Xiao Yi published hundreds of excellent works in an hour, and soon spread throughout Zhuo County.

Ordinary people don't think there's anything, because in their hearts, Xiao Yi is a god. No matter how amazing the move is, it's a daily operation.

But it's different for readers, it's simply a big earthquake in the literary world!

When "Zizhuo's Anthology" was published, all the literati rushed to buy it, and the sales volume suddenly surpassed "Journey to the West" and became the top of the list!

Lu Zhi and Cai Yong also paid for many copies and gave them to their friends.

And the students in the university are even more per person.

The first thing people greet when they meet is, "Have you read Xiao Jun's poems?"

As the anthology became more widely circulated, more and more people read his works, and Xiao Yat's reputation grew rapidly.

The prestige he has accumulated now, at the current rate of consumption, will not be spent in a lifetime.

However, Xiao Yat doesn't care about any of this anymore.

Although Cai Yong promised to marry his daughter to him, this stubborn cow is too pedantic.

Because he was the Wei family who agreed first, he had to write to the Wei family to explain the situation and ask for the Wei family's forgiveness before he could hand over his daughter to Xiao Yi with peace of mind.

This is his principle, and Xiao Yi has no choice but to wait.

In other aspects, the construction of ditches in Zhuo County, the digging of wells in Cui County, and the Weisheng Canal were basically completed within half a month with the joint efforts of everyone.

The sun has lasted for half a month, and there has not been a drop of rain.

The great drought has come!

At this time, everyone knew how wise Xiao Yat's measures were.

The people who had laughed at Xiao Yat before were now all ashamed of themselves. Especially, the group of people in the Assassin's Mansion.

Seeing that the available water is getting less and less, the crops have reached the most critical period, and without water, half a year's efforts are all in vain.

In just a few days, Liu Yu's hair has lost a lot.

He really regrets it now, why didn't he believe Xiao Yi's words.

The entire Youzhou, as well as the northern part of Bingzhou and Jizhou, have all experienced drought.

There was no water everywhere, and the crops withered in patches. Only the crops in Zhuo County are still lush and full of business!

A new wave of displaced people is coming to Zhuo County.

Seeing that a month had passed, Zhao Yun, who Xiao Yi had been waiting for a long time, still did not appear.

However, according to the agreement, Li Yan summoned his eldest disciple by letter.

Lu Bu!

This is recognized in history as the first fierce general of the Three Kingdoms, but in Xiao Yi's opinion, this guy is a bit naïve, and he is somewhat similar to the image of Dian Wei in his mind.

However, Lu Bu's ability is indeed very strong, 100 force, 92 commanders, these two attributes are enough to crush many talents.

The only thing Xiao Yi is worried about now is that this guy is messing with his father-in-law.

According to his own confession, if the master's letter was a few days late, he would have recognized Ding Yuan as his father-in-law.

Fortunately, although this guy is very fierce, there are people under Xiao Yi's account who can suppress him.

When Lu Bu first came, he had a fight with Li Cunxiao, and in the back, he was always obedient to Li Cunxiao.

Even, he wanted to cut a line and worship with Li Cunxiao.

But he is older than Li Cunxiao and the others, so wouldn't he want to be a big brother? Therefore, Li Guanzhang and the three of them disagreed.

In this month, a big thing has been accomplished.

It was Wei Zhongxian's embroidery battalion that was established.

Not to mention, this great eunuch is extremely capable in this regard, from personnel selection, to personnel training, to the formation of the embroidery battalion, it only took a little more than a month. With the embroidery camp, Xiao Yi is equal to an extra eye in the sky, and he can grasp the world's major events in the first time!

At the same time, the embroidery battalion also has the function of a supervisory officer.

Zhuo County and Qi County are so big, if anyone dares to make a mistake, they will definitely not be able to hide the eyes of the embroidery camp!

This intelligence chief is very low-key and not very gregarious.

