generals... heaven level generals, god level generals !

The same is true for strategists or other professions!

However, the people in the video are all chaotic and swarming without chapters. It is difficult to attack such a junior general, and it is impossible to be an enemy.

Lin Mu also attaches great importance to generals, and the development of military power in his own territory must train a large number of generals.

Feel free to browse through the replies to see if there is any special news!

The number of replies to the post is also amazing:

Floor 1: Really invincible, when will I become like this!

2nd Floor: General, this is the general, no, I want to change my career to general, don't be a life player!

3rd Floor: One person is in charge, no one can control the situation, an unknown general boss is so powerful, then the historical generals are even more invincible! Let's play!

4th Floor: Come upstairs and be my little brother, I will show you how to pretend and let you fly!

Floor 5: The old driver took me...


Building 18909: ...


Now everyone has very few equipment, weapons and skills, development is very difficult, the system government also has many restrictions on players, equipment and medicines are very expensive, civilian players are basically self-reliant, but even rich players will not go anywhere , the copper coins are all in the hands of NPC aborigines, and the copper coins in the hands of players are very few, which cannot be sold to rich players.

Therefore, before the Myth World currency exchange system was opened, everyone didn't start too big. However, money can make ghosts grind, and the rich consortium paid a lot of money to buy copper coins and silver coins, which led to an increase in the proportion of copper coins traded by players in the market.

There are many posts on forums. Various local tyrants are buying village construction orders and various materials. There are also many players who want to buy copper coins, but the supply is basically in short supply.

Now the price of copper coins has reached 10 copper coins and 16 soft sister coins, which is very high.

When the construction of my primary trading market is completed, it will be time for me to collect money. Lin Mu thought fiercely in his heart, wishing that all the buildings in the territory could be completed overnight.

Lin Mu trained with Xiaohu in the barracks for three days, and he is not in a hurry to go to the wild to fight monsters for the time being. He should first practice his marksmanship well, and wait for the blacksmith to forge some better weapons and equipment, so that he can be more efficient and sharpen his knives without cutting firewood by mistake. work.

Now Lin Mu's specialty marksmanship has also been improved: [Intermediate marksmanship], while archery has not been improved.

[Intermediate marksmanship]: When using a gun as a weapon, combat power increases by 5%.

Xiaohu's specialty has also changed to [Intermediate Sword Art], which has similar attributes to Intermediate Spear Art, except for the difference in the use of weapons.

When Lin Mu upgraded from [Basic Spearmanship] to [Intermediate Spearmanship], he found that the gun in his hand was a little lighter, and when he held the gun, he didn’t feel the strange feeling at the beginning. He seemed to be more familiar with using a gun, as if there was an invisible It's like a connection, but it's just Lin Mu's feeling.

Moreover, Lin Mu has gradually adapted to the slow-paced battle. In his previous life, he could be a general of Xuan rank, but now he is white!

[Basic marksmanship] These relatively common specialty trainings are generally very simple. You can just use a wooden spear to stab, sweep, pick and other casual movements at the training piles, and you don’t need to pursue any tricks. There must be tricks and routines. These are also some secret skills of soldiers training in the game. As an experienced player, Lin Mu must know these, and he can be regarded as the leader. Other players who don't know will slowly find out, but The time consumed is enough to bring Lin Mu to a higher level, one step at a time.


In three days, Lin Mu's experience has also increased by 20%, while Xiaohu's level has increased by 1 level. This is also the difference between players and NPCs training in the barracks. NPCs train faster than players in the barracks.

For three days, Lin Mu didn't go out much except in the barracks. The food he ate had been put in the backpack compartment before, and it was just food for the two of them.

Chang Yin and Feng Zhong didn't come to him during the period, the situation in the territory should be working well!

Chang Yin manages the chores of the territory, while Feng Zhong goes outside to clean up the monster camp to prevent them from attacking and destroying the buildings in the territory. With Feng Zhong as a god-rank general, Lin Mu doesn't have to worry about those monster camps for the time being.

Time to go outside and do some shopping.

However, if you want to take risks outside, you must first arm yourself. Lin Mu first took Xiaohu to the blacksmith shop.

[Zhenlong Village] has been established for five days, and the number of people in the territory has reached 803. There are more than 20 people in the blacksmith shop busy with work.

Although some of the blacksmiths in the blacksmith shop had never met the lord, they had heard of it from other people. At present, there is no painter in the territory, and it is impossible to depict the head of the lord, but I just know roughly what the lord looks like.

Young and promising, courteous and courteous, wise and martial...

"Lord, you are welcome to inspect our work! It is a rough and hot place, I hope your lord will not dislike it!" One of the first batch of craftsmen who were arranged in the blacksmith shop saw Lin Mu coming, and warmly greeted him.

"Hehe, I have nothing to dislike or dislike, but to work hard for everyone in this extremely hot place. Later, I will ask Chang Yin to work and give you more rewards to reward everyone! Because there is no winemaker and no wine in the territory for the time being, otherwise I will be Please reward everyone with wine!" Lin Mu said to them proudly.

