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Tải ảnh: 0.113s Scan: 0.045sAfter drinking the holy water, thousands of people suffering from tuberculosis in Liangzhou City were all cured miraculously!

For a time, the people of Liangzhou City rushed to spread the news.

On Heming Mountain, Tianshi Zhang Daoling came down the mountain to preach and save the people from danger.

As for the fact that Tianshi Zhang looked like a young man, it was not surprising at all.

For the immortal-like Tianshi Zhang, he could transform into any appearance he wanted.

The more the story spread, the more bizarre it became.

"Little girl, it's time to come with us."

Zhang Qiying was already confused. Is there really a talisman in the world that can drive away evil spirits and cure tuberculosis?

"Who are you?"

"Is this important? You just need to remember. We are your masters! Let's go!"

Cao Anmin found a carriage, picked up Zhang Qiying and threw her onto it.

The carriage slowly headed towards Hanzhong.

Cao Anmin was not in a hurry at all. Huang Zhong entered Ziwu Valley as the vanguard, and Gan Ning led the Tiger Camp to support him. It should not be difficult to break through Ziwu Pass.

The fact was just as Cao Anmin expected. Zhang Wei, the younger brother of Zhang Lu, saw that Huang Zhong was old, so he underestimated the enemy.

He ignored the dissuasion of the counselor Yan Pu before leaving and opened the pass to fight Huang Zhong. He was shot dead by Huang Zhong with an arrow and seized Ziwu Pass.

At this time, Huang Zhong had led the Tiger and Leopard Camp to Chenggu, which was only a hundred miles away from Hanzhong.

Zhang Lu had been operating in Hanzhong for decades and had established himself with the Five Pecks of Rice Sect.

What he gathered was the hearts of the people, so the cities in various states and counties were not tall.

Huang Zhong captured Chenggu without any effort.

When the news reached Hanzhong, Zhang Lu was greatly panicked.

"How could these believers allow the enemy to attack the city?"

What Zhang Lu could not understand the most was that none of the Five Pecks of Rice believers in Chenggu City stood up at this critical moment!

"My Lord, Liangzhou, Chenggu, Wuxiang, Baocheng, and Hanzhong are all spreading a very strange story."

Yan Pu hesitated to speak.

"Yan Gongcao, what time is it now? You are still hesitating! Speak now!"

"Yes, my lord. Recently, some believers have spread rumors that our Five Pecks of Rice Sect is a heresy!"

"Unorthodox teachings? Nonsense, I'm a five-peck rice man, how can I be an unorthodox teaching!"

The Five Pecks of Rice Sect was the foundation of Zhang Lu's founding of the country, and he took the loss of a city or a place to heart.

But if the orthodoxy of the Five Pecks of Rice Sect is questioned, the nature will change. If a city is lost, it can be robbed.

If people's hearts are scattered, it will be difficult to gather them again!

Zhang Lu knows this truth very well.

Yan Pu was also very depressed. My lord, what's the point of yelling at me?

But he couldn't say that.

"My Lord, a young man came to Liangcheng the other day claiming to be Zhang Daoling, the Heavenly Master of Heming Mountain. He used talismans to cure thousands of people in Liangcheng."

"Claiming to be Zhang Daoling of Heming Mountain? What a joke, what a joke! Where is this lunatic now! Bring him to me immediately!"

Zhang Daoling of Heming Mountain is Zhang Lu's ancestor. Zhang Lu's Five Pecks of Rice Sect is derived from the Tianshi Dao founded by his grandfather Zhang Daoling.

Someone pretends to be Zhang Lu's grandfather!

How can this be tolerated?

It is simply disrespectful!

"Yes, my lord. I heard that the man is almost in Hanzhong. And......"

"And what?"

Zhang Lu had a good temper, but he was already angry.

Yan Pu gritted his teeth and told him everything he knew.

"My Lord, this young man who claims to be the founder of Zhang Daoling came to Hanzhong under the personal escort of Zhang Shijun of Liangzhou.

Zhang Lu knew who Zhang Shijun of Liangzhou was without even having to think about it.

It was his daughter Zhang Qiying.

"Impossible! How could Qiying do such a ridiculous thing!"

Zhang Lu firmly refused to believe it.

"My Lord, Master Zhang of Liangzhou is waiting outside the Tianshi Hall with a man and a woman."

They really came?"

Zhang Lu didn't know how to express his feelings.

His daughter Zhang Qiying didn't even send someone to deliver the letter. Zhang Lu was very angry about this.

"Call him in!"


Not long after, Zhang Lu really saw his daughter, Liangzhou Master Zhang Qiying, leading two young people, a boy and a girl, into the Hanzhong Tianshi Hall.

"Liangzhou Master Zhang Qiying pays homage to the Lord"

"Humph, Zhang Qiying, you are not in Liangzhou. Why did you suddenly return to Hanzhong?"

Zhang Lu asked in a cold voice.

Zhang Qiying smiled bitterly. It was not me who wanted to come back.

It was this madman who forced me to come back!

"Are you Zhang Lu from Hanzhong?"

Cao Anmin stood there carelessly, staring at Zhang Lu and asking

"How dare you not kneel and kowtow to my master! Come, take this lunatic down!" Yan Pu pointed at Cao Anmin and shouted. The guards on both sides surrounded Cao Anmin.

"Slow down, slow down. You want to arrest me just because you know my identity?"

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