There were more than 300,000 Yellow Turban bandits besieging Qingzhou City! There were as many as 200,000 Yellow Turban bandits gathered in the southern city of Qingzhou!

Dian Wei led the 500 Tiger Division, which was like a sharp blade cutting the softest beef brisket.

But no matter how fierce Dian Wei was, and no matter how brave the Tiger Division was, there were only 500 of them!

After a brief panic, the Yellow Turban bandits began to react.

Although Zhang Yan, the commander of the Yellow Turban bandits, besieged Cao Cao's army, he was also worried that Cao Cao's reinforcements would come.

Zhang Yan was dressed neatly and ordered his subordinates Liu Shi and Yang Feng to kill Cao Cao's reinforcements.

Liu Shi and Yang Feng led the army to surround Dian Wei layer by layer.

Dian Wei was not afraid at all, holding two large iron halberds and fighting left and right. The

500 Tiger Divisions behind him were like a piece of iron plate, and the bronze long spears reaped the lives of the Yellow Turban bandits.

Cao Hong took advantage of the chaos and was hung in a hanging basket by Cao's soldiers in Qingzhou City.

There was a commotion outside the southern city of Qingzhou, and Cao Cao had received a report

"It must be An Min leading the reinforcements!"

"Brother, Cao Hong is back!"

"Cao Hong is back? Where is An Min? Quick, ask them to come see me!

Cao Ren looked bitter.

"Cao Ren, the reinforcements have arrived, why don’t you bring An Min here quickly!"

""Brother, there are no reinforcements! Cao Anmin, the thief, has rebelled!"

Cao Hong endured the pain and stumbled in with the help of several personal soldiers.

"No reinforcements? Then what about the chaos of the Yellow Turban bandits outside?"

Cao Cao certainly didn't believe that his nephew Cao Anmin would watch the dying without helping and bringing reinforcements.

Cao Hong smiled bitterly:"Brother, that lunatic Cao Anmin only sent 500 tiger divisions! The leader was actually one of his grooms!"

"What? How dare Anmin do this!"

"They only sent 500 soldiers to rescue them, and the leader was actually a horseman! What was Cao Anmin going to do?"

"There are more than 300,000 Yellow Turban bandits outside the city!"

Cao Cao couldn't believe that his nephew would make such an arrangement.

If it weren't for the crisis of being besieged in Qingzhou, Cao Cao would never ask Cao Anmin for help.

Guo Jia lowered his head and said nothing. Suddenly he asked in a deep voice:"General Cao Hong, if I remember correctly, there are still 20,000 soldiers in Dongjun. Where are these 20,000 Dongjun troops now?"

If Guo Jia didn't ask, Cao Hong would feel more comfortable.

Once asked, Cao Hong was even more angry.

"Humph, Cao Anmin is a lunatic! He ordered Le Jin and Li Dian to divide 5,000 troops to guard Dongjun. He ordered Yu Jin to lead 15,000 troops to Wangjiabao in Qingzhou!"

Guo Jia was happy, but his face became even gloomier.

Guo Jia glanced at Cao Cao and said in a deep voice:"My lord, there are no reinforcements. Everything depends on ourselves! I suggest that you personally lead the army to break out of Qingzhou City! Fight to the death with the Yellow Turban bandits!"

"If we win this battle, we will live, but if we lose, our entire army will be wiped out!"

Cao Cao's eyes flickered a few times, and he did not hesitate at all.

He drew out his sword:"Gather all the soldiers, follow me out of the south gate!

This battle can only win, not lose!

" All the Cao troops trapped in Qingzhou City, including the counselor Guo Jia, climbed onto their horses.

The south city burst open, and Cao Cao personally led 30,000 troops to charge out of Qingzhou City!

Outside Qingzhou City, the Yellow Turban bandit generals Liu Shi and Yang Feng were planning to make a fool of the 500 Tiger Division led by Dian Wei.

But Dian Wei's bravery was completely beyond Liu Shi and Yang Feng's expectations.

This guy was fearless.

The two large iron halberds flew up and down, and the Yellow Turban bandits would die if they were touched.

The 500 Tiger Divisions had no fear on their faces, and the bronze long spears had been stained red with blood.

The black armor showed a strange bright red!

Yang Feng was careless for a moment, and Dian Wei rushed to him and chopped his head in half with a halberd!

""Those who are not afraid of death, come up and die! I, Dian Wei, will dye my double halberds red today!"

Dian Wei roared.

The Yellow Turban bandits who were closer to Dian Wei retreated one after another, and a vacuum zone appeared around Dian Wei.

The Yellow Turban bandits did not dare to get within ten steps of Dian Wei!


Cao Cao took the lead and swung his sword.

Zhang Yan was shocked that Cao Cao had abandoned the Qingzhou City he occupied and came out in full force.

"Hold on! Anyone who dares to retreat will be killed!"

The Yellow Turban bandits were already retreating, and they were afraid of fighting. Even if they had more troops, it would be useless.

"Marshal Zhang! Let's avoid Cao's attack for the time being. Our army will retreat to Wangjiabao and stop Cao's army!"

Liu Shi was shocked when he saw Yang Feng was killed by Dian Wei with a halberd, and he hurriedly spurred his horse to Zhang Yan's horse to report.

Cao's army now had no way to retreat, and each of them was like a tiger out of a cage.

Although Zhang Yan had many soldiers under his command, some of them were already running away.

If he delayed any further, his more than 300,000 soldiers would be defeated, and it would be a crushing defeat.

Zhang Yan nodded. Wangjiabao was easy to defend but difficult to attack. He had 300,000 people gathered inside and outside Wangjiabao, so his chances of winning against Cao's army were still great.

Zhang Yan shouted sternly:"Pass on my order, the entire army will retreat to Wangjiabao!"

""Yes, sir!"

Liu Shi received the order.

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