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Tải ảnh: 0.120s Scan: 0.046sHow could this happen!

Everyone in the Tianshi Hall looked at the burning yellow paper under the water in horror.

Suddenly, the calm water surface seemed to be boiling!

The golden flame slowly extinguished, and the bucket of pure water turned golden!

The bucket of golden water exuded a dark fragrance that filled the entire Tianshi Hall.


This madman actually has such a method!

"Come, don't just stand there, line up and drink the holy water!"

Cao Anmin took a ladle and threw it into the golden water, inviting these Five Pecks of Rice Sect believers who were suffering from tuberculosis to drink.

"It smells so good"

"Have you noticed that my illness seems to be getting better after smelling the scent of this magic water?"

"Yes, you see I don’t even cough!"

"Is this really the holy water?"

"Stop talking, drink some and try, we are all going to die anyway."

It would be good if someone took the lead.

A priest was already in the late stage of tuberculosis, and his cough would bring out black blood.

Anyway, it was a last resort, and the temptation of the golden holy water was too great.

The priest rushed over, grabbed the ladle, scooped up a ladle of water, and drank it in one gulp.

"What a relief! I have never felt so relieved! Haha, I seem to have regained my strength!"

"Is it really so magical? Let me have a sip and try it!"


All of a sudden, these believers suffering from tuberculosis surrounded the wooden barrel filled with golden water. They rushed to drink the holy water, and some who didn't have a scoop simply reached into the bucket to scoop water to drink.

The scene suddenly became chaotic.

"Haha, the evil spirit in me has really been eliminated!"

"So amazing!"....

The believers cheered and jumped for joy.

"No, arrest this lunatic for my master!"

Zhang Qiying's face suddenly changed, pointing at the sound and shouting.

Cao Anmin curled his lips:"Girl, if you can't afford it, don't play! If you lose, just lie. Is it interesting?"

"Reporting to Master, his talisman water is really effective, we are all healed!"

"Please give me the holy water, brother!"

Those who hadn't caught the holy water hurriedly fell to the ground and begged.

"What senior brother? Let me tell you the truth, I am the Heavenly Master of Heming Mountain who has descended to the earth! I have come specially to save you ignorant mortals! Get up!"

Heming Mountain Heavenly Master? As soon as Cao Anmin said this, everyone in the Heavenly Master Hall was stunned.

The Heavenly Master of Heming Mountain refers to Zhang Daoling, who was the first Heavenly Master.

Zhang Daoling was the founder of Zhengyi Mengwei Dao, and Zhang Lu's Five Pecks of Rice Sect originated from Zhengyi Mengwei Dao.

He is the ancestor, and the Five Pecks of Rice Sect is not even his grandson.

I am afraid he can only be considered a great-grandson.

How can this be played?

"mad....."You, who are you?"

Zhang Qiying was anxious and afraid. This guy was talking nonsense.

Not a single word of truth, but what he did was extremely awesome.

The talisman water he burned really cured the illnesses of these believers. This was not a trick.

"Little maid, this young master is your master. You don't even recognize your own master? Okay, it's too unbecoming for a woman to show up in public all day and fool people. From now on, serve the lady wholeheartedly!"

"If you dare to make trouble again, you will be punished by the family rules!"

The family rules Cao Anmin mentioned were spankings!

How could Zhang Qiying, an unmarried girl, accept such an insult?

"You lunatic, stop insulting my master. Just kill me!"

"Kill you? You're dreaming, Shou'er, this girl will be your personal maid from now on. If she doesn't obey, use this to beat her butt!"

Cao Anmin found a half-meter-long bamboo stick in his hand and stuffed it into Fu Shou's hand.


"Don't be afraid, she doesn't dare to resist, her husband is here. Nothing will happen."

"Okay, there should be a lot of people like you in Liangzhou City, right?"

"The Heavenly Master is really insightful. Thousands of people in Liangzhou City have already suffered from this disease. No, they should be possessed by evil spirits. Please save them, Heavenly Master!"

These believers also have family members and relatives who have been infected with lung disease.

They are dying and need to be saved urgently.

"Don't worry, this Heavenly Master is observing the sky at night on Heming Mountain, and a demonic cloud flashes over Liangzhou City."

"This Heavenly Master calculated with his fingers and knew that you were destined to have this disaster. So this Heavenly Master came to save you."

"Thank you, Heavenly Master!"

The believers were ecstatic, prostrating themselves on the ground, respectfully bowing to Cao Anmin.

"You don't need to thank me, you just need to convert to the way of the Heavenly Master and put these pills into the Heavenly Master Well in the city. Drinking the water from this well will dispel evil and turn disasters into good fortune!"

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