Three Kingdoms Mythology World

Chapter 193 An Apple Theory

After Lin Mu settled the new residence and some matters of the company that required his personal presence, he returned to the rented house at night and turned on his smart watch, only to see this post whose epitaph was pinned to the top of the forum.

Lin Mu pondered for a while, and found that this situation did not appear in his memory, it was a sudden accident! It may be that his achievements stimulated the advancement of the player group, and such a change occurred.

Squinting his eyes, he began to read the epitaph word by word. This is the epitaph of a miserable world, and it is a representative epitaph.

Let those who see it, as if what they see is themselves. There is a breath in my heart, as if I can't stretch it out, I'm holding back, I'm holding back...

Wang Jiaqun described himself as a child holding dragon meat, so he is about the same as Wang Jiaqun. Fortunately, he has learned from his previous life, keep a low profile and keep a low profile, otherwise he will be crushed to pieces.

Lin Mu searched for relevant news, and sure enough, in the headlines of many news virtual game information columns, it reads: Grief! The Huasheng restaurant was destroyed by detonating tens of kilograms of plastic explosives on purpose. No one who gathered there survived!

Alas, it seems that this tragic Wang family has avenged his revenge, but it is a pity that the innocent service staff and customers in Huasheng Restaurant have been affected!

Lin Mu didn't comment on who was right and who was wrong. People like Wang Jiaqu will definitely happen with the development of the mythical world! Lin Mu knows very well that countless secrets make people crazy, and crazy people can do crazy things, which cannot be avoided!

It just surprised him that this happened so early. Lin Mu had never seen this epitaph in his previous life, so he wondered if it was the butterfly effect! Lin Mu's mood was a little depressed! But his eyes were bright and thoughtful.

And because of this Wang Jiaqu's epitaph post on, there is also a surge of enthusiasm!

In the world of the new era, under the power of science and technology, darkness is dispelled, and what is brought is light and abundance. All people are living in a happy new era! Moreover, the dream of the world is the deep sea of ​​the earth, the sea of ​​stars, and the dream of future human beings is to conquer the sea of ​​stars and the universe!

However, behind the conquest of the deep sea of ​​the earth, the sea of ​​stars, and the conquest of the universe, how much darkness, how many stories of blood and tears happened?

Behind the invisible, just how dark it is!

Many people saw this epitaph, as if they saw themselves. If they were like Wang Jiaqi in the epitaph, what would they do...

There is an Apple theory that says: "Although all people on the earth are sharing the same world, in everyone's mind, the world is different, with a beautiful side and a heart-rending side.

It's like a half-rotten apple. If you turn the intact side to someone else, then the apple is perfect; At that time, the apple is worthless. "


People on also made free comments, and Lin Mu also took a look:

[The same person who has fallen in the end of the world]: "Hey, this epitaph seems to be written about me too. Those evil player forces occupy wild resources and bosses, and even the skill books I typed are bought and sold by force. Low, light words and deeds!"

[Shrub Beast]: "In the virtual game world, where there is light, there is darkness. Be careful, everyone!"

[Italian Cannon]: "The sorrow caused by so many deaths is endless. This is the largest death toll in China after the Third World War. I don't know how to deal with it?"

[Three silks and then move]: "Those people really deserve to be killed! The seven-character killing words really reflect the deep hatred in the sea of ​​blood! Now that the Wang family has been avenged, they can rest in peace in the kingdom of heaven!"

[Horizon]: "I really have nothing to say. I feel a very depressed mood in my heart. This new era that we already think is very advanced. In the eyes of those at the bottom, it is as pedantic and dark as the old era!"

[Warfire]: "I don't know how many innocent people died in vain, and they paid a lot for revenge!"

[Hope Xiaobao]: "I hope that the Virtual Management Association will continue to step up strict investigations on such things, and strictly prohibit such sad things from happening!"

[Little Debbie]: "Needless to say, I'm already on my way to the scene!"

[Tang, Song, Yuan, Ming and Qing Dynasties]: "The mythical world is full of mystery and crisis, let's encourage each other!!"

[Tian Ming Xihua]: "I heard that this game is very mysterious, and there are many secrets in it. Otherwise, why would those powerful chaebols put so much effort into it? Perhaps for the sake of profit, such things will happen in the future. I hope everyone will not Announce your information!"


This epitaph was released on with a delayed release. It should have been written by Wang Jiaqu when he was about to die. Then he uploaded it and set a delayed release.

This epitaph was topped by the super intelligent Nuwa!

