Three Kingdoms Mythology World

Chapter 192 My Epitaph (Part 2)

How could a greedy jackal let go of a weak person who is holding a fragrant and tempting dragon meat in his hand? My world has gradually come to endless darkness...

That guild is called 'Black Wind Hell'! As the name suggests, it brought me endless hell torment...

Black Wind Hell is a small and medium-sized guild that does all sorts of evil in the virtual game world. Most of them are idlers in reality, waving their evil hands in the dark, doing all kinds of evil.

I don't know if they are smart, or if they are the indulgent shelter of some corrupt people. They are social scum who have caused harm to one side. It is a pity that no one punished them, let them live freely, and continue to cause harm to the world!

Although I have heard and seen some dark side of society in reality before, but, after all, it is far away from me. I am poor and white, and I have nothing to attract their covetousness, nor worthy of their attention.

However, in the world of mythology, I caught their gaze, and this gaze was the beginning of my journey to hell.

At the beginning, they just threatened to buy at a low price, hoping to use proper means to obtain the village construction order.

But slowly, they became impatient and annoyed by my repeated rejections. And I slowly explored some suitable places to establish a territory, which let them know that I want to establish a territory. This touched their bottom line!

If I establish a territory, because of the protection of the system government, they can't do anything to me in a short time, and I can develop with peace of mind. When my territory is successfully developed, it will be their nightmare.

It's a pity that I, being naive, didn't notice that their evil hands have extended from the game world to the real world.

My village building token has been stored in the rented system warehouse in the county. Otherwise, I have been attacked and killed by unknown people many times, and the village building token has already been exploded. I know they are from the Black Wind Hell Guild People, but I am weak and helpless for the time being.

They can't get what they want from the virtual world, so they start to ignore the rules of reality and use their brains from reality. Of course, they never take it seriously. I still underestimate their greed.

With all their means, they found my rented house.

I still remember very clearly that it was a snowy night. They dragged me out of the room and beat me mercilessly. It’s me with blood, my eyes are red, and my hands and feet are very painful. This is the first time I have been beaten. My parents have never beaten me before. I can’t imagine that it will fall into the hands of these evil forces for the first time. Ha ha ...

I know how they got in, it must be the fat, miserly and sturdy landlady who gave them the keys, otherwise ordinary people would not be able to break into these rooms, even if they broke in, maybe the official people and robots would come too ! I naively thought about it.

It's a pity that even if the official people came, they didn't come to save me. Their power is deeply rooted and they have already bought some corrupt people. Otherwise, how could they cause harm to one side.

After being beaten up, I also realized that I have no ability to resist them for the time being, so I can only cooperate obediently and transfer the props in the game to them.

God's will, when they beat me up, the low-level virtual helmet was destroyed. I didn't log in to the game terminal for the time being, and they didn't bring it, so they wanted to tie me to their base.

After a sudden change, I realized that if I entered their base, I might never have to come out.

On the way, I took advantage of their negligence, escaped from their control, escaped from their sight, and started my road of desperation.

The funny thing is, at that time, I naively went to report to the officials at the first time, but the people who waited for the violent beatings, fortunately, I was vigilant and hid in other places. Unexpectedly, the violent officials would cover them up and arrest me. Liangmin, at that time my body was in great pain, but my heart was even more painful and colder. What happened to this world! What is going on in this world!

Growing up in a greenhouse, I saw the cruelty and darkness of the world clearly for the first time!

I thought of my hometown, my old parents, the small earthen grave where the black dog was buried, and the old banyan tree at the head of the village...

In fact, I also regret it, why didn't I sell the village building token to some big consortiums and powerful forces earlier, maybe I will be able to have money at that time, and I won't be bullied by those people!

I didn’t dare to show up, and I didn’t go to the hospital for treatment. Like a mouse crossing the street, everyone shouted and beat me. I left the city, dragged my tired body full of scars, and came to a county town. Unfortunately, something happened that I regret for the rest of my life.

I put on makeup, inquired around, hid everywhere, and finally returned to my hometown, but what I heard was the villagers' comments that someone had kidnapped my parents. When I heard the news, my eyes were bloodshot, and the anger in my heart seemed to burn the whole world. The world wanted to die with them immediately, but slowly, I calmed down. I, who had undergone sudden changes, seemed to have grown up again suddenly.

I didn't go to them desperately.

I began to think slowly and plan slowly, how can I get my parents back from them. Now I don't want this abominable land-level village building anymore, and that abominable ambition to harm others and myself has also been thrown into the Pacific Ocean. I just want my parents back.