Except for Xiao Yat, it is not easy for everyone to see him on weekdays, and with his responsibilities, everyone doesn't like him very much.

Even, some people want to deliberately find fault.

But on one occasion, Lao Wei killed six street bullies with one palm, and since then, no one dares to despise this taciturn guy.

Even Lu Bu was polite when he saw him.

Six bullies are nothing, any general in Xiao Yi's battalion can kill them. But killing six people with one palm, the strength is a bit terrifying.

Because the drought has become more and more serious, Xiao Yat has been very busy recently, personally going to various places to inspect the people's situation and solve everyone's difficulties.

He really wants to be a salted fish county magistrate, but with such a heavy burden on his shoulders, he can't help but want to help everyone do something.

One day, he came to Bison Bay.

This is the largest lake in Zhuo County and has the largest water storage.

It is named because it resembles the head of a bison.

However, the continuous drought has caused the water level in Bison Bay to continue to drop.

"My lord, the water level in Bison Bay is too low, and the water will not flow out in two days.

Not only will it be difficult to water the crops, but it will also be very difficult for people to drink water. "

Xu Shu, who accompanied Xiao Yi over, frowned.

I have water, but I can't transport it out.

Because the drought is so severe, many people's wells have dried up, and the people in a radius of more than ten miles are counting on this lake for drinking water.

"Don't worry, I've got a solution. "

Xiao Yat came prepared this time,

He beckoned, and his entourage immediately brought up some wooden components, and Xiao Yi took matters into his own hands and assembled a long thing.

"What is this?"

Xu Shu and the people nearby were very surprised, it was something they had never seen before.

"You'll find out later. "

Xiao Yi ordered one end to be put into the water of Bison Bay, and the other end was aimed at the ditch that led to the water, and then beckoned, "A few fellows, can you do me a favor?" "

"Why don't you help, Xiao Jun's orders, we don't frown at the sword mountain and the sea of fire!"

"Being able to do things for Xiao Jun is something we all dream of. "

"Xiao Jun's words, don't be afraid of difficulties!"

All the people enthusiastically gathered around.

Xiao Yi was very pleased, "You don't need so many people, you only need four or five people with a lot of strength, and the others can be replaced later." "

"Come on, I'm strong!"

"Count me in. "

"We don't have other skills, but we have the strength. "

"It's Xiao Jun who asked us to eat well, dress well, use well, what's the point of making some effort!"

Suddenly, five men with thick waists and round shoulders stood out.

Xiao Yat commanded, "You sit down, listen to my orders, and step on the pedal together." "

Under Xiao Yi's command, everyone pressed the pedal in a consistent rhythm, and after a while, the water in the lake was stunned and introduced into the ditch along the wooden lattice.

It's like, there's an extra ditch that flows from the bottom up!

"Oh my God, this is amazing!"

"The water was brought up, and it wasn't slow at all. It's really hard to imagine that the efficiency of this thing is at least a hundred times that of five people. "

"It's amazing, it's amazing. "

"Xiao Jun is really a skilled craftsman, Rao is Lu Ban is alive, and Mo Zhai's rebirth is nothing more than that!"

With this thing, I am not afraid that the water in the lake will not be able to attract it in the future.

Although it will cost a little manpower, as long as everyone can use water, this manpower is nothing.

When the water flowed through the ditches and into the rice paddies and wells, the surrounding people cheered.

"My lord, what is this?"

Xu Shu asked curiously.

With this thing, everyone will not be short of water in a short time.

"This is called the keel waterwheel, and the components in it can be flexibly disassembled, and if this one is shorter, it can be further lengthened. "ciwu

The keel waterwheel was invented twenty or thirty years later by a man named Ma Jun. However, the keel waterwheel he invented was relatively primitive, although it had the effect of diverting water, but it was more laborious.

Yat added the pulley group, which has been improved to save time and effort!

"Keel waterwheel, this thing can be widely used even when it is not dry, my lord, you have made another thing that benefits the people of the world!"

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