Nuwa super intelligence rarely manages forums or official websites. If some big forces want to publish recruitment information, they need millions of younger brothers to pour water and top them, so that they can be displayed on the homepage of the forum news, but they will not add Fine, even if a lot of money is not enough.

The super intelligent Nuwa, the administrator of the forum, is so tall and ruthless.

It seems that Nuwa is also angry. Nuwa also has emotions.

This is also the first post to be refined and pinned to the top after the opening of the mythical world. Even if there is a national war later, and even the parties suffer heavy losses, cities and territories are lost, the forum will not post these battle reports. But now a post has been pinned to the top, which surprised Lin Mu. Does this post have a great impact on reality and the mythical world?

Lin Mu turned off the lights and meditated in the dark room.


In a conference room in the capital of Huaxia, which was so heavily guarded that not even a fly could fly in, several dignified old men listened to their subordinates' reports in silence.

But the atmosphere in the room seems to have a sense of oppression that is about to come. It was like the calm before the storm, with no waves and no wind.

"Comrades, after four hours of investigation, the matter has been clarified. The case is indeed as described by Wang Jiaqi on All relevant personnel in Zhennan City have been controlled. I don't know how to deal with them?" A middle-aged male secretary looked at the report on the white paper in his hand. Although some grief and anger flashed in his eyes, his overall emotions were well controlled.

"Hmph, I didn't expect such a thing to happen, it really blinded my wolf eyes! In the current rich and beautiful environment, such a thing still happens, I really can't be killed!" An angry person The leader slapped the table and shouted. This leader is a meritorious general, a hardliner among generals.

"Okay, you're going to lose your temper. It's not good to be angry with these social scum!" The younger leader next to him smiled. This old leader is full of passion and hatred. He hates corrupt things very much and always wants to do his best. Cracking down on corruption and all kinds of criticism, unfortunately, the scope is so large, and there are so many various situations, it is very difficult to completely clean up these corrupt things and people. They are like leeks, one stubble is cut, and another stubble grows , cannot be eliminated.

Moreover, the rotten people underneath are deeply rooted, and the forces and interests are intertwined, and they protect each other. It is very difficult to sort out. If you make a big decision to clean it up, the beautiful and rich environment will fall into a different trajectory. Woolen cloth.

Many things are not impossible, but because the subsequent impact is too serious to bear!

"Have you found out how the tens of kilograms of plastic explosives came from? Such a major mistake has occurred under our strong supervision! Hmph..." Another leader said solemnly.

"After verification by the staff of the Sixth Division of Huaan, those things were made by Wang Jiaqu himself by purchasing ordinary raw materials. Since they were purchased separately, we did not arouse our vigilance!" A secretary reconfirmed after reviewing the information.

"Moreover, we guess that the funds in Wang Jiaqi's account were all obtained from the sale of items in "Mythology World", and we are unable to trace their whereabouts, resulting in oversight oversight."

"What, I made it myself? This kid has such talent, talent, talent! It's a pity, a pity!" A kind and talented old leader said with emotion, his background is in scientific research.

The production of plastic explosives is easy for relevant institutions with advanced military technology, but how much determination and talent is needed for a young man who has not received relevant information training to learn to make such high-risk materials by his own ability! Pity.

"Have you found out about the other people involved in the case?" The old leader sitting in the main seat asked.

"Reporting to the leader, all the people involved in the case have been found out. Afterwards, how to deal with it?"

"Hmph!" The old leader slapped the table again angrily.

"Punish them with the most severe punishment within the limit!" The leader sitting in the first place said in a deep voice, finalizing the sentence in one fell swoop.

After the decision was made in one fell swoop, it indicated that this matter had ended at this meeting. As for the following, this matter and the occurrence of the storm are not related to this meeting for the time being.

In this meeting, they have other more important topics.

"What happened this time, Nuwa Zhinao, is something abnormal?"

"Recently, there have been a lot of abnormal things, and there have been many changes in the south..."

"Unfortunately, it is Dongying Kingdom who is on duty in Antarctic City recently!"

"It doesn't matter if the rotation duty is Dongying Kingdom, if there is another foreign object, we can just grab it..."


(The first update, ask for votes! Some book lovers may be confused. The first two chapters suddenly appeared, and the style change was a bit unprepared, but I told everyone that this is a small foreshadowing, not water. I wrote these two chapters It’s been a long time, I’ve changed it again and again, I’m really writing with my heart, and even my emotions are affected, when I reply to some book friends, the language may be a bit heavy, forgive me!)

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