Dian Wei shouted loudly

"Want to run? Not so easy! Follow me to kill the bandits!"

He slapped his horse and brandished his two halberds to chase after him.

Cao Cao saw Dian Wei on his horse. His whole body was stained with blood. He looked very burly.

The two large iron halberds in his hands kept reaping the lives of the Yellow Turban bandits.

Cao Cao asked on his horse,"Who is that man?"

Cao Hong's buttocks were worn out, and he lay on the horse to take a look. He answered weakly,

"Brother, that man is the groom of Cao Anmin’s lunatic, named Dian Wei."

Cao Cao praised him endlessly:"This is the evil man of ancient times!""

"Cao Ren, remember this man. Promote him to the position of Commandant in Front of the Accounts!"


Cao Ren was very surprised that Cao Cao was not in a hurry to chase the Yellow Turban bandits at this time, but was so interested in a groom.

Guo Jia urged his horse forward:"Congratulations to the lord for having such a genius as Master Anmin."

Cao Hong frowned:"Mr. Fengxiao, did I hear wrongly? You actually praised this lunatic! ?"

"General Cao Hong, you are wrong. The arrangement made by Master Anmin is the best policy!"

Cao Cao twisted his long beard with his hand, his big black face showing arrogance and joy.

Not only Cao Hong couldn't guess, even Cao Ren couldn't guess the reason.

Cao Cao raised his whip and laughed:"Mr. Fengxiao, don't say it. Let me guess. See if our ideas are the same."

Guo Jia bowed on the horse:"Please let my lord know." Cao

Cao smiled and waved his hand:"Mr. Fengxiao, you don't have to be polite. When Cao Hong mentioned that Anmin sent Yu Jin to lead 15,000 troops to garrison Wangjiabao, I already understood Anmin's plan."

"Cao Hong, let me ask you, if you were the one who received my request for help, what would you do?"

Cao Hong thought without hesitation:"Of course, I would lead all the troops of Dongjun to Qingzhou to rescue them."

"If Yuan Shao from Hebei sends troops south to take Dongjun, how will you respond?"

Cao Cao asked in a deep voice

"this....."Cao Hong hesitated for a moment and continued,"Brother, Yuan Shao is the leader of the 18 princes. How could he do such a thing?"


It was so childish!

Not to mention Cao Cao, even Cao Ren shook his head again and again.

If the 18 princes were so disciplined, how did they get Dongjun and Yanzhou?

Cao Hong also knew that he was wrong, so he quickly changed his words:"I will order Le Jin and Li Dian to lead 5,000 soldiers to defend Dongjun."

"Isn't that what Anmin did?"

Cao Hong was dumbfounded. This was exactly what Cao Anmin arranged.

"Well, even if Anmin, the lunatic, was right about this. Shouldn't the 15,000 troops led by Yu Jin come to relieve the siege of Qingzhou?"

Guo Jia laughed:"General Cao Hong, there are 300,000 Yellow Turban bandits. Even if Master Anmin personally leads all the troops of Dongjun, do you think he will win?"

Cao Hong was dissatisfied:"Mr. Fengxiao, if Cao Anmin personally leads the reinforcements, just like we are now, we will fight our way out of Qingzhou City. The Yellow Turban bandits will surely be defeated if they are attacked from both inside and outside!"

""General Cao Hong, you are wrong! If Master Anmin leads the army here in person, I'm afraid we will be defeated!"


Cao Hong, Cao Ren, and Xiahou Dun were all shocked.

Could it be that the 500 people led by Dian Wei are more effective than the 15,000 people led by Cao Anmin?

This is totally incomprehensible.

Cao Cao smiled lightly:"You will have to learn more from Anmin in the future."

Cao Hong was not convinced and insisted on asking the reason.

Cao Cao looked around and said:"When the Yellow Turban bandits see that there are only 500 reinforcements, they naturally won't take them seriously. This is what Anmin planned."

Being careless and letting your guard down is a taboo in military strategy.

The Cao army in the city also learned that there were only 500 reinforcements, so they had given up the idea of holding on and waiting for help.

In this way, once the gate of Qingzhou was opened, every Cao army soldier was brave, and each one was like a tiger.

They knew that they could only rely on themselves to live or die.

The Yellow Turban bandits, seeing that there were only a few hundred reinforcements from the Cao army, would not take it to heart.

But Dian Wei's fight made the Yellow Turban army terrified.

When the Cao army rushed out of Qingzhou City, the first thing Liu Shi thought of was to retreat to Wangjiabao, 30 miles away, to block the retreat of the Cao army.

This was equivalent to creating a false impression for the Yellow Turban bandits.

"Anmin, the unicorn of our Cao family!"

Guo Jia immediately bowed and congratulated:"Congratulations, my lord. Congratulations, my lord. With Prince Anmin, the world will be settled!"

Cao Cao laughed loudly, raised his whip and pointed in the direction of the retreating Yellow Turban rebels:"All generals, listen to my orders, follow me to chase the rebels!"


The three armies thundered, smoke and dust rose up. They chased the defeated Yellow Turban bandits in Wangjiabao.

Wangjiabao, Qingzhou.

Yu Jin sat on a green horse holding a three-pointed double-edged sword

"Report, General! The defeated enemy troops are ten miles away from Wangjiabao!"

"Explore further!"


"Report: The enemy troops are five miles away!"

"Explore further!".....

"Report, the enemy troops have arrived!"

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