Three Kingdoms Mythology World

Chapter 18 The development of the territory, specialty!

When Chang Yin in the room heard Gouwa's call, he knew it was Lord Lin Mu who hadn't appeared for three days.

"Okay, I get it, I get it, you brat, you're so naughty!" Chang Yin patted Gou Wa's head, and taught him kindly with a smile.

Seeing Lin Mu coming in, Chang Yin got up and bowed slightly: "My lord, you have passed the training! You should have improved your skills, congratulations, lord!"

Lin Mu waved his hand and replied, "Yuanjian, don't be so polite. The skill has improved a little, but it's not worth mentioning."

"Later, Xiaohu and I are going to go out for a stroll to see the environment of the surrounding territory. Now we just want to see how the territory is developing in the past few days." Lin Mu asked casually.

"My lord, after a few days of development, the territory has changed a lot." Lin Mu also saw the changes in the territory when he came here, but the specific situation is not known yet, Lin Mu listened to Chang Yin's detailed report .

As a god-level scribe, ability is not covered.

"Following the orders of the lord, our territory now has three major industries:

The first is the manufacture of weapons and equipment in the blacksmith shop; the second is to expand the land and open up wasteland, cultivate farmland, and develop agriculture; the third is the mining of stone, wood and minerals. "Chang Yin started with a summary.

"There is a bonus of god-level territory attributes, plus my internal affairs efficiency bonus, among which the manufacture of iron weapons and equipment for the temporary primary industry specially ordered by the lord is developing rapidly. The primary blacksmith shop has 1 senior blacksmith, and the middle-level There are 4 blacksmiths, 17 junior blacksmiths, and senior blacksmiths who can make weapons and equipment up to the yellow rank. Currently, there are 740 swords, guns and swords, and 135 iron mail armors. With the improvement of blacksmith skills and quantity, the output will be higher."

"Then, there is the temporary second industry, agriculture. According to the focus of the lord, we have arranged a large number of people who have no special skills or talents to open up wasteland. At present, there are 313 junior farmers, 47 intermediate farmers, and senior farmers. There are 18 farmers and 9,000 mu of reclaimed land. However, due to the limitation of seeds in the territory, only 100 mu of it has been planted. However, the crops can be harvested in three days. When the excellent seeds are selected, the reclaimed land can be reclaimed. If they are all planted, the food in the territory will be completely self-sufficient.”

"It is also worth mentioning that when Fengjin was hunting in the wild, he encountered some rare beasts, found a special kind of bison, Qingniu, and found several broods of colorful golden pheasants. The colony, and the colorful golden pheasant is even rarer. Only 7 broods of chicks were caught, 83 chickens. A leader with special talent appeared in the territory the day before yesterday. Jiang Yuan, he is the father of Gouwa. The people of Xin] can domesticate wild animals as livestock and poultry. With him, those rare wild animals such as green cattle and golden pheasants can be domesticated as special products of the territory in the future. They are very valuable, and I hope the lord will pay attention to them!" Chang Yin said here, His expression was a little serious, and he hoped that Lin Mu would pay attention to it.

Hearing Chang Yin's words, Lin Mu was very excited. He turned out to be a beast tamer with special talent, and the leader who was refreshed that time was considered a critical blow.

Unexpectedly, Gouwa’s father is so awesome. Lin Mu knew the chance of such special talents appearing. In his previous life, Lin Mu’s territory had never refreshed this kind of very precious talents. Lin Mu only went to the developed counties to buy related specialty books It is only cultivated by oneself, which shows its rarity.

"What, it turned out to be green cattle and colorful golden pheasants. How many kinds of colorful golden pheasants are there?" But when Lin Mu heard about special products, he was ecstatic.

"It's three-color! But some of them will be promoted to five-color soon." Chang Yin replied in a daze. Does the lord already know the news?

"Oh, the three-color ones are not bad!" The colorful golden pheasant is classified according to the number of colors on its body, which are one-color, three-color, five-color, seven-color and so on. In his previous life, Lin Mu had eaten three-colored golden pheasant eggs. They were very good. They were a good thing to restore physical strength, and they became an important food for marching and fighting!

In fact, Lin Mu still hopes that it will be colorful, hehe~~ Expectations are too high.

"What's the situation with that green cow?" After Lin Mu knew about the golden pheasant, he focused on the green cow.