I got in touch with them and confessed all my reasons for coming here, hoping to get my parents back.

It's a pity that I was kept in the dark and didn't know that my parents were beaten to serious injuries when they kidnapped them to the base, and they died quietly without timely treatment.

Weak parents, how could they be the all-in-one enemy of these bastards who exercise all day long? Slow death!

I knew their purpose, and I didn't want to have anything to do with them, so I directly logged into the game in a hotel and traded items for them, but unfortunately I didn't get back my parents, my most beloved and most sorry parents.

After they got the order to build a village at the ground level, they wanted to kill people, but unfortunately I was already prepared and escaped from the hotel and their pursuit.

Then, I found out from one of their little brothers that my parents had passed away, had left this world, left the wedding where they hadn’t seen their beloved child, and left without seeing their grandson .

They really left this world that made them so nostalgic!

Hehe, when I heard the shocking news, what flowed from my eyes was not white tears, but red blood!

Crazy, I killed someone for the first time. I killed that bastard boy, stabbed him countless times, and silently vented my grief at the departure of my old parents...

I looked up to the sky and wanted to shout, but unfortunately I couldn't make my voice anymore, it was like the end of the world, everything was pitch black, extremely dark...

They got what they wanted, and I lost the most precious thing forever!

I'm desperate for the whole world, I haven't abandoned the world, it's just that the world has abandoned me.

I sold all the things in the game world and exchanged them for money. I want revenge, I want to kill! kill! kill! kill! kill! kill! kill!

Looking at the first virtual helmet that my parents saved for me, the worn-out but full of lovers who light up the whole world, looking at it, recalling the past bits and pieces, every time I recall it, my heart Just crushed once, crushed again, crushed again...

I hate myself for having ambitions I shouldn't have!

I hate myself, why didn't I buy that village building order sooner!

I hate the enemy, why kill the weak old man so cruelly!

I hate this world, like the night, devouring our light!


The president of the Black Wind Hell Guild is "Big Brother Black Wind", and in reality he is also a dominant figure.

They are so powerful that they take both black and white. I have no ability to confront them head-on, so I can only use dirty means.

I changed my face, approached their base, several days and nights of investigation, countless plans to overthrow, finally, I found a chance.

Their base is tightly guarded, and I have never had a chance to enter it. If I want to kill them, I can only wait for them to go outside.

I know that they have achieved some achievements in the world of mythology, and they want to go out to celebrate, and I also inquired about the place where they celebrated. In the sewer of the destination, trying to kill them at the banquet they went out to celebrate this time. Kill them all, and then I can go to heaven to accompany my parents and continue my unfinished filial piety.

Hehe, I'm in the sewer right now, I hope this time I can send them all to the west! The explosives this time can blow up the entire building! Otherwise, I really can't rest in peace, haha...

I seem to see the kingdom of heaven calling me. I don’t know if my parents are okay in the kingdom of heaven?

Maybe the girls in Heaven are better, but I don’t know if they will want a beautiful and luxurious house, fly a car in the sky without restraint, or dislike me as a farmer’s child...

It's a pity, it's very unfilial, I didn't leave blood for our Wang family, I don't have the heart to hurt other girls, and I don't want my children to bear my own blood feud, I can only heal that empty heart by killing the enemy myself.

But I'm not a good person either. In order to get revenge, some innocent people in that restaurant will die because of me, but I can't do anything about it. I'm already desperate. I'm sorry, I'm sorry!

The official people also started to hunt me down, they framed me for killing my parents, hahahaha! It's ironic, the world really doesn't know what's wrong!

It's a pity that those official corrupt people don't know if they will come, or they will blow up with me, hahahaha...

I'm sorry, Mom and Dad!

Sorry, innocent people!

Goodbye, my crush on you!

Farewell, the world I hate so much!

Goodbye, Myth World, Myth Three Kingdoms!

Although I have left this world, I am still here! I hope that my situation can wake up those who are as innocent and naive as I used to be, and don't repeat my mistakes! Don't make the same mistakes I did! Don't make the same mistakes I did!

The child wants to be raised but the relative does not wait, the tree wants to be quiet but the wind does not stop! Spend time with your parents and cherish the people around you!

I hope everyone can beat Cao Cao, beat Liu Bei, and recruit Diao Chan, Da Qiao and Xiao Qiao, all kinds of Goddesses of the Three Kingdoms!

May the people of the world be like dragons and live forever! Enjoy the universe, enjoy the galaxy!

This is my story, my world.

This is also my last epitaph.

February 2, 2079!

(Fourth update! Ask for all kinds of tickets, thank you!)

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