With the keel waterwheel, the crops and drinking water of the people in Zhuo County have been temporarily solved.

Most crops have already reached the harvest stage, and after two more waves of watering, there is basically no need for water.

Therefore, the sadness on the faces of the common people dissipated, and the joy of welcoming the harvest was hung up in advance.

Some people are happy and some are worried, except for Zhuo County, the crops in other places are basically drought. It was a time when the green and yellow were scarce, and the common people saw the crops withering in the ground, and they wanted to die.

Although Liu Yu allocated a lot of materials to help the victims, there was not much in Youzhou, and the number of people who could be saved was very limited.

More and more people are dying of starvation in their homes or on the road.

Seeing that the situation was getting more and more serious, Liu Yu scratched his ears and cheeks anxiously, and almost didn't scratch his bald head.

In desperation, he had to come to Zhuo County in person to ask Xiao Yi for help.

Xiao Yi was discussing things with Shen Wansan, Su Shuang, and Zhang Shiping.

"Lord, my subordinates didn't hear clearly, do you want to collect grain, or sell grain?"

Hearing Xiao Yi's words, Shen Wansan was a little dumbfounded.

Even Zhang Shiping and Su Shuang said that they couldn't understand the brain circuits of the lord.

"Harvest the grain!"

"Lord, aren't we about to have a bumper harvest, there are potatoes, corn, and so much rice, and so much wheat has been harvested in front of us, and we can't eat all the food. What is the purpose of stockpiling grain at this time?"

Shen Wansan didn't understand what kind of magical operation the lord was.

"Mr. Shen is right, my lord, now there is a great drought in the north, and there is a shortage of food in various places, not to mention whether you can receive food now, the price must be several times more than usual. It's not a wise thing to do. "

Su Shuang persuaded.

Of course, they are also well-intentioned.

These three people are Xiao Yi's financial security. Their loyalty is undoubted, and they naturally think about how to help Xiao Yi make more money.

"Because there is a shortage of food in various places, more and more people will definitely come to us in the near future. We are indeed about to have a bumper harvest, and now it seems that we will not be able to eat it all. But if another 100,000, 200,000, or even more people huh?

Shall they come to us, and we will turn them away?"

Wouldn't it be cruel for people to come thousands of miles to turn them away with the hope of survival.

Rejecting the common people to take refuge is tantamount to rejecting a large number of political achievements and prestige.

Xiao Yi is still just a county order, so he won't be so floating.

"I see!"

"The lord of the mansion is kind-hearted and thoughtful. If the people affected by the disaster knew that they had not yet come, the lord was already thinking about them, and would certainly be more than happy to come and take refuge. "

As soon as everyone heard it, they understood Xiao Yi's thoughts, and they no longer dissuaded him.

"Lord, I heard that the Zhen family had a bumper harvest last year and stockpiled a lot of grain, maybe I can buy it from them. "

Zhang Shiping said.

"The Zhen family, just ask them to buy it!"

When it comes to the Zhen family, a person suddenly appeared in Xiao Yi's mind, known as the first beauty of the Three Kingdoms on the same level as Diao Chan: Zhen Mi!

However, she should still be just a little Lori now.

"Lord, although the Zhen family has a lot of grain, it will definitely raise the price very high. "

The corners of Su Shuang's mouth flashed with disdain, "A few months ago, when the Yellow Turban thieves just rioted, there was a shortage of food in various places, but the Zhen family obviously had food, but they refused to sell it. They didn't sell it at a high price until everyone else's grain was sold out.

Such black-hearted businessmen, I advise the lord not to deal with them as much as possible. "

In fact, this is true, Xiao Yi also learned from the book that the Zhen family has indeed been making a fortune for a while.

But later, at Zhen Mi's suggestion, the food was distributed to the people for free, and since then, the reputation of the Zhen family has become better and better.

"It's okay, you just say that we buy food to help the victims, and the Zhen family will definitely not raise the price, but will sell it to us at a lower price. Mr. Zhang, Mr. Su, which of the two of you would like to go?"

Xiao Yi said confidently.

Su Shuang and the Zhen family seemed to have a holiday and were reluctant to go, so Xiao Yi had to send Zhang Shiping over to negotiate with the Zhen family.

But just a Zhen family is definitely not enough.

Xiao Yi sent Su Shuang to Qingxu Erzhou to buy grain, the grain output in these two places has always been very high, and this time, it was not affected by the disaster, and there was definitely no shortage of food.

Moreover, you can go to Qingxu by water, avoiding the Yellow Turban occupation area, which is safe and fast.

As for the purchase price, these two are old men who have been in the business world for a long time, so naturally they will not let Xiao Yi lose money.

After the arrangements were made, Xiao Yat was transferred out of the Political Strategy Office.

Now, his subordinates have a total political value of 1,500 points, which is just enough to increase two levels of earnings.

What is most scarce now is food, and the harvest is about to be harvested.

Therefore, Xiao Yat raised the level of agriculture and animal husbandry by 1 level each. Both, each with a 5% gain.

As soon as Shen Wansan and the three of them left, a servant came to report, "My lord, Liu Yu personally asked to see him." "

"Liu Yu, he's coming to me now......"

The corners of Xiao Yi's mouth lifted, and he thought with his toes that he knew Liu Yu's intention.

Now that there is a shortage of food everywhere, Liu Yu is famous for loving the people like a son, and he must have come to borrow food. Moreover, if the situation was not very embarrassing, it was impossible for him to come in person.

Miss Liu Xi was also with him. "

Seeing Xiao Yi's hesitation, the official thought that he didn't want to see Liu Yu, so he added.

"Liu Xi?"

Xiao Yi was speechless, it seems that Liu Yu, the old guy, was really forced to be in a hurry, and even his niece began to take advantage of it.

Liu Xike is his own cash cow and the spiritual mentor of the people of the county.

This girl can't afford to offend.

"Let them in. "

Xiao Yi waved his hand.

After a while, Liu Yu and Liu Xi walked in.

"Liu Youzhou, rare guests, you must be hungry for my family's hot pot and Qixian wine again, right, let's go, I'll prepare the best for you." "

Xiao Yat quipped.

Although he had the idea of opening a chain restaurant, but now that the world is in chaos and people everywhere are suffering, this idea is naturally stranded.

Nowadays, hot pot and Qixian wine are only enjoyed in Zhuo County.

If you want to eat hot pot or buy Qixian wine, you can only come to Zhuo County, and it is also limited.

Therefore, even if Liu Yu, who is nearby, wants to eat a hot pot, he has to come to Zhuo County in person.

But this time, he didn't have the heart to order food.

"Zizhuo, don't joke, you're so smart, you don't know my intentions?"

Liu Yu had a sad face, and he was not in the mood to joke at all.

"Xiao Zizhuo, now that the entire Youzhou is suffering from a great drought, my uncle has no choice, you have so much food, just help your uncle." "

Liu Xi grabbed Xiao Yi's arm and sprinkled Jiao.

This is the first time she has been coquettish to Xiao Yi, huh...... It's soft and comfortable.

There is a cheap not to take advantage of is a bastard,

Xiao Yi enjoyed it silently.

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