"Qingniu should have a trace of the ancient Qingniu's blood. Its stamina and physical strength are very good, and the speed of land reclamation is also very fast. It is very important for reclaiming wasteland and farming! I have ordered Jiangyuan to cultivate Qingniu and colorful golden pheasant. All have a stable source of cubs and form a certain scale! This will be of great help to the land reclamation and food!"

"Okay, okay! Yuanjian, I don't worry about your work! You continue to introduce other situations." Lin Mu also attached great importance to Chang Yin's point.

The territory also discovered two rare beasts that may develop into special products of the territory. Yinglong Valley is indeed a natural treasure with rich resources.

After being successfully domesticated, Mangqing cattle can be used as cattle for farming. They have strong endurance and strength, and they are very good at opening up wasteland and plowing land. They are dozens of times stronger than ordinary farming animals such as horses or buffaloes in the forest and pasture territory.

As for the colorful golden pheasant, Lin Mu has heard of this very rare chicken breed, which can lay colorful eggs and is also very nutritious. Among them, eggs with more than five colors are rare foods that can only be eaten by the rich and noble stomachs of the Han Dynasty.

Special products are special industries in the territory, and they are very rare as special products. Special products, as the name suggests, special products, some special products in the game are unique, and some special products are not unique, but they are also very rare. Other territories can also have them, but there are not many, otherwise they are not special products. Special products are in the eyes of players , represents wealth! With specialty products, it can develop by leaps and bounds!

Hearing that there are two special products, Lin Mu knows the huge benefits generated from them, what is the most profitable, monopoly is the most profitable, and special products are a monopoly.

Chang Yin continued to report: "Furthermore, the number of people in the mining field has also increased greatly. Among them, there are 3 senior miners, 8 middle-level miners, and 36 junior miners. At present, the number of ores in the territory is very sufficient; and the loggers and miners Stone masters also appeared, 6 woodcutters, 4 quarrymen, the ordinary wood and stone in the territory are enough, but I continue to ask them to continue mining and store as much as possible, after all, the population of the territory will increase in the future But for the time being, due to the lack of manpower for transportation, the resources are stored in lumberyards and quarries.”

For the time being, wood and stone are not very important for forestry and animal husbandry. If the primary trading market is opened in the future, there will be many players selling common resources, and the focus will not be on this now.

"The good news is that there are also 6 architects in the territory, one is an advanced building, and the others are elementary. At present, the basic buildings of the territory can be initially established with all 6 of them, and the basic life of the people in the territory can I can be satisfied! I won’t sleep in the wild and eat bland meat.”

"Well, the construction industry can't be ignored. We should support them vigorously and cultivate their professional experience." Lin Mu instructed.

"Well, these subordinates will do it!"

"Besides, there are animal trainers in the territory, so that more wild animals can be domesticated to establish animal husbandry, and the development of the territory will be faster and better, haha! Jiangyuan must be properly arranged and rewarded!" Lin Mu said happily.

"I want it too, I want it too!" Gouwa, who was unwilling to be lonely next to him, also booed while eating beef sticks, haha...

"Okay, okay, reward the cute dog!" Lin Mu couldn't help but said happily.

"Hee hee..." Gou Wa felt very happy when he heard someone praise his father.

"The people who went out to collect wild fruits also found many rare fruit trees, vegetables and medicinal herbs. However, there are no gardeners or medicine farmers in our territory for the time being. Many rare plants are collected at one time and cannot be transplanted and cultivated. It is a pity. "When Lin Mu heard this, he was also emotional. Why didn't all the territories produce all kinds of talents? This is the mentality of looking forward to Shu.

"It's okay. When there are more people in the future, there will definitely be all kinds of talents. Now that those rare plants are found, if they are not yet mature, try not to collect them. You can mark them out first. When there are professionals To transplant and cultivate, the territory of diversified development is the kingly way." Lin Mu comforted Chang Yin.

"The lord's handling is very appropriate, and the subordinates will definitely learn from the lord's attitude."

Well, Lin Mu has nothing to say, what to learn from me, I also know the difficulty, otherwise I wouldn't waste those rare plants, and they won't run away if they are placed there.


"There is also the development of the fishery industry in the territory. Since there are three intermediate shipbuilders, advanced fishing boats can be manufactured in the primary dock, and fishermen can catch a lot of fish. There are about 4,000 units a day. It is also one of the important sources of food for the territory. The people of the territory Also very happy to eat fish."

"There are few people, and the Yinglong River is very rich in fishing products, and there are many kinds of fish in it. The subordinates think that in the future, the rare fish caught can be kept as fish species, and a large lake can be dug to raise them. Increase a stable source of fish production for the territory. I hope the Lord will pay attention to it!"