"Thank you, Lord Lord, for your generous reward. Lord Lord, you can give us homeless refugees a bite to eat and a home to live in. I am already grateful. How dare you ask for rewards!"

"Everyone deserves it! As long as you work hard, better days are waiting for you! Our real dragon territory will definitely not let you down!" Lin Mu encouraged!

"Yes, Lord Lord! We will definitely work hard! Build more and stronger weapons and equipment for the territory!"


Lin Mu asked them to go to work, and went to check the weapons and equipment in the warehouse of the blacksmith shop.

Now the blacksmith shop is only at the initial stage, and there are very few types of weapons and equipment that can be forged, including very simple ordinary weapons such as iron spears, iron swords, iron knives, and iron hammers, as well as agricultural tools such as iron plows. When they used the third-grade tungsten iron ore to make these utensils, they felt that it was very, very wasteful, and their hearts were bleeding, but knowing that it was ordered by Chang Yin, Lin Mu endured the bleeding and stopped asking !

This level of ore can be used to create yellow-level weapons and equipment. If the forging technique is stronger and there are relevant blueprints, it can also be used to create black-level equipment.

Now Lin Mu can't see and hear, but there is no way, if he doesn't forge these tools, the development of the territory will be difficult to carry out. He is in this wilderness, but he can't enjoy the convenience of the system master, and needs to make everything by himself.

A bitter feeling of cannon hitting mosquitoes.

Lin Mu chose an iron gun and a piece of iron mail, and Xiaohu chose a knife and a piece of iron mail, and left the blacksmith shop. At present, there are only these kinds of ordinary iron equipment.

Now Lin Mu is going to talk to Chang Yin about the territory. He has not dealt with affairs for three days, and he does not know how the development of the territory is. However, Lin Mu is not worried. Chang Yin, a god-level scribe, manages a small territory like a bag. as easy as that.

When we came to the meeting hall in the center of the village, a clever and lively boy stood at the door.

When Lin Mu saw this kid, he was eight or nine years old, with a thin body and a little worn clothes. He was standing at the door, so he should be on guard. However, the posture of standing guard and the funny movements, coupled with his immature face pretending to be serious, made Lin Mu want to laugh.

"What are you doing here?" Lin Mu stepped forward and asked intentionally.

"I'm watching the gate for Uncle Chang Yin. Who are you? Why haven't I seen you before? Are you new here?" The child was clever and cute, and replied in a childish voice.

"Hehe, I'm not new here." Lin Mu was also very happy. The children who appeared in the territory are the hope of the territory in the future, and Lin Mu is also very concerned about cultivating the next generation.

Lin Mu half squatted on the ground, cut his head with the child, and asked, "What's your name? Kid!"

"My parents call me Gouwa. I am 8 years old this year. I like to drink animal milk and play with Heizi!" The child named Gouwa replied, with all his interests and hobbies bursting out, haha~~! An 8-year-old child should give up milk, but he also mentioned animal milk, which should be because his parents love him very much and often give him to drink.

"What an innocent and lovely child! What about your parents?" Lin Mu laughed and asked, stroking Gouwa's jet-black head.

Xiaohu next to him also laughed when he heard Gouwa's words.

Lin Mu doesn't have children's snacks and toys in his backpack now, only some medicines and equipment donated by the system, otherwise he would definitely take them out to coax the children. In his previous life, Lin Mu always kept some gadgets in his treasure bag, which might play a big role at certain times.

"My parents have gone to work, my father has gone to take care of the cute little chick, and my mother has gone to the tailor to make clothes." Gouwa replied proudly with his head held high, but with his immature face and voice, it is even more It looked very cute, causing Lin Mu and Xiaohu to laugh.

"Okay, your parents have already gone to work, so why don't you play, why don't you show the gate to Uncle Chang Yin?" Lin Mu asked, and at the same time wiped off a little dirt on Gouwa's face with his hands, revealing Some flushed but slightly malnourished face.

"Uncle Chang Yin took us in, arranged jobs for our parents, gave us food and meat, and gave me an extra piece of meat. I thought, let's help Uncle Chang Yin here." Gou Wa seemed to think of food and meat. The meat showed a longing look, and Lin Mu could tell it at a glance.

"Good boy, you've done a good job. I'm going to see your Uncle Chang Yin now. Do you want to go with me?" Lin Mu asked, and at the same time took out a piece of jerky from his backpack, which was made by Feng Zhong when he went hunting outside. Yes, I also prepared some for Lin Mu, and Lin Mu reached out and handed them over.

Gouwa looked at the jerky in Lin Mu's hand, thought for a while, and snatched the jerky away, as if afraid of Lin Mu's repentance, then ran into the yard and shouted, "Uncle Chang Yin, someone is here for you, someone is here I'm looking for you..."

Lin Mu laughed loudly, and entered the courtyard in a good mood.

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