"The last one is the hunting team led by Feng Jin. They bring enough meat to the territory every day, and they have made great contributions to our territory to survive the difficulties in the early stage of village construction." Chang Yin asked Feng Zhong for his credit.

For Feng Zhong, a god-level general, to be a small hunting captain is indeed overkill, but there is no way, in order to maximize the role of all the villagers in the territory, let them work instead of training soldiers.

Let Feng Zhong be wronged for the time being!

"In addition, Fengjin also obtained a lot of furs from wild animals. After being processed by the tailors in the territory, some equipment was made. If the lord is going to venture outside, you can go there and choose one or two pieces of equipment to arm yourself!"

"There is also an expert-level talent on the tailor's side, the second expert-level talent in our territory!" Chang Yin laughed.

"That's my mother, it's my mother!" Gouwa who was next to him, who knew the specific situation, also booed when he heard Chang Yin introduce him to an expert tailor.

It turns out that this family is not ordinary! The rhythm of a tiger general!

"In addition, I also hope that the lord can pay attention to safety. You are the magic needle of the sea in our entire territory, and the lord is indispensable!" At the end, Chang Yin pointed out an extremely important point, that is, Lin Mu is the most important person in the territory. His fate represents the fate of the entire territory.

Lin Mu felt a little terrified in his heart, yes, if he 'permanently died' due to some special circumstances, then the village would fall apart.


Chang Yin slowly explained all the affairs of the territory clearly, including the people, output, products, etc., all the important ones will be pointed out one by one, and the suggestions and shortcomings will be pointed out without hesitation. He is a very responsible assistant. Lin Mu was very grateful to have such divine help.

After exchanging greetings with Chang Yin, he was not stingy with his own praise, he praised Chang Yin and Feng Zhong lavishly, but money, treasures and territory are rarely scarce, and there is no reward for the time being, I will talk about it later, just write it down in the "notebook" in my heart.

After bidding farewell to Chang Yin and Gou Wa, Lin Mu took Xiaohu to the tailor shop in the territory to see the equipment in the tailor shop that Chang Yin said.

The tailor shop is the same as other low-level buildings, covering an area of ​​about 1 mu. There is no luxurious decoration. It is just like an ancient house, but the sign with the word "tailor" hanging outside is a tailor shop. .

Contrary to the group of shirtless men in the blacksmith's shop, the tailor's shop is filled with a group of women or young girls, with some children playing among them.

Seeing the lord coming, they all stood up and greeted Xinxin: "My lord, Wan An!"

Haha, seeing this group of women and children, Lin Mu felt itchy in his heart. Lin Mu thought of the historical beauties of the Three Kingdoms. Lin Mu was lucky in his previous life, and he saw many peerless beauties. It is undeniable that ancient beauties are very beautiful and elegant. Virtuous and full of charm, it's a pity that no matter how hard Lin Mu tried, he couldn't kiss Fangze. Like the majority of players, he sighed and cursed silently: the cabbage has been smashed by pigs, I hope these pigs will be slaughtered soon! At the same time, I very much hope that I am that pig!

After experiencing the stunning beauty of the previous life, and seeing the woman in his own territory now, Lin Mu did not turn into Brother Zhu, his face remained unchanged, his eyes were fixed, and he was calm.

The lord is really young and promising, if Yingqi Weilue can serve one or two, it is not a waste of time to come to the world, many young girls who are in love at the beginning think of it.

Lin Mu didn't know what they were thinking, but even if he knew, Lin Mu wouldn't pay attention to it, and he didn't have that idea for the time being, and his requirements were very high. If it was Diaochan and other historical beauties, he could barely do it, quack...

Although Lin Mu was thinking wishful thinking in his heart, his complexion did not change at all, and he had practiced his self-cultivation skills perfectly.

Yingyingyanyan's are all confidantes, pink skulls, heh, the old man is completely independent.

The women in the tailor's shop welcomed Lin Mu very warmly, but they were all dismissed by Lin Mu. He and Xiaohu just came to choose one or two pieces of equipment.

I don't know if I don't look at it, but Lin Mu was shocked when he saw it. Such good equipment can be made in the tailor shop!

This is the first time I have written this book. It is the first time I have seen a girl in a yellow flower get on a sedan chair. Many places may still be very immature. I hope all book friends can forgive me. In addition, good news, the book is about to be signed, please rest assured to collect it, please recommend tickets, please collect it!

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